E3 ANNOUNCEMENT: New Akham Style Game

But for a different superhero. Which hero would you want for it?

How about not a another arkham game?

daredevil. with the fucked up graphics that involves

So playing it all in detective mode?

This. The visuals would be an avant garde representation of what his senses detect

another hero that uses a car so they can ram vehicle shit down out throats again.



Id play it but not with that shitty automatic arkham combat system

Watchmen I think



Only answer.

Probably adaptations of every movie franchise WB owns including The Matrix

inb4 SUPERhero

There's already been a GOAT Punisher game though


>have Wesley Snipes voice Blade

I never knew how much I wanted this until now

The Mask

Given that one of the most fun aspects of the arkham games is fucking with the bad guys I wouldn't mind an open world Deadpool game. Or really anything where the character has a tendency to play around with his enemies.


oh fuck

If anything it's going to be Green Arrow with dozens of different gimmick arrows and CQC. Also Black Canary.


Moon Knight.


Arkham style as in gameplay or attention to detail/love for the hero?

If the latter? Then Iron Man. He's in desperate need of a good game and there's a lot of potential there for a great interpretation of the character and armors. If the latter? Then I'd just rather it not happen at all.


It's going to be Superman, mark my words.

Blue Beetle

>tfw no iron man game blowing the fuck out of arabs and commies
>tfw no Thor boss fight that you can't win
>tfw no hulk boss fight where you wear Hulkbuster

Space Ghost

ottermode batman.

I would like it to be tmnt even though I prefer a platinum style game somehow platinum managed to fuck that up

Don't really want one but if I had to choose I'd want a teen titans game

All my hope is in the sucker punch spiderman game

Spawn game with chain/cape physics

semi open world where you hang out with homeless people in between missions. violator of course would be your "sidekick"

these desu

this is the only way capeshit can redeem itself in my eyes in both vidya and movie

>not an fps

4U maybe, but some of us don't agree

Daredevil but you can toggle his radar sense like detective vision. The game would play almost exactly the same.


>The visuals would be an avant garde representation of what his senses detect

that would be cool as fuck. It'd also leave them tons of room to go nuts with the game's look.

>CUH-RAY-ZEE Flash game never

It will probably be Green Arrow.

Undoable. Other superheroes are too fast for open world

>this thread

I think Flash is probably one of the more likely guys IF Rocksteady is going to keep being "the DC games studio" but yeah, Green Arrow can pretty much map 1:1 to Arkham style gameplay. Just replace the quick batarangs with quick shots and the batclaw with an arrow with a rope on it and you've pretty much made a Green Arrow game. That said if they do put more effort into it I think it could be really cool to have a game with the same focus on combos and "rhythm" as the Arkham games while adding more ranged abilities.

Where is your source?

I'd love a Green Arrow style Arkham game. Not Green Arrow like the show, but full on beard, trick arrows, being the mayor type Green Arrow.

His source is Rocksteady has had a year since AK released and it's doubtful that they've just been sitting on their thumbs

>studio hasn't said anything therefore they are doing arkham style game


You fucking mouth breathers I swear to god.

i just want at least one superman game that isnt complete shovelware

OP didn't say anything about "confirmed", it's a purely hypothetical post.

>misread as thick at first


how would a superman game even work?


Moon Knight

I'd like to see Punisher done with an open setting, but not exactly open world. I'm thinking almost something similar to Hitman, but with a focus on setting up perfect ambushes by placing explosive traps and trying to funnel your enemies.

A Redhood game would be pretty based. The gameplay of this series wouldn't translate all that well to characters that aren't part of the Batman family.

Otherwise Spiderman.

Funny but
>laptop is turned away
>still types

fucking shit this would be great. i don't even like dare devil that much.

i'd love to see interactions with other street level heroes and anti heroes like punisher and luke cage.

id like to see cameos from spider and shite like that too.

have him fight aliens or depowered or smallville
something, i just want a quality game to leap tall buildings in a single bound and all that

Judge Dredd

Wouldn't a superman game kind of repetitive? He is kind of boring.

That fucking hall of armors from the animated series.
One can dream.

Why it gotta be superhero

Truth be told, The Matrix would suit this somewhat.

you should be able to adjust your power from criiminal fighting superhero to the point where you can punch people into sun etc

Your upgrade points don't make you stronger, they let you restrict your powers so you don't cause massive amounts of collateral damage. Supes is never depowered - at several points during the game he pumps all his stats up to max for boss fights against Darkseid etc.

The Crow

Everybody knows that.
If you didn't catch the Superman reference conversations, you can't fucking miss the Lexcorp building.

Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of playing as superman?

Fuck you I want Batman Beyond

Hm... idk how it would work, but Young Justice or Justice League game.

The Specter

Black panther

Ghost rider


Green arrow

Honestly not a lot that could be good. Most of these would be terrible but were the only ones I can think of aside from frank,dd, and blade.

Nobody gets the joke user.

Judge Dredd.
Speaking of which is the old one in Steam any good? Thinking about getting it in the Summer Sale.

Punisher, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Green Arrow and BATMAN BEYOND

There's so many superheros they could use.


I would love to see Badger game
With you training animals, kung fu ing mottherfuckers in the face and helping your druid master with retarded schemes to get rich.

Teen Titans

OH HELL YEAH, I loved that show


Phantom Lady, and have it set during the 1940s.

Like Bayonetta but he can fly and also he doesn't lose his clothes. Maybe.

it's obviously superman

>Batman Beyond
>The Flash

Any one of these would get me hype/10


Make it a parody of the Arkham games.


But only if it was actually done by Rocksteady. Out of the Shadows was Arkham-style, but terribly done.


I'd love a Superman game but he deserves more than an Arkham-style product. Counter-to-win wouldn't capture his high flying, high concept antics, feats and combat style.