"PC is too expensive"

>"PC is too expensive"

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself.

But i'm using a computer?!

For the games you can play? Yes, it is too expensive.

for the price of a complete ps4 you'd barely get a graphics card

then add cpu unit, ram memory, mb board, psu unit, hdd drive and an operating system and you're looking at 1000 dollars minimum

an oriental suck and fuck is more expensive than a mid-tier pc



And then you get a machine that can play not only all recent releases, but also older ones and emulation.

You can also use it as a server, make a video game with it, browse the internet on it, do paperwork on the cloud, apply for jobs online, order stuff online, compose music, edit videos, run virtual machines of multiple other operating systems, watch a movie, pirate movies, pirate video games, masturbate, and many more.

If you're not paying for a good computer in 2016, you're probably a neckbeard manchild living off of welfare.

you realize that virtually everyone has a computer, but a gaming computer is a different story, right?

of course not, you are straight from reddit

Yea but if you bought a pc for 1k the only think you'd have to do is upgrade the gpu which can range at 300-400 every 4 years. Cpus are not getting stronger.

Buying a ps4 at launch would run you 400. If you paid for online that's 200 in 4 years. The neo is coming out which would probably fall in the 400-500 range. Asuming it's 400 thats 1k. Then in another 3 years they're likely to come out with another model that runs you 400-500. Pile up 3 years of paid online and that's another 150. So 550 minimum.

Meanwhile on the pc side you'd only be picking up 300-400 cards that outdo the consoles by quite a gap in tflps and not paying for online. Not to mention you can pick up cd keys at the gray market and get new releases at around 35-40 bucks without paying for discounts.

We could do into the advantages and disadvantages of each platform but that's another subject.

But at face value people see 400 vs 1k and so don't think about long term. That and consoles actually get marketing

whenever anyone mentions pc gaming they always seem to forget all the things you can do with a computer like use a mouse and keyboard to play your vidya

or play rts and competitive RTS, or play simulators. nevermind the expense, pc gaming is huge for enthusiasts

Too expensive for the benefits gained. I'm not paying another $300 so I can get a little higher framerate on some multiplats

>talk like an expert
>get mad when people listen to you

please take a moment to stop trolling and actually compare the 2. These companies dont care that in the long run you will pay more and get less out of these machines compared to if you just saved up , got a PC and put 1 new part into it every 3-4 years.

>Bought a PS4 with Christmas bonus from job last year
>friends are always hounding me to buy a gaming PC
>muh mouse and keyboard, muh framerate, they say
>all they play is CS, LoL, Overwatch and emulate SNES games that I already own
>implying im willing to pay all that money to play less games
>they're still crying about Bloodborne, TLoU, XCOM2 and more

PC gaming is quite possibly the biggest vidya meme of the 21st century, I have no pity for anyone who falls for it

>$600 for one piece of hardware

>vidya meme

thanks reggie

The argument is even more retarded when you consider these people likely have a separate PC for other purposes in addition to their console.

For a good one, yes.



a PC uses more power though. electric bill compensates with the online payment of consoles so that argument is void.

What they don't realize is that almost every SP game is free on PC, so you can actually save money.

What was the point of this post?

>1000 dollars minimum
My PC was around 400 bucks and runs PS4 level games
Blow it out your ass

Thats a PC exclusive

Also TLoU is overrated.

>meanwhile literally any consol game costs 50 bucks

>people would rather get 30fps and 2 exclusives for 300 bucks than 60 fps, mods, piracy, actually good indie games, more sales, and kb+m for 400
Consolecucks, everyone

>PC Exclusive
Pick one

>only my PS4® Exclusives™ are good!

>consolefags getting sloppy seconds
Whatever, rather have console ports made after PC than at the same time

what was the point of this one?

I can build a PC for the same price as a PS4 that will play games with better framerates and graphics.

For $150 more than the cost of a PS4 I can build a PC that will double the framerate of the PS4 on the same game, with better graphical quality.

Not an argument.

>poorfags arguing amongst each other
Just get both guys.
I have a PC and a few consoles, only just sold my 360 recently.

>PC Exclusive

Not anymore, friend ;)

>TLOU is overrated
True, but my friends are kinda big on the zombie genre so they're mad about it. Also Sup Forums would probably like it if it were in PC, cause it's still a solid game.

Fucking lmao

>2000 dollar PC + 200 dollar monitor + 60+ dollars of ram + 60 dollar speakers + 50 dollar keyboard + 100 dollar mouse + the price of games + 5 dollar poptarts
We don't all get NEETbux from the government because we're too autistic to work on top of good boy points.

