Last 2 archived.


If you're last update was the resume fiasco. Get up to date. See whats relevant.


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*5" Hour energy. For no reason.

This kind of rumors allways makes me smile.

I just hope any new DMC has fundamental movement that doesn't feel like shitting glue.

I don't understand how a game series so obviously lovingly tuned down to the smallest detail could so royally fuck up simple things like running and jumping.



I just don't want to get excited. Though it's interesting that they waited till after the reboot to bring out SE to see if everyone was still interested in it. DMC4 SE was cited as it giving Capcom a strong performance financially.

Signs are strong that it's here but I can't get my hopes up.

God of war 4 and Sucker Punch Spiderman leakers.

Sony themselves took down their site and twitter almost instantly.

>tfw not cuhrayzee enough

I hope they aren't fucking with us.

>hamilton ontario

I hope the game has a plot point of Nero learning how to fix his damn arm.

>tfw they don't make a Pachinko Hour Energy

I still don't know how to navigate Twitter, link?

what if it's a console exclusive

which console would you want it on

These guys are losers. They based it on the literally who VA resume, which was deconfirmed right away.

So what we have left is just Dan Southworth trolling people on twitter. Also >80%. You guys always get hyped through utterly insane theories just to be crushed and cucked. Remember MGSV? There was nothing to it, it was just a bad game period. There was no ruse

That's Facebook m8.

All of them, literally fucking everything for it to be successful.

XBone because that means it'll come to Windows like every other XBone exclusive.

Jumping is deliberately the way it is so you have to be precise with where you jump from in order to reach a mid-air enemy to start juggling, while also allowing you to go crazy high so mid-air combat can take full advantage of open spaces.

Running....just doesn't feel great, yeah.

>what if it's a console exclusive

Kamiya already made a deal with the devil to get scalebound only on xbone. If it was exclusive than PS4 is the only choice

Uhhh they posted that at like 5 AM.

The whole resume thing happened around 4 PM

Had nothing to do with it.

But really it should be on everything

Scalebound doesn't count for shit, even Kamiya has said it's not an action game and it sure as shit doesn't look like one.

PS4 is getting NierA at least

I hope they add parkour elements like in DMC2/3, but greatly expanded to work well with combat. That was one of the more interesting ideas DMC2 had.

I hope you guys enjoy your new game. I've been on Sup Forums far too long and most of the DMC fanbase on this site makes me sick to my stomach, so much that I think lesser of the series even when I was a day one fan. I just can't get excited knowing I have to deal with the obnoxious morons that infect the fanbase here if I want to talk about anything related to DMC.

Hope it's good, I'll wait for DD2.

The reason why the resume thing became a thing is because these guys name dropped the literally who VA. They thought that they were so smart and getting some scoops.

In truth, they just fooled themselves and the resume thing got debunked within minutes

>Devil may cry goes open world


That would do absolutely nothing to improve the game. At BEST it wouldn't be any different.

Dogma May Cry is something i'd play.




>yfw when it turns out to be a sequel to DmC: Devil May Cry made by Ninja Theory again


>Patty and Morrison get introduced in DMC5

How would you feel about this?


I'd feel pretty good.

Still prefer Enzo to Morrison but Patty is cool.


>it's a game about Donte's coming-of-age and turning into DMC3's young Dante
>it starts out using DmC's mechanics and as the game progresses becomes more and more like traditional DMC, with a full array of styles and Donte losing all of his game 1 weapons besides Rebellion and E&I
>final boss fight is playable Dante v Nero in the rainstorm
>all attack hitboxes destroy raindrops

JYB is cool.

Do you think we'll have all five playable characters in DMC5?
I don't even care if Vergil, Lady, and Trish are just straight ports from 4SE.



>Deal with the devil

Only company that would let him keep the IP and money hat him.

>But le money is le evils !


These are great.



Great picture.


Thanks dude! Glad to see people liked this one.


yeah and you can switch while fighting demons

imagine the possibilities

PS4 so the Xbone doesn't hold the graphics back.

>with mid-combo character switching

Character switching between Lady, Trish, and Vergil would be amazing.

>Scale bound not action game

>Tranny fantasy was never an action game but now it is because my autism

Nier is multiplat btw ;)

>On the fly character switching

Fuck exclusives. I want it on everything.

I hope Nier will go multiplat but it isn't at the moment, and whatever the original Nier was, it's an action game now.

See: Metal Gear once Plat grabbed it.

Cautiously optismistic

how was the anime? it sucked right?


never ever

I actually tried to screencap that strawberry sundae image with Dante looking depressed in high res while watching, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I kind of figure it must be that episode where he's followed around by that guy who wants to impress the girl from the bar, but there was no scene like that or I must have missed it.


Holy shit that QUALITY.

It's alright, but don't expect to be blown away or non-stop action. It's actually pretty tame in that regard.

But I'll do anything to get a fix of Reuben Langdon's voice.

Nah, it's pretty fun.

Yeah it's that episode, 21:48 or so.

You need to freeze-frame before the guy steps into frame.


It's ok

God tier soundtrack, tho:

Watch Nobunagun if you want your fix of DMC-like kuhrayzee

Fuck DMC, who #celebratingNationalSexDay here?


There was actually a huge amount of it.

Just be sure to watch the English dub. Reuben Langdon makes it a much better experience.

Great, thanks.

Wait there's a god of war 4 and a new spiderman game?

Except the part where Itsuno literally confirmed he started working on a project this January.
Everyone knows MGSV sucked, but I'm certain MGS5 will make up for it this year


>but I'm certain MGS5 will make up for it this year
Peace Walker was MGS5

shit, I didn't know they got him in for it, I might have to watch it.


shit looks like one of those wikihow memes

Even back then it was MGS5:PW.
I'm talking about MGS5:how did you know i wasn't fired you fucks


If you're going to make a Devil May Cry thing after DMC3, you'd damn well better get Reuben in.
Why is he so based?


Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world.

was he shouting kys or something else

probably "Kyrie." I think it's referring to Nero.

This cutscene is just perfect.

>tfw own DMC HD collection for my ps3 but have only played and passed 2

Only because I played 2 a lot as a kid. It isn't that bad, guys.

so is there a way to get DMC3: SE working well with an xbone controller on PC? I remember having a shit ton of trouble with it after I got it for free with something and giving up on it.

It's ok user, I kind of like it too

Style Switcher.

Post your face when it's Early Access like SFV

>there are people other than myself that like 2
Holy fuck where have you guys been