1.) Go to

1.) Go to ap.nintendo.com/report/
2.) Report Rectify Gaming and VBA10 to Nintendo Anti-Piracy
3.) If you're lazy to write the description, cut and paste this:
>Dear Nintendo of America and Reggie Fils-Aimé, recently an app (VBA10) was made available on the Microsoft Xbox One that enabled piracy of Nintendo Game Boy Advance games. Please send a cease and desist court order to Microsoft to remove said app and sue Microsoft.

It is absolutely not fair that Xboner users can freely play Nintendo IP without owning a Wii U

Other urls found in this thread:


It's weird to see a falseflag post with actual effort put into it.

>le falseflag faec xD


as an xbro, I've been DYING to use one of these so here we go

Anyone can emulate the GBA in any device these days

>Being a massive faggot

This. My fucking watch can emulate GBA.

The emulator it's self is legal provided it's not using any software developed by Nintendo. But an emulator without games is nothing, and those games would be illegal.

Hell, how the fuck would you get GBA games on an Xbone?



Well executed false flag here, because it's text book nintoddler behavior

Honestly every toaster and phone can run a gba emulator so it's nothing special to play it on an xbone

I own a wii u, so that means i can play gba games on xbone without triggering your autism, right?

Oh hey.

Lol Xbots (or is it xdrones, what is the fad nowadays?) got trolled. *puts up flameshield*

So how many people can tell the op is a sonycuck?

>that 1 1/2" bezel

But it has nothing to do with sony. More likely a nintoddler

*raises paw*

What's the legality of having a competitor's emulator freely available to install on a console?

How do I get roms in my sexbot tho

>that bezel

>*raises paw*
stop that shit

Any shitpost is almost guaranteed to be a Sonygger, you can always tell by the snarky arrogance amd hostility to them as if vidya has to have an "us vs them" mentality.

Is that the very first flat screen tv ever? I bet it's 4 inches thick too.

Yeah nah, it even has the "it's not fair" in there that guarantees it's just petty sonygger falseflagging as usual.

This is why I'm hyped for the anniversary update. Apps like emulators or game engines could come to your console. Imagine the creation kit for Skyrim remastered coming to Xbox.

The only emulator I would really want on Xbox One is a Xbox Hueg emulator. But I can see the dreamcast/genesis emulators happening.


Where do you think you are?

Not to mention literally no other fanbase is that psychotic about video game loyalties.

Not even ponies. Only applefags rival them

One Drive or you download roms through some sort of a browser on Xbox One.

>tfw I once got a ticket for reckless driving because I was playing Pokemon Red on my phone.

that was 2009

It's fucking surreal, man.

>Android store is full of emulators
They're even charging money for Nintendo console emulators.

If something was going to happen, it would have happened by now.

We'll take good care of Golden Sun nintenbros

>try to create console war by falseflagging
>Xbox fan is nice about it



This you really see no other userbase making shitposts like this except them.

Then they try to falseflag as the other userbases and think people fall for that shit

It's pathetic and when they're outed they stop samefagging and let the thread die

That doesn't automatically mean sony though. Thats become a common shitpost image.

tfw not a nintenyearold


where do you go to download it?


Oh just fuck off, how come you two are always goody two shoes when it comes to each other, yet you always blame fucking Sony when something goes wrong.

>that image
Perhaps not but the age seems spot on.

Man, I didn't know playing homebrew games could be illegal.

Fuck off, OP. GBA is practically on everything post-Gamecube.

Fuck you, OP. I don't even own an Xbone (only Wii U) but we have home brew capabilities on it now, and why the fuck would I deny another system the ability to emulate? It literally just gives me an actual reason to buy the thing, what with the recent price drop, Scalebound incoming, and now this? Fuck you. This is a good thing and already has enough chance of being taken down as it is. Why would you do this? We should use it as an a reason for Microshit and Nintendo to collaborate on something in the future, since Sony clearly isn't interested. Maybe we could have Rare's games on more than just the fucking Xbone.

>his emoji game ain't on fleek


You deserve it too, you insufferable retarded cock smuggling blogposter

Kill yourself.

>moot is gone
>he didnt make a quarantine board for sonyniggers
>he didn't make a board for only Nintenbros and PCbros

why don't you also report microsoft for allowing me to emulate wario land you flaming homo

>brings up valid reasons to own an xbox one, including a GBA emulator
>k-kill urself, xfat!!!! :((( only my pwecious wee you can have these gay-mes!!!!!11!!!1

What the fuck is a bezel? I googled it but I don't see shit that looks like a grooved ring.

