MS1-MGS4 - Sup Forums Loves Him

>MS1-MGS4 - Sup Forums Loves Him

>MGS5 comes out - Sup Forums hates him

What went wrong? Do you think he will redeem himself with his next, brand-new game?

MGS4's last hour gives me such a boner, it was like every person who worked on the series gave me their heartfelt thanks for going on the journey with them.

I'm at 100 hours into MGS5 and I wanna drop this shit so bad but I committed so much time into it I wanna die. Tell me Sup Forums, is it worth finishing Act 2 for an awesome sendoff like Guns of the Patriots did?

its not worth it

MGS ended with 4.

>Sup Forums loves 4

4 was shit, end yourselves

The Joost was a mistake.

I hate MGS4, especially the ending so it's hard for me to answer that.

Seriously MGS4 was awful once you hit eastern Europe.

Big Boss and Naomi kept almost dying and delivering last words.for like 5 fucking hours each and spouting what I assume is supposed to be sad or whatever.

MGSV's ending (not the final gameplay) was great. I think it's probably way better if you've been playing since the MSX games. The last scene was rad.

Ultimately don't get your hopes up. MGSV is more of a gameplay game and it does a great job at that.

My opinion on the MGS series over time.

She was the only redeeming thing about V.

>MGSV's ending (not the final gameplay) was great. I think it's probably way better if you've been playing since the MSX games. The last scene was rad.
Kill yourself.

Removing Quiet would have improved the game by 50%

He got to touch Joosten feet and we didnt

>MGS4 - Sup Forums Loves Him
Dumb newfag.

MGS4 is the worst in the series
MGSV is a bad MGS game, but a great game overall

Fucking nostalga faggots can only remember the last scene of MGS4 and thinks the whole game was amazing because they cant remember the rest. It was so fucking boring and uninspired with massive corridors with nothing in it and some absolutely fucking awful stealth. Go replay that shitty following the AI section again and try to claim 4 was good.

Props to MGO2 though. Shits all over MGO3.

Definitely not. Removing any other character would.

>MGSV is a bad MGS game, but a great game overall

How? The world is empty and the missions are repetitive as fuck.

No it continues to be a disappointment. Actually it gets worse.

It's weird to me how people are so loyal to Kojima that there was fucking fanart and merchandise of his new company logo on like day one

>tfw Never really liked MGS story in the first place
>tfw Gamplay wise MGSV is fun as fuck

>Joosten will never milk my dick with her toes
Just fucking kill me

5 isn't out yet.

The combat/movement/stealth is the best of the series, and a lot of the locations are good. Open world was a mistake for sure though.

See I don't get this. MGSV's gameplay was average as FUCK. It suffered from all of the same problems as Far Cry 3. MGS was not intended to be open world so when it tries to jump on the bandwagon it just looks and feels amateurish because that's not what MGS is and it clearly shows.

MGS4 had better gunplay it just didn't have enough.

>MGS 1-4 complete games
>MGSV incomplete

>MGS4 had better gunplay
It had objectively worst combat. Youre being nostalgic.

People still pick on the moviegame meme title Solid 4 had
V's sucked because it was literally nothing
If we're to compare gameplay directly, we could use the Online components as proxies
MGO2 will BTFO MGO3 any time of the day

>tfw the only rewarding part of mgsv was collecting the 80s cassette tapes

what a massive letdown of a game

We're all in this together.

>The combat/movement/stealth is the best of the series

Yeah, I agree, but the game does nothing with it. It's like having a hot gf and not being able to fuck her.

Nice bait

I agree that it's open world map didn't add much when the actual goal itself is quite small but I still found it fun as a fuck dicking around type of game. Playing around with the Fulton was silly nonsense fun. It's like Just Cause 3 for me. In a critical standpoint it has a lot of issues but sometimes it it just fun to go and dick around.

But as a complete game, MGS 2 and 3 are admittedly better. Can't say anything about 4 though as I never played it.

Well you didn't like V and thats fine. But its still the best gameplay of any MGS game.

>yfw codecs were replaced with afterthought audio tapes

Like okay I totally get that logically the audio tapes are better from a game perspective in that you can go in and play them and continue with the game.

But that just makes them feel so lacking. Codecs had so much character.

People seem to forget.

