Literally ran the company into the ground. was it corporate sabotage?

literally ran the company into the ground. was it corporate sabotage?

I don't know. If anything the company went absolutely nowhere but down since his death.

He knew the Yakuza were going to bump him off, so he ruined everything as a 'fuck you'.

>Sup Forums
>knowing what Iwata even did for the company

Guess I'll just leave before I get shitposted and meme'd on by summerfags.

ofcourse, why do you think he was assasinated, senpai

His life signs were tied to the company.

When it failed so did he.

Sony simply made better decisions

>CD's instead of carts

It hasn't really had the opportunity to go anywhere yet. It's still riding the tail-end of Iwata's disasters, the Wii U and 3DS, and even when the NX releases, that's more Iwata's thing that it is Kimishima's. Kimishima is nothing more than a figurehead following through with Iwata's grand plan for the company.

We won't see any fresh blood ideas until after the NX, assuming there IS an "after" the NX.

Sony have very little quality control guidelines, whilst Nintendo have a tonne of them. The result is better support for Sony (at the downside of also more shovelware and kinda fishy shit at times), whilst Nintendo has become increasingly less supported by third parties, especially in the modern day where kickstarter and steam greenlight exits.

nice cellulite

How do you know?
protip: you don't

Nintendo had terrible 3rd party relationships. The industry basically hated Nintendo and was just waiting for an opportunity to jump ship to the next competitor that showed any sign of competence. Nintendo was tyrannical with censorship rules and other licensing requirements, and since they were top of the industry they also had the highest licensing fees/percentage cut. Carts on the N64 was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

It wasn't really anything Sony did, it's what they weren't doing. It's the same reason the PS4 is winning right now. MS fucked up big time. Sony wins by default.

He made a ridiculous amount of money during the Wii/DS era, but as soon as Sony stopped being retarded with Playstation the money ended very quickly. Iwata abandoned the hardcore market in favor of selling the waggle gimmick to casuals.

Long story short, casuals moved onto smart phones, hardcore gaymurs went to PS4 and only lifelong nintendo fans gave the Wii U a chance. By the time Nintendo realized that the casuals weren't coming back, the Wii U was too far into production and so they went into full banic mode claiming the Wii U would have a ton of 3rd party support, not sure if any of you can remember that last bit. Nintendo burnt nearly all of its bridges with 3rd party devs/publishers already and they assumed they'd develop games for them if they asked nicely. PS and Xbox's relationship with 3rd parties are probably miles ahead, and even they knew that they'd still have to fork over some cash to get exclusives.

The only way Nintendo can be successful is if the competition is acting retarded, they (or at the very least, Iwata) have no idea how to properly compete with them.

>he got salty that he was dying

To be fair, Nintendo had deals with big-name publishers like Ubisoft and EA but for unknown reasons (though we can guess...) that was mostly dropped save for a select few games around launch.

>literally ran the company into the ground.
Iwata greenlit Pokemon, the DS and the Wii. He did just the opposite.

Shareholders ran the company into the ground demanding stuff like smartphone style games, PC support and amiibos, which Iwata was against.

How do I know...what?

Everything you said is completely unknown to anybody, it's all just random-shot guesses in the dark.

>We won't see any fresh blood ideas until after the NX, assuming there IS an "after" the NX.

thats what hurts. because it may be too late by then.

Uh, what? You don't need a source for things that are obvious. Kimishima had nothing to do with the Wii U and 3DS, this is obvious. Likewise, Iwata himself announced the NX, so that's not Kimishima's brainchild. It's Iwata's. Going mobile was also fathered by Iwata. Theme parks and movies would be speculation but I'm not dabbling in that, and what happens after the NX is obviously speculation.

Iwata just fucking died. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a citation-packed wikipedia article to figure out that Nintendo is still very much walking in Iwata's old footsteps, and it will be a while until we see it go in a direction that he actually had nothing to do with.

You can't know for sure if Kimishima is following pre-set plans laid out by Iwata. Though it's likely the NX is the same hardware as Iwata mentioned, it's not a guarantee (given how much time has passed I'm guessing the NX was barely past draft stages during its original announcements, and an early prototype around the time of his death). However, this all presumes their issue lies in hardware, which I don't think is the case given the huge success of the DS/Wii/3DS. Rather, marketing and poor 3rd party support are the biggest issues that Kimishima needs to focus on. Nintendo recently rebranded with an altered logo, and new stuff like MyNintendo. I don't know if either of those were Iwata's decision, nobody does.

The NX has obviously been in development since early 2011, assuming Nintendo kept to their usual "start developing the next console the same day the latest one is released".

Nintendo hasn't been doing that since the Wii, and I demand source to prove yourself.