What's stopping Sony/Microsoft from making their own DS/3DS/future handheld emulators and releasing them on their consoles? Emulators aren't illegal, after all, and they'd nullify one of Nintendo's only strong foundations, its handheld library.

oh its only available to windows 10 computers and phones

Stupid American. Stunts like that can get you and those around you killed.

>emulators arent illegal
Yes they fucking are drone.

No bessel this time

whats wrong sonybro?
Is something bothering you?

>Emulators aren't illegal

where do you get it from fag

>Thats become a common shitpost image.
Yes, amongst Sony fanboys.


Are you in the preview ?

I'm pretty sure it literally IS on everything post-GC.

But pcbros use it all the time.

So if I play homebrew GBA games, is that illegal?


What part of emulators are illegal?

>yfw Xboners will be able to play Mother 3 before Wii U kiddies

>so will pc as well

>Wii U's vwii which has a GBA emulator was hacked not long after Wii u came out
Wew lad

I have literally never seen anyone use the Sony version of the crying wojack - the only reason I know it exists is thanks to the idort crying wojacks image. This strongly supports the notion that mostly (or only) Sonyggers keep posting that shit.

>region lock consoles
>force people to pay $10 for roms on every console they want to buy them on
>never drop the price of games

>consoles get hacked
>people literally wasting bandwidth to download games directly from their servers
>has to keep removing games from eshop permanently to try and stop it

Is there any company that got hit harder by piracy than Nintendo?


You deserve to die


No they're not you retarded mouth breather.

You can't copyright the idea of a software.

Anyone can make an accounting program and sell it. You just can't copy TurboTax's exact software and sell that.

Anyone can make a piece of software that plays GBA games. You just can't copy the firmware of an actual GBA, or use any of the code from Nintendo's emulators. This would mean you'd have to rewrite an entire GBA bios from scratch, which usually no one does since it's a pain in the ass, but these guys did it.

You obviously can't sell ROM's of officially licensed or copyrighted software, but that's neither here nor there.

Not him, yes I'm in.
Tell me.

>has to keep removing games from eshop permanently to try and stop it
Source besides your ass?

Who cares, most devices can emulate GBA regardless. I could emulate right now on this craptop or if I had a phone I could use that. Good for them I guess? It's pirating anyway.

>I have literally never seen anyone use the Sony version of the crying wojack
You obviously haven't been here long enough.

same thing really

why would you need an xbone when even your phone or a laptop can emulate them?


Ask an user that sends bug reports for homebrew emulators anything

and to try to stop the retards
Emulators are not inherently illegal. the activities that can be performed however are subject to legal action, but only on the client side, not the developer side (unless its on steam or some shit) because its built to emulate dumps of games from YOUR original medium, not roms shared online. dumping it yourself and using that romdump yourself is legal, downloading others however is not

no, i dont know why Xbox emulators arent available at this time

atari 2600 games are still protected games and are still subject to legal action even though nobody gives a shit anymore - theyre protected for 100 years. look this shit up

I also want to know. What games have been removed?

Its used all the time user.



It's only gonna keep going before the entire eshop is removed.

Off topic but, is the Xbone worth buying right now? I just wana play Gears of War 1 HD and Halo 2 HD

mfw I paid my ticket, apologized to the officer, and kept playing at stoplights or whenever I was stuck in traffic


Consolewar crying wojack falseflagging is a very new thing, it's only arose this past year. I do usually avoid blatant shitposting threads like this one though so that may be why I haven't seen a sony one. Still, I've seen a tonne of Steam/PC and Nintendo ones.

Cop should have gunned you down, to be honest.



How did Nintendo fuck up this badly? Does this confirm the nintenbabbies worst nightmare? Is Nintendo going 3rd party? When will Sony get a Gameboy emulator?

That's the joke.png


eat a dick, no one cares


They didn't do anything. Some people created an unofficial emulator for Xbox.

The activities that can be performed with a rocking chair or a banana can be illegal, but neither of those are outlawed, nor are the manufacturers or producers fined when someone murders someone with a rocking chair.

XBox emulators aren't available because even on PC they run like shit. It's a combination of it having weird architecture and the XBox emulating scene bring entirely dead - there's like 4 games on XBox that are worth playing that aren't already on PC