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He's literally bottom 3, next to Mei and Hanzo.


do you know how tier lists work

Genji is only OP if the player is good.
Everyone else using him makes him shit tier.

>kick ass as him one match
>next match end up doing miserably

>try cool shit like this when I play genji
>just get shut down in 2 seconds
I'll never git gud.

All that self owning in the webm. That enemy team deserved it.

he may be a stereotypical samurai that attracts a lot of players but he is not bottom tier

worse than tracer at making supports rage

He's pretty terrible. He's only useful when he has his ultimate, and even then he gets shut down really easily.

Clearly you're still in the shitter MMR where you play with scrubs. Talk to me when all your games consist solely of Winston, Widowmaker, McCree, and Lucio.

You're just bad

Answer the question. Do you know how tier lists work?

>a pro player playing against pubs
Your video proves literally nothing

Nah man just use junkrat against him.
>use junkrat
>genji trying to "E" my bombs
>he can but it would not harm youself
>he gets close
>bomb the fuck away and deploy bear trap
I just stopped a fuckton of genji while they were using their ult just because they passed on the bear trap. It's just beautiful to get genji player to rage

you need to git gud m8

Genji doesn't need changes at all

You can't stomp that hard with most heroes. Genji is one of the few heroes with a moderately high skill ceilling and a good Genji is an absolute nightmare. He's far from terrible.

>that moment when you trap Genji and watch him swivel around on the spot as he realises what's about to happen

>Neft a balanced hero?
How much of a fag are you?

godamn that mouse movement looks so good for this game. Wish I could play it on PC, I can't even turn off autoaim on console and it fucks with aiming.

Is using his right click better than left for this range? I can't never hit fucking shit with his left.


>Not 2 Soldier, 2 Zarya, Lucio and Wildcard.

fuck off faggot

Pharah is the most balanced Hero. Literally ALL you have as Pharah is your ability to aim.

>>genji trying to "E" my bombs
>>he can but it would not harm youself
this isn't true

if you're good with him he's incredibly rewarding, if not even if you're average with him he is utter shit tier (also the reason why noobs like to "main" him)

This game will die soon. It is currently dominated by absolute broken overpowered heroes like Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker. While heroes like DVA, Pharah and Mei are useless weak.

they're both average at best
>inb4 competitive scene stats

>a mercy
>a widomaker
>a hanzo
>another genji

if we're going by this webm we should nerf everyone cause almost any other character
can kill all those squishy fucks and probably faster

Do you ever read the webms like this instead of just watching?
He only killed a couple half health heroes with Zarya's key assistance in distracting them.

Deflects don't require much skill.

From what I see.. those where shit oppenents. That sniper was behind that genji for how long?


The only one you got right was Widowmaker

No he doesn't.
You need a noose though.

the sniper was trying to kill the mercy

Do good Genji players actually use their ultimate?

I keep getting told it's less beneficial

>hanzo overpowered

Literally bottom tier. A completely garbage version of widow.

I play genji and i'm about to start saying fuck the ulti
It's more of a NERF than it is a Super Move
>can't even 1-shot a level 1 torb turret
>can't even 1-shot a zenyatta - the squishiest hero in the game

Save it for when your team goes in and takes most of the attention. It will two hit 200 hp heroes and you get your dash on each elimination


I went 32-1 with Mei today and I'm pretty average at the game.
You clearly haven't played it if you think that.


Point blank Right Click (84) > Melee (30) > Swift Strike (50) combo can deal a lot of damage in an instant as each cancels its animation into the next.
Koochie no OK Corral is slow and weak, and has a long startup and takes your Shurikens away for a measly 120 damage per swing, once per second.

Even just RMB+Melee gives you 114 damage in less than a second, repeating those two alone in rapid succession is far more effective than using Genji's sword.

Genji's ult is so shitty that you could make it his normal left-click and it'd actually nerf him.

Genji is too fun.

Not him, but I'm at the point in MMR where double McCree is not an uncommon sight and monkeys run rampant. Mercy seems equal with Lucio usage wise. Widows are are mixed bag, some are annoying and some are game ruining. Zarya is also really popular, arguably more so than Rein as the main tank. I see a few Meis as well surprisingly, most are pretty good at her.

Where would you say I am?

It's only good when you get the drop on people in the middle of a team battle. If you do use it right you slaughter the whole team

Any Genji "mains" have any tips? I feel as if I've hit a wall as far as improvement goes.

Attack from every height and angle always keep on the move

Yeah I do that, just like in my Scout days I'm always jumping around climbing and bouncing off of everything.

I think I need to know when it's better to use the straight shot or spread shot, along with general accuracy. Anything on that?

It's one of the hardest ults to use effectively.

Most new/mediocre Genji players think they can go ham on the team and get a 4-5 player multi kill at any time but in reality it's meant to be a flanking tool that catches the enemy by surprise in the middle of a massive team fight.

what website

Yes there are already people paid to play Overwatch. That is what pro means bud

>it's a "an actually good Genji is behind our team and is picking us off immediately after we respawn" episode

Genji needs his health nerfed back to 150. He's got too much mobility for his health tier, he also chews through widows like paper.

