E3 is right around the corner

E3 is right around the corner.
It is confirmed that Rockstar will be attending with something big.
There's not going to be anything GTA 6 related for a long time, and the Red Dead Redemtion 2 thing is a beaten horse by now.

My prediction is that they will reveal a new Manhunt. Manhunt 3 or just 'Manhunt'

How about just a new IP?


How about just a new Intellectual Property?

I don't get what you're saying

How about they just a new game?

Rockstar's too established now to do something as edgy as a Manhunt game. It'll be Red Dead 3 or Agent as their next game.

Also, where was it said they'll be at E3?

The whole game?

Just a whole new game bro

A whole new game?

This thread is going places.

>or just 'Manhunt'
god I hope not. that's such a stupid modern trend.

A brand new whole new game bruh, that hasn't been done before.

>Manhunt 3 on the RAGE engine
I'd fucking buy it

I'd honestly just love to see a new IP, too much is made out of sequel hype in this business, but then again sequels to L.A. Noire and Bully would pretty much be the only games of theirs I'd by a new system for, and that's not going to happen. Manhunt even less so, considering the fate of the second game in the series.

Much as I'd love a new Manhunt, you and I both know in today's political climate that there is no way in Hell a game as edgy as Manhunt would ever be made/sold publicly. No store would carry it. Maybe on PC, (ala Hatred), but even then that's still a risky venture with no guarantees of distribution (again, look at Hatred). Even with all the bank Rockstar has, even they wouldn't risk devolping another Manhunt. Look how much flak they caught for that one torture scene in GTA V, and that scene takes like... 2 minutes to complete? A whole game with realistic graphics equal to GTA V (or better) where you reenact stuff you'd only see in the darkest of snuff films?

It's a pipe dream user. Just let it go
It's easier that way.

Expect Red Dead or pic related.

Havent they been quietly working on Agent for a few years?

>pic related
I don't remember this?

It's not even that the original two Manhunts were that edgy, a lot of edgier games have flown under the radar before or since. It's more that they were published by a high profile company at the wrong place and at the wrong time, so they became 90s video game violence panic revival scapegoats which neutered and killed the sales of the second game and prevents them from reviving the series unless they're willing to ride the wave of controversy that's likely to pick up again if they reuse the IP. Would be smarter just to make a hyper violent game, but call it something else.

would SJWs complain about a manhunt game? no, right? it's only sexy girls and white males they complain about, right?

Hi, reddit.

You mean, like a singleplayer DLC of sorts?

Make the Manhunt 3 Protag black and all the victims white and the SJWs will endorse it.

Their target demographic may however dislike it very strongly.

>New Manhunt
The SJWs will just try to prevent the game from coming out.

No fun allowed

M-maybe Bully 2?

Sorry OP, nothing fun and unique like Manhunt or Bully will ever see the light of day again. Rockstar have gone full jew mode and want as much money as possible. They will do this by relying on tried and true established franchises that are in high demand and have historically sold very well. Manhunt nor Bully are within these parameters.

GTA 6 is a long way off in the distance, this is true, and thus we can determine that the guaranteed reveal is going to be of the next Red Dead game. With some luck, they'll throw us all a bone and do a remaster of Redemption for PS4/XB1 and of course, PC.

Never, ever.

Bully 2
N.Y. Noire

Rockstar. Please.