Why are mods deleting half life threads when theres a bunch of leaks HABBENING right now?

Why are mods deleting half life threads when theres a bunch of leaks HABBENING right now?

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aight i'll bite

what leaks

Because this literally happens every year around E3, and every time it's fucking nothing.

There have historically been Source 2 leaks all the way back since 2011 or so, but as of far it means nothing.

I find it sad that I have to deal with these fake leaks every single time E3 shows up.

not OP but here,
more gamefiles named after the game found in the engine by dataminers.


Because they're being bribed by Valve to keep people quiet.


Wait, doesn't Valve always joke around by putting in hints to HL3 in their games?


Yes then idiots fall for it.
They love teasing. One time there was a valve conference in March on the third at 3:00pm. Turned out to be tf2 stuff.

Half life 3 WILL be announced at e3 this year. Nonbelievers WILL NOT get to play the game

Gotta love there are still faggots who believe hl 3 will come out. What the fuck is in it for valve? They're doing very well with strleam to gove a shit about butthurt fanboys. Can you face it already and admit that there will never be a hl3

>strleam to gove
Are you okay?

Can't type on phone.

>yfw hl3 is announced

>Nonbelievers WILL NOT get to play the game
Damn straight

mobilecancer please go


We can only hope.

>every single interview gabe says valve has no plans regarding half life
>nah they're just being sneaky about it, I'm sure they will release it in e3
You faggots make me sad. It's one of the most overhyped games history, why the fuck would they keep ut's production secret?

>he doesn't carry his pc around for 24/7 shitposting

but I do. It's my phone.

>sub directly behind his head
dear lord

no, get out.

Are people really still waiting for half life 3?


This has happened at least a dozen times over the years.

A few months ago there were straight up files marked HL3 in the Source 2 editor-thingie for Dota 2. They were removed shortly after in a hotfix, I think, but yeah. It's nothing new, Valve is always "just about to release it".

HL3 will come out, but it won't be a game. It will be a Source 2 tech demo just how HL2 was a Source tech demo and not a game.

>it's a "Valve still won't release a full source 2 sdk" episode

it's like they don't want it to be commercially successful

This time it's legit I swear
Screencap this

>just how HL2 was a Source tech demo and not a game

aaaaaand that's bait


>yfw SteamOS timed exclusive
>yfw year of the Linux desktop

u better not be lying nigga


They need a better tech demo to release it with first

No that's not a jab at HL2 you autists

>a week before e3
>apparent HL3 leaks
Like clockwork


this fucking potato is literally picking up pyramids.

isn't that literally just the playerspawn model from hammer stretched in one direction?

You only think it's a game because you were a child who had never played Half Life when you played it

Go replay it, it's hollow, soulless and empty and only serves to methodically demo source engine features

Even if it is true, there's no way it'll be able to live up to the hype surrounding it at this point, even if it's good.

Either way, I wouldn't hold my breath. This shit happens every year around e3. It happened last year with that fake Valve website, and it'll most likely happen again this year.

yes, these 'leaks' are literally nothing.

>valve employees get paid for this

Every year this shit happens, why should I care now? Not to mention all the half life 3 is definitely confirmed crap from anything Valve shits out, like the last winter sale.

The number of times I hear people say "who cares about HL3" whenever HL3 is discussed should show how many actually do care about it.

This isn't news.

It's well known that at some point Valve was seriously working on Half-life 3.

They aren't anymore.

It's over.

How do you know?

HL2 wasn't even that good


My dad works at Valve.

found the kid.

Is urs dad Gabe?


Is this game any good?

Valve has every reason for their main focus to be about producing VR content, and multiplayer content.

It would be stupid for them not to do that, and the idea that any substantial amount of people would be interested in making Half-Life 3 at Valve is laughable.

>Threads like these all year, but especially around this time every year
Yeah, clearly, nobody cares about HL3 anymore.

Least of all those who come here to smash down any claim that it is coming someday, who are totally not overreacting to keep themselves from giving in to hope.

The people who ignore these threads, THOSE are the ones who are the real fools who think HL3 will be released some day, those idiots.

That's pretty funny

There's a market for it though. Obviously with what Bethesda is putting out.

Both DOOM and Wolfenstein have no multiplayer component, but sold incredibly well.

I know DOOM has multiplayer, but nobody really cares.

Fallout's pretty great for sure.

found the millenial

this post is probably the best review of the new Doom

Honestly though he's exactly correct in the idea of his post. Yes, HL2 was obviously a game, however it focused heavily on showcasing Source physics. If HL3 ever releases, it would focus heavily on Source 2 advanced tech.

TL;DR - If he had phrased it this way, both of you would probably agree with each other.

He's right though

It's wolfpaw

my mums husband works at Valve

Ur dad is cool


Every god damn E3.

Half Life 2 is my favorite game of all time and I'm sick of this shit.

I just want Valve to come forth and confirm just something
Is it cancelled
is it in development hell
is it actually coming
any news would make me stop worrying

The fact that it's in development hell is pretty obvious

found another kid

But that's FOnline 2.

Same. I absolutely adore Half-Life 2, but it's pretty obvious that Valve is not the same company they were a decade ago.
>the hundreds, possibly thousands of people who have died waiting for a half-life sequel

>haha you thought we were going to finish the story for our loyal fanbase but we trolled you, have some more hats instead faggot

>the billions of people that have died waiting for a half-life sequel

The joke's never funny when it's on you. That is, if you're a faggot who can't laugh at himself.

wolpaw is so fucked in the head

ut's production isn't secret, it's open source and community based

>muh butter
>contaminated trail mix
>i take a week to eat my big pink cookie
>i hate the snack room lady
What the fuck? Was he autistic?

He's a pretty good writer

Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

Snake room lady is actually his wife

Half life 3 is going to be a disappointment, there is no way around it.

It has been hyped for way too many years to sufficiently deliver.

>snake room

it won't be a disappointment because it will never release

oh shit, snack room

it's too hot today

and basically you're a fucking weakling

Why did they even say that episode 3 was going to be a thing? They SAID it was going to come out. They have never said anything about HL3.

I want the last episode god damn it

they said it was going to come out, but then the crunch time for left4dead happened, then they decided to make left4dead2 in the space of a year

that burnt everyone out I think


find out how

this fucking movie man

Why can't they just release a graphic novel to show us what happens after the events of Episode 2?

At this point the game will never come out.


I'm finally getting my 2nd Avalanches album so I still have hope for HL3

why is anyone even responding to this thread

It's going to be fucking garbage.

>2nd Avalanches album

they released a song from it called "frankie sinitra", and it's one of the worst songs i've ever heard :(
the album's called wildflower