>He starts panic deflecting
>Throw a mine at his feet

Tracer has 150 because she can heal
Genji can't

Use the straight shot at greater distances, against single targets, against easy leads(people running in straight lines that aren't parallel to you, etc.) A Lucio sprinting away from you down a narrow hallway.

Use the spread at point blank for an instant three hits or if you can't really judge or lead a good shot. A zero suit doing circles around you and you just want to land two in her head for the finish.

Spread is faster than straight for harassing and distracting. Straight travels pretty god damn far.

>Dorado Attack
>Have a reliable McCree on our team
>He gets a card at the end for every fucking elimination being a FTH kill


genji is fast enough to get to any medkit on any map instantly with his dash, he also has more survivability than any other offense, and arguably more than tracer.

zarya is in secret need of a nerf

>stereotypical samurai
>a fucking samurai

good players shouldn't be punished for playing a difficult carry well

Genji doesn't have 4 mobility abilities to use at once.

Genji has cooldowns that really fucking blow if you're caught during them.

always remember that the dash recharges with a kill and avoid using it out of panic. yeah if you need to escape you need to escape but some times you can dash your way into a sudden double kill.

>Hitting E and shift
>good player
Shit son all lucios are good too then

>use dash to get away from a roadhog that just hooked me
>use deflect while back strafing
>turn the corner to find a reaper
but hey he has 50 too much hp

What if, skill.

Good Zarya players need to time their shit very well and they're almost useless solo.

>By surprise

>mfw nobody plays the best tank because she looks ugly

y'all some shallow niggas. She has the best ult in the game, being able to clutch games by comboing her ult into literally any other ult. It seriously works with everything. Hanzo, junkrat, genji, tracer, mccree, pharah, basically every damage dealing ult has great synergy with zarya's ult. But nobody plays her because
>i don't wanna be a dyke

And why do you think she needs a nerf then? Because you're too retarded to not shoot the big power boosting shield?

I like to believe I'm good and I use it. you can hit multiple people with it at once and it's easier to hit with than the spread so you can get in close and focus on movement while killing them in a couple hits.

at the very least I don't think it's an overpowered ult

Who /junkrat/ or /roadhog/ here?

I want to fuck Genji in his onahole

What if Genji has a pussy

Thanks user, that's a good idea.

??? yeah ain't any different than not getting insta-gibbed as Pharah.

>Junkrat yells FIRE IN THE HOLE/ yells NERF THIS/Hanzo yells HONG BONG CHING CHONG, etc
>enemy team attention diverted
>yell FOR MY ANCESTORS and cut down two squishies before they can react. you are in the backlines, right?

but good luck stacking ults with pubbies

I picked her up yesterday for shits and giggles. Holy fuck she's amazing. Only problem is she needs your team to play aggressively, so having shitters who think they should snipe/turret/Bastion from afar the entire game hurts.

who is the best champ to shut down windowmakers with? I was told it was winston but he gets shut down so easily and his tickle gun is awful.

Genji, Tracer, Reaper depending on your MMR, Roadhog for the same reason

why the fuck does widow have 200 health despite being 3 miles away from all the action?
just gives her more time for her to zip line back to her fuck buddies before you kill her, if you somehow manage to get past her anti flanker mine or get gunned down by her rapid fire rail gun

>making widows hardest counter stronger
she needs her DAMAGE nerfs, not her health.

All of the ults you mentioned either dont have start up time or are instakills that require the enemies to hide, and cant be stopped by killing the user.

Genji's has start up time, makes him glow, doesnt instakill and requires you to be right fucking next to enemies.

because blizzard has a fetish for making glass cannons overpowered.

Just look at mages and warlocks in WoW.

pharah needs a nerf, so does junkrat

pharah needs a buff. her rocket powered missles are slower than gravity

>glass canons
those fucks always have the most survieablity if played right

I wasn't comparing Genji's ult to those mang, I was saying that Genji's ult works best when something else forces panic like those ults listed.

It's harder to retreat in an orderly manner than to advance. And yeah I know Genji's ult has a gorillion small problems.

no he's right, it makes no sense from a gameplay perspective to give a character who can't be engaged with on equal terms to have as much health as the front line offensive. Most of the time when players die to her they didn't even see her or were engaged with another player. her damage and ult is fine, but she needs to be squishier, and her grapplehook needs to be interruptable so she can't fly away at the first sign of being forced into a fair fight.

>Not being Winston
Just give Widows the monkey dick user nothing feels better then smashin dat blue ass

Why is her rifle able to take off over half of most heroes health without a full charge

Why is the rifle not bolt action/slow rate of fire

Why is SMG mode on par with 76's AR

Why does she get so much fucking ammo

Why does she get two LEAVE NOW buttons

Why does she whisper her ult so it's impossible for most enemies to hear it

Why doesn't the ult end prematurely when she's killed

So many questions

The only real counter to Widowmaker is another Widowmaker

only one question is required
why did they put a sniper in an objective based game in the first place?

>Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau

>yfw genji gets buffed because most players are so bad they can't play him

>this appears on the enemy team

You gotta learn how to hot monkey dick

Shutting down Pharahs is so satisfying.