Nice try melee purists

>smash 4 is dying


Can you do a drill shine in Tr4sh? no? then it will die in no time and it is trash
With any luck it will make it to EVO next year as a side event

No because Fox isn't the only good character in Smash 4 and got his much needed nerf

>Fox isn't the only good character
He isn't in Melee either. There are many other characters viable which happen to still be more than Tr4sh's viable characters

>his much needed nerf
So they just made all the characters boring instead of doing actual good balancing and bringing all characters to Fox's level?
You tr4sh kiddies are pathetic who can't deal with good characters

competitive smash bros is fucking cancer



Go back to no skill nigger fighter

>I can't refute the point so I'm gonna meme
Just as I expected from Tr4sh players

I'm glad that the Sm4sh meta is getting faster every year.

At this point make it just a bit faster and I'll watch it just as much as melee.

that's not how balance works kiddo, they did the "make everyone OP" trash in MvC3 and that game is a horrid mess. Can't wait for people to abandon it and go back to mvc2

>competitive Tr4sh

hey autismo
nobody said sm4sh is going to kill melee
smash 4 just isnt dying
>nobody ever gets it

>playing smash

so are people using that buido shit or what?

>anticompetitive game has more entrants

funny thing is that melee was still more popular for genesis, and every other tournament that featured both

No one has made any big progress with it. The most notable exposure I think it got was Trela used bidou Shulk at a low tier event somewhere.

Smash 4 viable characters: Ryu, cloud, sonic, rosalina, zss, sheik, fox, mewtwo, diddy kong, mario, corrin, pikachu, ness, bayonetta, yoshi, meta knight, donkey kong, megaman, cpt falcon, luigi, pitt/dark pitt.

Memelee viable characters: Fox, falco, marth, peach, ice climbers, sheik, falco, pikachu, jigglipuff, samus.

Get btfo retard.

he mad

I like how you included Falco twice to make Melee's list seem longer

That was a mistake, one is falco and the other is falcon, obviously.

I think he mispelled Falcon

>that stupid face
Go back to twitch, underage faggot.

Forgot about Falcon



>when you accidentally post the wrong image while shitposting

>reddit loves smash 4
>somehow a good thing

there's a reason why melee players play sm4sh but sm4sh players don't play melee

______ya'll are tr4sh______

This genuinely made me laugh

Who cares?

Neither of them are going away anytime soon, at least until Sm4sh gets a theoretical NX sequel, so why does it bother you to the point where you have to make these threads?

>recent game readily available gets more entrants than a game that isn't

WOW are tr4shfags this stupid? Can't wait for them to be btfo when their gf get 100s of viewers this evo


Nice meme youngling.

hax please go

Reddit loves melee too senpai. I bet Reddit even loves your favourite game.

is that good or bad?


At the end of the day, we're all fags for getting so worked up about a game series about Mario smacking Kirby in the face.

Duck hunt and Lucario aren't viable?

He also included Pitt twice


i like how you snuck in meta knight, dark pit and ryu even though they're consistently ranked at the lowest tier on lists.

It don't matter

With 2 stocks and comeback mechanics anyone can be viable, it's more luck than skill at that point

A side event in the parking lot finals.

thta ain't falco

It's very clear that this thread needs to be deleted.

>25 hit Combo
try 50


>Fox, falco, marth, peach, ice climbers, sheik, falco, pikachu, jigglipuff, samus.
>falco twice
triggered nigger?

only fox, jiggs, falco, marth, sheik are viable btw.

>ryu and MK
who's tier list are you looking at
ryu racks up damage very easily, and kills early as fuck, not to mention how easily he can combo into kill moves
mk isn't as good at killing early after the patch but he can still combo into up-b for an easy kill confirm. he just can't juggle people for as long
not to mention how hard he can go offstage with bair

> ryu and Meta Knight are low tier
Have you even played smash 4 wtf


I think I understand the first column but what the fuck are columns 2 and 3 trying to convey?

They're continuations of the first panel.

I mean column one is supposed to be the "can't adapt to items" argument (I think?). But I can't figure out what the rest of the column is supposed to be analogous to.

Exploiting glitches to play in a way that wasn't intended.

Except that stages hazard are usually heavily RNG-based and most often provide even more imbalance for certain characters
An ideal stage has 0 RNG, and perfect balance for all characters. Something that is literally the opposite of the stages time-proved to be uncompetitive

column 1 is a shitty metaphor anyway

A golf court for the most part doesn't change during the competition and players can account as to how they'll play in advances. The iteams that spawn are random, spawn at random times and at random locations, making it so players can't efficiently account for them and doing so would only be adjusting to luck

that's still a shitty argument
if it's allowed by the engine of the game, there's no reason not to use it

>if it's allowed by the engine of the game, there's no reason not to use it
So you're saying it's OK to intentionally dig a trench leading to a hole on a golf course just because it's possible to do so.

false equivalency

Whoa, What's your issue with Street Fighter

but that is actively ruining the game instead of enhancing it, so the metaphor doesn't apply

Column 2 is basically a rip on people picking only the strongest characters and using glitches and bugs such as wavedashing.

Column 3 is just the normal guy quitting the game while the tourneyfag realizes hes not satisfied at all despite winning.


I know this is supposed to be a shitpost/joke, but a lot of people forget that the reason why stages/items are banned is because they would make melee even more ridiculously unbalanced.