>underrated post

It couldn't decide if it was MGS3-II, Final Fantasy or Splinter Cell.

It was still a good game, better than most, but easily the worst main series MGS.

At least MGSV Continued the tradition of completely overhauling most gameplay mechanics outside of movement.

The game has so much more content than any of the others.
And it supports a ridiculous amount of play styles, ot the point it can have more action than COD if you let it.

everything after mgs3 is shit and if you enjoy it then you are also shit

I only played MGS3, should I continue playing the games in cronological story order leaving GZ/MGSV for last or should I just go play them in order of release?

>that dialogue
MGS story really does just suck.

Would it have been better if he actually fucking murdered Snake and Otacon at the end?

>it's a faggots that prefer Big Bitch and his games over Solid Snake episode

I hate Kojima for hating Snake and worshiping Biggu Bossus cock more than I hate him for MGSV.

>helicopter waiting
>redundant open world
>busywork base building/fultoning/scanning
>useless unlocks (your default weaponry is perfectly fine, the majority of the guns are unusable in a stealth context)
>half-baked "episodic" presentation
>completely batshit plot-line (even by MGS standards), overwrought and muddled attempt at commentary on the viral nature of revenge, language and actual viruses
>worst bosses in the franchise
>literal filler content in the end-game
>literal filler content in the form of side-ops
>blatant and embarrassing fan-service
>inconsitent continuity and characterisations
>under utilised mother base construction
>terribly paced and delivered tutorial section
>cassette listening for important plot points
>base management that is essentially automated, therefore landing in a pointless middle ground of not deep enough and too shallow to even be worth including, in turn appealing to nobody
>barebones missions

i don't think the game is total shit, but i don't like such an enormous amount of it, from the open world gameplay, to the hamfisted plot

the game is also beholden to the absurdity of the series canon, which is only a bad thing

So? what is good mechanics without good level design and game design that takes advantage of it? It's fucking nothing.

No it should have ended with Snake's suicide.

But Kojima runs a team of little bitches who cried and said they refused to kill Snake. So Kojima backed down.

>leaving GZ/MGSV for last
V is after 3 and Peace Walker and before 1

I'll never understand faggots like Kojima and the 24 writers that enjoy torturing their protags

>snake dies anyways
might as well put
>Sunny dies anyways
>Otacon dies anyways
snake just goes off on adventures and probably dies of old age like anyone else would

I know but I still wanna leave them for last even if I play the rest of the series in chronological order

Fixed that for you. Phantom Pain was so shit it retroactively made the other games shit.

Big boss killed the Mgs series. Kind of post ironic if you think about it

>pre mission credits spoiling everything
Awful, fucking awful.

We realized that Kojima is a hack and Fukushima deserves all the praise.

How the FUCK did Ground Zeroes end up a better MGS game than Phantom Pain?

It still baffles me.

>Focus on gameplay
>But the narrative is still strong and compelling
>Strong balance between open-ness yet a focused compound allowing devs to truly detail everything in unique ways so that no matter how you tackle something it feels fresh
>Real stealth in an interesting environment rather than riding around the desert for twenty minutes to an area you clear out in 60 seconds
>Emotionally invested in the outcome of the mission

I could keep going but man GZ had me hyped. I still find new shit every time I go back to it.

There is no ending. No final send off. The game simply ends.

Cause GZ was tight and polished. PP literally got so out of hand that Kojima ran out of time to finish it and Konami was tired of him increasing the budget and forced it out the door.

Kojima bit off more than he could chew.

Good for konami.

>kojima probably blew millions on ten and tens of super popular licensed songs. These dogs aren't even in the game if you don't pick up the tapes.

>blew a ridiculous amount of money on MUH HORRYWOOD ACTOR because Kojima will never get over the fact that he's not good enough for the film industry
>convinces Konami it'll be worth it
>cuts all his dialogue

Because Kojima fell for the open world meme.

If TPP was 9 or 10 areas the size of GZ that had a few different missions each the game would have been perfect, the whole point of the series is stealthy traversal through well designed levels. Making TPP open world ruined that because they had to account for people entering each mission area/base from any angle.

he wont, hes a one trick pony sadly.
and a faggot chink

This is probably the worst. Kiefer was a perfect voice as well. He had less than 30 lines in the entire fucking game.