I finished the remake of Final Fantasy IV DS. And I tried to play Final Fantasy III DS...

I finished the remake of Final Fantasy IV DS. And I tried to play Final Fantasy III DS, but I'm just not getting into it.

I still want to at least try to play a FF style game with a job system. I'm thinking of trying Four Heroes of Light or Bravely Default. Which one would you recommend is better?

bravely default is much better in spite of lategame retardedness

Better because of story, combat, job customization or all three?

Out of those two I'd recommend Bravely
4 Heroes doesn't even let you choose who to attack or heal

>a FF style game with a job system
Have you played FFV? It is the best mainline game with a job system (also the best mainline game).

I heard that FHoL is decent, but I never played it.

all of them. 4HOL is basically just a BD prototype

>4 Heroes doesn't even let you choose who to attack or heal

That sounds odd. And reading up on the game, the idea of only being able to use skills based on what hat you wear sounds really limiting. I really disliked that mechanic of being limited to skills by what weapons/gear you had in FFTactics Advance. What does Bravely Default use?

FFV and IX are the only main series games I haven't played. I waited many years to see if FFV would get a remake. And of course it hasn't. But I can wait.

the "hats" in 4HOL aren't equipment, they're just the in-universe way of saying job. it's still fairly limiting since you don't have a subjob like most other FF job games. that being said, black/white magic can be used regardless of class, but you have to buy individual scrolls for each character and depending on your jobs it's of questionable use

>Also the best mainline game
Hmm, that's a funny way of spelling XII IZJS user.

FFV got a remake on GBA years ago, and a shitty one on iOS too. FFIX is kinda similar to IV DS, same focus on story, characters have fixed jobs/subjobs but you can improve them with augments obtained from gear. If you liked IV, you will probably like IX too.
There is no reason to wait if you can play them right now. If you are waiting for something like the FFVII remake, you will probably die before they even make an official announcement about it. FFXI will get a remake before them, too. Made by Nexon, though.

forgot the second part. as you level up jobs in BD you unlock more commands for that skillset, as well as passives that can be equipped (5 slots, some take up more than 1). you can equip one other job's skillset in addition to your current job's, and can use whatever abilities you've unlocked for it.

Well part of the reason I didn't like FFIII on DS is because the skills seemed limited to your class and no subclass option that I found (why level a Red Mage at all when I'm trying to go for Magus for example). So Bravely Default might be a better choice for me. Thanks.

XII is great and I really enjoyed the world and combat gameplay, but I can't agree that is the best because terrible pacing, easily forgettable story (I "blame" the huge amount of side content that you can access between main story events, it is way more fun than the story anyway) and very boring characters taking the spotlight of the few good ones with their stupid and terribly developed drama.

Too bad we will never see this combat gameplay ever again in a FF game.

FFIII's class system is kinda like a puzzle game. You basically pick your class based on the next boss/dungeon to make things easier.
And then you get shit like Ninja and the puzzle thing is pretty much over.

>play a story based FF game
>like the combat, hate the story and flow

>play a job based FF game
>like min/maxing the jobs, hate the combat and story

Why can't this series get it right?

>FFIII's class system is kinda like a puzzle game. You basically pick your class based on the next boss/dungeon to make things easier.
Well that kind of implies you're following a guide. Or get to a dungeon, die, then spend an hour leveling a class to get through it. Neither of those are that great. I mean, I didn't have to keep changing classes in Dragon Quest III.

But when it comes to FFIII, you don't really have to change classes that much either. Early game, you can just make everyone a Red Mage and get through things easily. Mid game, you just make a typical FF1 party. Its only in the late game when you get the final classes that things become hard. Not so much because of the classes, but because that final dungeon is fucking bullshit.

>Or get to a dungeon, die, then spend an hour leveling a class to get through
That is kinda like FFI. Enter a dungeon, die/run like a bitch, make notes based on your experiences (maybe draw a map to not get lost and end up on that stupid worthless room again) and buy more stuff.
Trial and error was quite popular n vidya back then, FFIII's job system basically added another layer of it.

>Trial and error was quite popular n vidya back then
Having grown up during the Atari/NES era, I can say it really wasn't. Back then, just like now, kids wanted instant gratification. So most kids preferred Zelda, Contra, Mario, Mega Man, etc. Something that made them feel overpowered right from the start, then gave them power ups over time without much work.

Now, older gamers are a different story. But they made up a much smaller amount of the playerbase.

I have only played FF3 legends on handheld. Which FF title should I look into?


Oh boy, this thread is about to explode.

I started with FFVI. And after playing nearly every other game, it still tied for the best in my view. But that's not saying much as the best FF game is still just 'decent'. FF Legends is actually a different series called SaGa that Squaresoft just called Final Fantasy in the west to get more attention.

Thanks. I have played FFs on consoles but have never played one on handheld. Seeing this thread made me itch to start.

Bravely Default is much better than FHoL.

FFV is better than both of them. Emulate it.