After all, who is going to get more of an advantage from items and hazards? The fast, high tier characters like fox who can easily out maneuver all the hazards, reach items faster and even have a reflector that works on items, or slow low tiers like Bowser who have a hard enough time approaching the faster high tiers already?

I think you're confused on the difference between a rule and a logical constraint

Why are you so bootyblasted that you post these threads every other day?

Smash 4 is simplistic casual shit.

Everyone knows smash 4 is the special olympics of fgc. It's why it has so many entrants. My 13 year old cousin is going to evo to play smash 4. Think about that.

>want to play sm4sh, but it doesn't have dashdancing or wavedashing
>the closest way to achieve that is an entire control change scheme

I just want to run back and forth

>only fox, jiggs, falco, marth, sheik are viable btw.
if you put jiggs you have to put peach since they're both carried into relevance by one of the gods.

>capcom caters street fighter 5 to competitive players
>flops harder then your dad's dick
>nintendo ignores all meleefags for Smash 4
>game sells amazingly

why can't meleefags ever learn?

I'm not the guy you replied to but I'm fairly certain you do not know the lengths people go to.

Example: Sm4sh's bidou.

Tourney-fags would dig a trench if they had the chance.

lets not pretend Melee is god tier, but fucks sake Smash 4 is pretty good too like fuck man
its the Melee elitist that are autistic cunts

SFV didn't flip though

>Trenching, amazingly named after a player named Trenches, [1] is an advanced golf technique widely used in professional golf tournaments in the United States. The technique has become widely accepted for adding a complex meta-game that shortens holes (lewd[2]) and increases interaction between competing players. [citation needed]

What now, shitter?

>meta knight, dark pit and ryu
>consistently ranked at the lowest tier on lists

What the fuck am I reading

somebody unironically spent time on this


Smash 4 is nothing but extremely lame game play of poking your opponents shield with your safest aerial or baiting your opponent with safe aerials from a distance to get in a dash grab. Once either palyer makes the tiniest mistake such as incorrectly spacing an aerial on shield they get shield grabbed into d-throw u-air. If the combo is extended it will mostly like result in the attacker getting n-aired since the game has no hitstun and pressing A breaks most combos especially since it has a 10 frame input buffer. Also power shielding can be done in 13 frames because of the 10 frame input buffer

>planning to buy Smash 4
>play Melee a LOT with my best friend
>play Brawl yesterday
>actually pretty fun, get pretty good with Wolf
>am now fucking sad he's not in Smash 4

SFV sold like 1.5 million by last month and it has more entrants than anything in its first year

There is hitstun. The problem is that the amount is random and only few characters can take advantage of the amount of hitstun the game has

Tr4sh is literally the kiddie pool of the FGC

Of course you're going to have more entries, it's a low skill game and basic bitch can be good at

nah smash 4 is shit
Why would I ride a bicylce with training wheels when I rode a real one for years?

all shit posting aside was the trade off of Snake worth it for Ryu, Mega Man, Pac Man, Bayonetta, and Cloud?


Jigglypuff is top-tier. The new tierlist was made by voting instead of melee back room and noone likes puff

Golf takes place in the real world and thus must be governed by rules upon which the game is established. Without an enforced ruleset golf ceases to be golf.

SSB takes place in a video game and the limitations are that which have been programmed into said video game. Without a ruleset it will continue to be SSB

I hope this helps you understand the difference


of course

Absolutely. Plus Snake is there in spirit as Duck Hunt

As someone that plays traditional fighters, it seems like the only argument that Melee vets have towards Smash 4 players is that Melee requires more dexterity.
That in itself can be argued to be a good or bad thing.

Slightly off base on details, but you pretty much are correct. Smash 4 doesn't reward smart decisions, it rewards the same shit Brawl did, which is never taking a direct risk and waiting for someone to whiff something you can punish. It doesn't reward creativity, it rewards refinement of setplay. It also has some terrible controls. The amount of fishing for kills at high level play is embarrassing.

Melee vets simply don't like Smash 4 because it's Brawl 2.0. They aren't going to shit on the game unless provoked simply because they don't give a shit.

But don't act like Smash 4 is anywhere near as competitive regardless of speed. It has a massive balance issue with offense vs defense and the game is designed to try to limit pressure, approaches, edgeguarding, etc. Top level play tries to get around these issues, but they still very much exist. How many times do you see people literally sit on stage and let the opponent recover in a game that is supposed to be about stage denial?

In a lot of ways I think of it as the discussion between Gulity Gear and Blazblue. BB gets shit on sometimes for not being as 'deep' as GG and having less buttons and such, but really they're just two separate games made for different people. I can't say one is worse than the other.

Than the melee players you are talking to are shit.
Melee is better than smash 4 since the game allows for greater options in the neutral and punish game.
Dash Dancing alone makes approaching insanely more viable in Melee.
Not to mention rolling isn't a viable movement option like it is in smash 4.
Melee combos are also way more free form and require you to read/react to your opponents DI.

it's really more because of the following:

>you can airdodge out of tumble
>game is generally floaty
>characters have way more recovery frames on their attacks across the board
>attacks also produce way more knockback

but the actual hitstun multiplier has been the same since melee.

Can't the game be argued to have more variety in playstyle thanks to limiting those options in comparison to Melee though?
Smash as a series is intrinsically flawed by design

>Shit, he just had to pick Ness
Said literally nobody ever

Combos in smash 4 react to DI as well, not to mention bidou pretty much opens possibilities for added movement

>smash 4

Pokken will always be more of a real fighting game than tr4sh.

Bidou requires you to remap your entire control scheme though.