Salty losers are mad Widowmaker headshots kill

>salty losers are mad Widowmaker headshots kill
>cry to Blizzard
>Blizzard is going to nerf Widowmaker of all people

Well, Blizzard doesn't know how to balance a team shooter. Fuck this.

It's more annoying getting killed by a body shot in one shot

>Any team based shooter
>Fun or balanced in any way, shape or form

Could you hurry with that whole suicide thing please?

>mfw hanzo arrows snap to targets' heads if you're going to almost miss them

I almost fell out of my chair when I saw a guy curve an arrow round a doorway to headshot some poor fuck

overwatch's skill ceiling is too low imo


Aiming for the head is stupid considering how high a charged body shot is plus the fact that the enemy may be at or slightly higher than 150hp

>character whose only counter is using the same character

Why does this never happen to me when I play widow?

how does that guy put that necklace on??

Fuck off back to twitch.

Whats going to be nerfed on her?

>He doesn't just go Winston

>what is winston?


Same as the rest of us, one leg at a time

You're a fucking idiot. Demo lag is a thing. That's not what this guy saw when he was playing, just what the demo captured.

With great difficulty, I'm afraid...

Keep in mind that Winston has to leap through the entirety of Widow's team to get to the Widow, only for her to grapple away back to her team if she's smart.

Widow is crazy strong, she charges so fast it's ALMOST more reliable to just spam bodyshots as opposed to going for headshots just because of how quickly you can scope and get 50 damage in again.

>someone doesn't know how the killcam system works

You do realise its not a 1:1 representation of what the player actually saw right?

Are you really surprised Blizzard doesn't know how to make a shooter?
I mean you played the beta right? You saw how utterly amateur and shitty the map design is right?

See how it's a kill cam?
Blizzard has said the game has "prioritize the shooter" netplay, on the widow's screen, they hit, in the kill-cam, they didn't.
It's obviously just a desynch.

Go into training mode and try to do that.

People need to be complaining about the real stupid shit like being able to hit someone when they're not visible.

The map design is the best part of the game lmao, you're retarded.

You just described every fucking game ever.
Pissbabies will whine and cry until every character that isn't the one they main gets nerfed to shit. Or the devs stopped giving a fuck.
That's why multiplayer games are a fucking joke. Either make everyone exactly the same or have everyone use one character.

That's how Blizzard has always done it, you whine bitch and complain until your favorite class is overpowered and everyone else sucks dick. Even if you class is decent, always remember to whine and complain on a daily basis.

No. The amount of details and easter eggs they cram into the environments is cool.

The layout of the levels is fucking dogshit and reeks of a company that has never made an FPS before.

They do it for free.

He's italian. They're all born with fucking necklaces on. Rings too.

Agreed Snipers are Lone Wolves they should never be anywhere near a team.

>nerfs for McCree
>nerfs for Widowmaker
>no nerfs for based main Lucio despite him being way too good

thank you based ActiBlizzard

They literally aren't though, they've never mentioned her being nerfed. They addressed a bunch of questions the other day and they never even talked about widow. Stop being a fucking idiot.

a good widow with a mercy can kill the whole enemy team in 5 seconds


how good are killcams at recreating the actual events?

i'm assuming they are a rough recreation of that clients actions, not the actual footage.

Proof or fuckoff. Widowmaker is the only hero that doesn't need a nerf. is the only hero that needs a buff.

You'd better be fucking with me, OP. I swear to fuck.

inb4 Mercy buff to 60 hp per second or allow her to attack and heal at the same time to make her actually viable over Lucio



This was today, they said they are looking into reducing her "frustration potential" or something along those lines. It was in the forums if I'm not mistaken

I love retards like you guys who have absolutely no idea how the game works at any sort of high-level play commenting about how the game should be balanced.

>Comparing a 2007 game with a 2016 one.

Pail asshole thinks he is hot shit when all he does is eat books all night and think how smart he is.

sicc backpedal bro

Why is Hugh Jackman hanging himself?

Only thing I wish they would add is an E ability for Mercy that would be a long air dash to give her an escape when team mates are just slightly too far too dash to.

Basically how her LShift works, but without the need for a team member and it should:

A) Be on a long cooldown 15-20s
B) Put her LShift on cooldown too.

It's really frustrating when your healing someone and they over extend like a tard and leave you in the shit, while other pubbers are too busy chasing a fucking tracer 8 miles from the objective.


its not really a backpedal and TF2 isn't a defense.

TF2 has some bullshit in it and we all agree.

Overwatch has some bullshit in it and drones defend it because its their new toy. if you say their toy is bad in some places they flip shit.