Gp72 leopard pro-280

>gp72 leopard pro-280

good GAYMING laptop ya or nah?


pick one


back to ledit pls

I don't get it. You can't use it unless it's plugged in and on a flat surface. Why not use a desktop?

why flat surface?

You can bring it around wherever you want.
I have the msi GS40 and it's fucking fantastic how mobile it is. I love being able to move from my room to the living room to hook it up to a big TV, or to be able to vidya while abroad.
>tfw playing Dragon's Dogma for the first time while on the plane ride back

i just dont have anywhere for a desktop.
trust me id get a desktop if i could

Looks pretty damn good, TBQH.

Has an ACTUAL i7 processor, not some dual-core low-power wannabe, and very nice GPU with 4GB VRAM. All for less than 1k.

I'd say if you need mobile gaming machine, one that doubles as helluva good multimedia and/or visual editing tool, go for it.
You could also check out some Asus', MSI's and Lenovo's alternatives.

Nobody is stupid enough to try and game on battery alone, broski.

Some people either require or appreciate mobility laptops bring. I myself have a couple years old, self-built PC, but I also got a bit older "gaming" laptop for various reasons. It's been very handy when moving around the country (my friends and parents live in other cities), not to mention when traveling abroad.

Also, it's super handy LAN party option.

I guess he's referring to the fact that laptops stay the coolest when on hard, flat surface, as the air gets to flow underneath 'em better.

I'd just invest into one of those cheap, USB fan equipped cooler pads.

you can lie in bed on your back, put the laptop on your chest, and game like that

Don't do it. Gaming laptops are SHIT. They NEVER make full use off their hardware because they overheat. Also the battery doesn't last long and they are loud as fuck. Buy a desktop and if you really need a notebook get a cheap one for like 200 bucks. Via in-home streaming you can even stream games from your desktop to it.

Because if you put it on your legs, you'll burn them.

I've used my 2009 Asus ROG up to these days, just fine. Watched a movie on the battery during a 2h train trip once too. Loudness has never been a problem, and I'd rather have a bit louder than a bit hotter machine.

>buying 200 yankies toys that can't do jack shit on their own, nor be upgraded whatsoever
just no. You can get fine, gaming-capable machines for 400 bucks, and pretty damn good ones for 600 and up.

would it be better to leave my laptop on one of these or just let it sit in my desk? I got them for £1 and I can kinda feel the hot hair below it when using it

>You can get fine, gaming-capable machines for 400 bucks, and pretty damn good ones for 600 and up.

Okay, do what you want. You obviously don't know shit or are retarded.

If you asked for a good gayming laptop 4 years ago, everybody would think you are super retarded, but laptops are becoming almost on par to some desktop gaming benchmarks.

I'm in the military and either on deployment or back in the good USA this gaming laptop I have is 2 years old and still plays games I want at good FPS.

They are somewhat expensive, sure. Not going to be the cost effectiveness of a desktop. But, they are only going to get better as time passes.

yeah this. Ive been shopping around and the cheapest for the hardware is $1000

user. Just get a half decent laptop, and then put the money you save into a decent PC build.

Honestly. You can grab a decent rig with second hand parts that works great for about £400-500 now that will outclass any £1000+ laptop by miles.

>not posting the only starcraft pro goddess realted to MSI

Just buy a used lenovo y510p off of ebay for $500+ and it has SLI dude. They run pretty hot, but hey, it's a fucking laptop that plays GTA V on High at 60+fps

Go kill yourself and don't tell me what to do. I just wanted to know if that laptop is good, not your autistic tech support.

>le attacking the person maymay
wew, what a tough guy!

I actually follow both gaming media and IT news, checking the best deals for components and machines in whole once in a while, plus read & watch benchmarks.

you could get a mighty fine Thinkpad with i5 or i7 CPU + 8GB + Intel HD 5000 machine for just below 400 bucks at best, and that'd already run majority of vidya out there decently at 720p.

You could also look up the last year's models of Lenovo Y-series, with y510p going as low as 700$, if you can still find them. Y50 is a bit better, and should go below 900.

I personally grabbed this cheap PackardBell, with i3 @ 2.1Ghz, 6GB RAM, GT 540M 1GB and W7 x64, in 2012, for mere 399€. Shit can run even Some recent games, like Talos Principle and MGS5.

Then go to Tom's hardware then faggot. Someone there might help you waste your money.

>400 bucks at best, and that'd already run majority of vidya out there decently at 720p.

Or you could get a desktop for the same amount that will run most of vidya at a flawless 60fps at 1080p.

Really, at this rate you might as well buy a PS4.

Just a friendly tip to OP

Don't buy a gaming laptop unless you are seriously traveling all the time/need to bring over your rig to events or friends houses/shit that a laptop is for. The price:parts ratio for laptops versus desktops is absolutely ridiculous. I bout a "gaming laptop" years ago for 900 bucks and not only was it huge hot and heavy, it was already far obsolete behind current PC hardware standards. It ended up dying after two years and I built my own desktop afterwards which I realized I should have done in the first place.

I know how appealing it sounds to have a gaming laptop, but take it from somebody who didn't *need* it and make the mistake of getting one, just build a desktop.

Whatever floats your boat. I just got a cheap 2 in 1 for my portable needs and I really like the 10+ hour battery life and I can always stream from my desktop if I want to play more demanding games in bed or on the couch. Of course I'm not a "mobile professional" and don't spend lots of time on the road.