
>white liberal highschool dropout

>all of them band together to terrorize white people

Seems pretty accurate to me


I like how more than half of these things don't even paint a negative picture, whoever made this needs to work on their form

>being this salty

>there is someone so butthurt he posts this multiple times everyday

The fact that you feel that way only shows how far gone you are already.

If you dislike this games' choice of cast so much, then why do you continue to give the game traction by posting about it?

It makes it easy to stir up controversy so Ubisoft shills can get a few easy bucks from stupid SJWs.

Scram, newfag.

>starts thread being salty at other races
>calls others salty


>ok. Done.


buzz buzz

What the fuck happened to this place? When did tumblr and Reddit invade?

just because someone has a shemagh on his head doesn't mean that he's a muslim

Are you new?
Reddit invaded Sup Forums about the same time Sup Forums did, 2012.

Thing is SJW don't leave us alone. The whole idea we should leave them alone if they leave us alone doesn't work if they aren't going to treat it like a two way street. If they're going to keep boycotting, asking for games to be banned and harassing devs/publishers to conform to their standards then fuck em.

>quote your enemies
>post a picture of a fedora wearing autist along side it

Another argument won.


fuck off faggot
it happened when gamergate drew the entirety of the tumblredditbuzzfeed population here

>Petty tit for tat mentality.
How old are you? Posting on Sup Forums mocking their characters races isn't doing anything except bothering Sup Forums with more SJW bullshit.

So you admit your a gaming industry hating reactionary SJW who wants to take away my games? Ok then. If you aren't part of "us" then you're against us, that simple. This really is one of the few times where it's a black and white issue.

Either you're for developers doing whatever they want creatively (whether SJW or sexist) or you're against that and want to control the message. Pick.

I need to look at this picture again. It makes me feel better.

Same goes for making butthurt threads about the wd2 characters constantly :^)

>people who speak out against genocide are SJWs

Will not be buying this degenerate filth

What would you call them?

>You can't say nigger anymore without people calling you pol

what the fuck happened to this place Niggers?

I'll buy it in your place.

>take away games
>us vs them
>black and white
Get thrown over the wall, idiot

Sup Forums and racist redditors happened.

That's not the case at all, people call out Sup Forums because video game discussions aren't video game discussions anymore. We can't talk about this game for instance just because the main character happens to be black. I've not seen ANY Watch Dogs 2 thread that discussed the game at all.

To be honest I kind of get it with Battlefield 1, also with Mafia 3 as well. But with Watch Dogs 2 there's no problem at all. People say "HUH A NIGGER IN SANFRANCISCO WTF", but they don't know that the guy is actually from Oakland.

It's just shitposting that the likes of Sup Forums crossboarders are mainly responsible for. These guys pride themselves for infesting every board with their shit.

>chimps crying racism when they break in to an old ladies house to mug and rape them
>dindu nuffin
>how am i suppose to get my weed raycis cracka

Face it. These idiots are the same type of people who would be stoned to death if they tried that shit with Moses. God hates sedition and uncleanness.

Saying nigger and being perma butthurt because of black characters is a different thing.

scared whiteboy

Having a nigger in a game is always a problem.

don't ever have children

Nothing. Some people have become enlightened and ascended their thoughts beyond the unenlightened Stormfaggots, redpillers, /poltivists. It's become literal cringey Reddit/Lib shit now