So RDR3 will be a thing in 5 days

So RDR3 will be a thing in 5 days
What do you hope for ? First of all I wanna play the game on PC, not on already aged console hardware

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'd rather play the game on PC because graphics
Sorry buddy. They're not going to limit the graphics to the level of WoW and LOL.

Looking forward to be playing it on my Playstation 4 The Player System :)


I just hope they can come up with as strong of a character as John was. Also, more location variety but I'm pretty sure they have that covered if that leaked map is to be believed.

I hope it's console exclusive like the first just to see the tears flow.

>not on already aged console hardware

This fucking smug arrogant bullshit attitude is why I prefer for games to not come to PC.


I've always wondered how media based on american westerns is received over seas

p-please give us s-some of y-your games, s-stupid console c-c-cuuuucksssh!

Dont care. R* is dead to me.

What;s wrong with saying that? The current gen consoles are weak so they're shitting out newer ones

All games play better at 60 fps with maxed out visuals anyways


Stop this you fucking idiot.

wew lad, nice memes

Redemption was the second red dead game

Totally agree pal, I'm so sick of them making fantastic games.

so RDR is RD2?
Then how do we get to RDR3?

>not knowing Redemption was the second game

Also you are a fag

>she doesn't know about Revolver

It's the third game you retard

>implying it's not RDR
>Red Dead Ressurrection


Fucking Christ. Learn your history children.

It's RD3
The series is the Red Dead series

I'd honestly be fine if all they announce is a remaster/PC release of redemption. They have the resources to release a new game with the same date for PC, but I'm worried it'll be like GTA V and have botched physics.

Why do people like this series, it completely UN replayable

They havnt made a good game in years, and have some of the worst post release support of AAA devs. But you keep being a mindless drone who buys rockstar games because you are told to.

There was an RDR2?

>Being this autistic.
It's RD3 or whatever you want to call it, not RDR3 lol

le (you) XD

So obviously it's going to need a "re" prefix.

Read Dead: Revolution
Read Dead: Rebellion
Read Dead: Resistance
Read Dead: Restitution
Read Dead: Remedial Action
Read Dead: ?

Thanks for proving my point underage shitposter.

the second R makes it a little confusing, but it's the third in the red dead series.

>Not revengeance

Nice meme


Read dead sharkcards more like


you tried

As long as YOUUUU believe in le yourself fucking loser xD

This is honestly too good for them to pass up, I want to play redemption in 1080p.


Then it should be Red Dead 3 Redemption 2

Red Dead Revolver
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead R---------------

Fuck off with your remaster meme

Red Dead Rectum

>implying it's not just your acronym being stupid

It's been 6 years and PC still doesn't have it, this is a remaster that actually matters to me.

Red Dead: Revenant

Red Dead Roosevelt

My dad works at Rockstar San Diego.

Read Dead: Reddit
Screencap this


Then maybe you should get a console which actually has good games to play

Read Dead R3kt

>Thanks for proving my point underage shitposter.
>R* is dead to me. I fucking HATE them.
You. Calling people underage. OMGLOL

I know you're just baiting but imma give you a (you) anyway.

>Read Dead Revolver

>Read Read Redemption

>Read Dead R____

Notice the trend, friend?

Nobody ever called Redemption RDR2. You were probably 8 when it came out

>it's an autism ruins a thread episode

Your trend means it would be RDR, not RDR3

R3d Dead
Red Dead Remastered
Red Dead Rockstar

The wild, wild reading

RIP Robin Williams :^(

I have it on 360, but I'm not gonna pull that brick out from storage to play a 6 year old game with 6 year old graphics. Just because you don't want a PC port doesn't mean you have to buy it.

I guarantee that right after the announcement of RD3 they will pull a PT and say that RDR is available for xbone BC and the shitty PS4 streaming thing immediately. That's why RDR was available for a few hours on the xbone, they have a plan. Less likely is that MS secured some sort of deal with rockstar for some DLC exclusivity and the BC is just an extension of that.

Also RD3 is definitely coming to PC, but RDR will stay console exclusive.

Red Dead Reptilian

Everyone called Redemption RDR2. You were probably 8 when it came out

Samefag all you want kid, it wont make you save face.

No more replies for you. I know you'll keep posting some shitty meme.

Red Dead Rising: Revengeance

>Red Dead: Rebellion
>Takes place right after the end of the civil war
>Have a choice to either to help eliminate a group of renegade southerners that refuse to surrender or join them.
>work for the railroad to drive settlers off their land and fuck up the indians

RD Redemption already covered the beginning of the end of the wild west, they might as well go backwards.


You are retarded, first was RDR, second is RDR 2, now it will be another Red Dead R... so it's ok to call it RDR 3

Wow! Nice shot!
Using my argument against me, so clever. Except nobody called it RDR2, you know

I'd play that.


Wow! Nice shot!
Using my argument against me, so clever. Except everyone called it RDR2, you know

>Implying anybody called Redemption RDR2 or that I'm the only one calling you out because of it

Red Dead Revolver 2 :^)

damn u stupid

RED DEAD REisited, Revolver remake for PS4/XBone/PC

>no red dead reloaded
are you even trying

re is a prefix you dingus

Didn't you play it on your 360 6 years ago?

OP here
You two Get the fuck outta my thread

But that's wrong you retard.

"Re" is a prefix
"tion" is a suffix
:Redemption is a subtitle

you only had one job

Kek this. If you don't like their games don't buy them. No skin off my back.



>merely pretending

Yes, and I like I ate lunch this afternoon, I would ideally like to eat lunch again sometime without having to bring my kitchen out of storage.

>red dead retarded

>I was only pretending to be retarded

You're a funny guy. Learn to count, The Amount.

Its not going to be called Read Dead R__ 3. Tha'ts just a placeholder everyone's using because its the third RDR.

Nah, they'll go forward and the game will be based around north west moonshining hillbillies in the 20s or something.

>i totally didn't get baited



Alright here's an idea, everyone look at it like this