Other urls found in this thread:!/en-ca/games/fallout-4-digital-deluxe-bundle/cid=UP1003-CUSA02557_00-FALLOUT4DIGITALD

They'll remove license shortly from the consoles

>Fallout 4


The season pass is also free.

Hope not.

Sometimes I forget there are Xbox owners on this board.
I'm guessing they'll remove the license when they realize the mistake.

I don't even have an Xbone but I'm not gonna snub my nose at free shit

Then you just let your console offline until you've played it long enough to judge it well.

>buy XBONE at pawn shop this weekend
>play Fallout 4: Digital Deluxe with all DLC
>have season pass for future DLCs
>for fucking free
OP is not a fag

They will. This happened with the DLC.

But this isn't just the DLC or just the base game or anything. Everything related to Fallout 4 is free right now.

Did you know that you can grab trash out of a dumpster in real life as well?

The smart play is go offline once you've got it, to be sure.

Not available

I guess I missed it.

Based Microsoft

still seeing it as up, user

Also says "sign in to see price" did that and it's showing as unavailable now

>mfw all the money Bethesda must have lost



seriously, I don't have an xbone and I downloaded it just in case I get one eventually

>10 minutes to connect to my hotmail account because I need a fucking verification code
>it isn't free anyomre

f*cking epic XD

reminder that m$ has never banned anyone for a marketplace bug and it's highly illegal for them to do any kind of charge afterwards, at most you'll have the license revoked and be unable to redownload it if you delete it

Do you faggots not know how licensing works? Do you think they won't be able to distinguish between the people that downloaded it for free?

It's the current year, people



Welp it was fun while it lasted

sorry dudes

Sounds like someone at Microsoft is going to get fired...



Doubt it, a few years back they gave away 15 games for free.
And then they made 5 more free a few weeks after.
Rayman legends was glorious

>Xbronies are so desperate for games that they'll grab a turd if it's free.

PCkek here, you'd have to pay me to play the garbage Todd's team makes.

mfw this shit is 150$ regular and we all just got it for 0$!/en-ca/games/fallout-4-digital-deluxe-bundle/cid=UP1003-CUSA02557_00-FALLOUT4DIGITALD

Microshaft probably list tens of thousands of dollars tonight


Way to go IGN, fuckers ruined it for everyone

How do you imagine an error like that happening? I wouldn't be surprised if it was just ms pr.

seriously. it could have gone noticed for awhile but to tell everyone like that will suddenly get a shit load on that server and it will get noticed right away

Also Pedro.

it's gone

nice try

The same thing that happened to Dark Souls 3's Mexican version, pricing error.'s gone

it was gone half an hour before this thread was created

Last time something like this happened Microsoft actually banned a few peoples accounts.

>owning an xbone

no it wasn't because i made this thread

I bought your game :^)

So far I've got Mirror's Edge, Theme Hospital, Minecraft and not Fallout 4 for free due to pricing errors.

Just gotta be in the right place at the right time.

>Microsoft in charge of being in charge

People got to keep it?

yes, it was on steam

Wait so an error on their side and you taking advantage of it makes them that mad? what the fuck is this, rockstar crying tier because they are retards? I own the pc version but thats a bullshit move to pull on consoles.

>inb4 they fix the error and try to retroactively charge EVERYONE for the game (even idiots who actually bought the stupid p.o.s)

no they didn't.


they can try
removed my card after purchasing

Fucking IGN letting everyone know, holy shit.

i told them as soon as i saw it!

did i do good mr. howard?


I was not fast enough. Anyway i doubt they will ban anyone, it was their fuck up

Guy, im back just to tell you to buy FallOut 4 ™, my favorite game of all time.

they cant charge for it but they can revoke the purchase

forgot this console even existed desu LMFAO
pretty cool regardless

The did this to the people who transferred regions to get free games.

They won't do it because of this.

just consider it a free demo. be sure to buy the full experience when the licenses are removed!

it went through legit
they'd have to look at each purchase individually
they aren't going to do that


all they would have to do is look at the ones made during this time.

Reminder that in similar situations people got to keep what they got scot free

Once again IGN Ruining everything for the entire community. Probably trying to get some positive cred ironiccaly

>implying anyone actually owns an xbone

A little sad i didn't get it.

But then i remembered my friend shared his account with me a while ago and after 3 hours i wanted to tear my hair out from that horrible voice acting.

This game usn't even worth it for free.

>Person randomly scrolls through the game library.
>Sees Fallout 4.
>It's free so he downloads it.
>Thinks nothing of it because he expects the shop to be well organized and it might be some demo or so he thinks.
>Console gets permanently banned.
This is why people play on other devices.

A 0.00 price is odd, but i lost account of times o saw steam pricing errors. Usually just a 0 missing, or 2 zeroes.

If i am not mistake, i got Just Cause 1 ofr 15 cents, and bought a bunch (around 6) tropico 4 utimate edition for 40 cents each and gave away them all (well, i kept one)

>guy asspained because he paid for something other people are getting for free due to a mess-up that wasn't those peoples faults.
I'll never understand how people can be this autistic.

Damn when was that tropico mishap? Fucking love tropico.


welp looks like we were right, Bitteresda is so embarrassed by their lazy ways that they've given up.

wouldn't surprise me if they released workshop 2 and made it 20 dollars so it hits the season pass range

> August 16, 2014

>user browsing for a game one day
>See's fallout with no price tag
>Think's its a promotional
>Downloads it, because who doesn't want a free game
>Gets Permanantly Banned
And this is why I stopped playing League of Legends

almost 2 years ago

This is why there's a surplus of tropico's flowing around that people try to trade at full value for other games.

Wait, this Tropico game is cool?
I got Tropico 5 on PS+ and thought it was shovelware.

I bought fallout 4

Don't bother downloading it, it's not worth the data

You don't get banned this shit happens all the time they just remove it

dide its fidel castros sim city




>listing an Xbox ambassador who is some 14 year old normie with no affiliation with Official Microsoft Xbox Support as the word of truth as a source

kill yourself


There is no way they are giving away a still full priced game and all of its DLC (which is less than a month old).
Even as desperate as microsoft is, there is no way they would do that.


There is no way you are older than 15

This happened on PSN with the Fallout 4 season pass. Once the caught the problem and fixed it they removed all the season passes that where obtained for free.

You're free to download it, you won't get in trouble or anything. But it WILL be removed as soon as the problem is fixed.

This shit is what happens when people grow up without love from their parents.


Already fixed.