>XCOM2 Thats a PC exclusive

>there is no plan to support mods on the console versions of XCOM 2 at this time.
Have fun :^)

or that one?

I'd argue that it's the perfect time to get a PC since the new generation is pushing people to sell their old stuff due to DDR4 needing new mother boards and new CPUs ontop. You can get amazing deals buying parts that arent even that old from people who want some quick cash to put towards a new build.

I paid £400 this week for:
>270X 4GB
>MSi 970 Gaming motherboard
>8gb DDR3 Ram 2133mhz
>240gb SSD
>2tb 7200 RPM HDD to put the bulk of my games on
>Brand new Corsair Carbide Spec Alpha to put it all in

And I'm going to spend another £60 for 32gb of DDR3 ram (overkill really. The 8gb I already have is fine, but I figure I should just go all out since I got plenty of budget to play with and DDR3 is still dirt cheap)

In a few months I'll probably going to grab a new graphics card, like a RX 480 or GTX 1070, (depending on benchmarks and budget) and I'll be set for a pretty long time still and would have not even spent half of what a brand new, cutting edge, build would cost right now.

I just played Ryse. Looks amazing on this build. Pretty much every game in the last few years, except really CPU intense games like Arma 3, bloaty games like the new Battlefront, and bad ports that aren't well optimised, run on high settings at 60fps. Some can even comfortably sit on Ultra.

The PS4 and Xbox One have a ton of catching up to do to what even this hardware I have can do.
I doubt if the upgraded versions will perform much better than this rig.

>2000 dollar PC
>doesn't come with RAM


remember user you cant bring up graphic or framerates even when these games lack either of those things and are literally making it worst for the entire industry.

>pop tarts

Those were better days...

Get a 490 don't get the 480 or 1070


So you can improve bloodborne, sfv, killzone, infamous, uc4, and others you say? For a paltry $550? Welll color me interested!

Fucking dunce

Put this together the other day, includes everything shitposters complain about (kb+m, monitor) and its still as affordable as a ps4

when will i know its time to upgrade?

what's the problem?

I'm too retarded to build. Can anyone recommend a decent desktop/laptop to use?

>Console game gets released on PC

>PC game gets ported to consoles
>W-whatever, that game sucked anyway...



actually thats wrong its
3000 dollar PC + 800 dollar monitor + 200 dollars of ram + 800 dollar megaphones + 60 dollar Atari 2600 joystick from 1981 + 40 dollar dragon dildo + 1000 dollars worth of chicken nuggets from burger kind + 10 dollar Something Awful account

Pretty decent setup

>No mod support on XCOM2 for ps4.


>having a GAMING pc
Literally kill yourselves fucking NEET manchildren


costs twice the price for a system that melts twice as quickly

and this? explain yourself

which you must upgrade every 2-3 years. no thanks.

A cheap laptop is good enough to play all the indie platformer shit PC got

Never said that nigger
XCOM 2 is one of the best games this year. Who cares consolefags get the worse version?

Take your strawman and fuck outta here

>consolecucks happy they get sloppy seconds

Dumb baiting nigger, some people don't upgrade for 5+ years and have no trouble

I could improve Street Fighter V out of that list, since it is available for PC.

As for the others they are nice, but there are good PC exclusives too. Can you play EVE online on PS4? No. And there really isn't an equivalent similar game to look to either.

The argument over exclusives goes nowhere. If you want to play a certain game, you will have to get the platform it's on. But there are many games for each platform. Surely you can find something to enjoy?

I don't even care about XCOM, didn't play any of them. It just feels good to win all the time as a console owner master race. Kys :)

>building a gaming pc
>have to spend an hour configuring drivers before playing any game

lmao no thanks

Yeah l dont get that either. Good for console people for finally getting a decent strategy game.

This. I have a shitty laptop and a PS4. I am covered on all fronts.

>this sodium tantrum

Consoles ALWAYS win, baby!

>things that never happen for 400 alex

>I-I never liked XCOM a-anyway
fucking NICE

Multiplats, indie games, emulators

Exclusive games, multiplats + emulate every console PC can with in-built emulators and...

Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gundam Breaker 3, Ni-Oh, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, Red Redemption, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Nier Replicant, Ratchet and Clank, Bayonetta 2, The Last Guardian, FFXV, Nier Automata, SM3DW, Gravity Rush, Playable Ico & SOTC etc. + more multiplats
It's like some people intentionally go out of their way to choose the hardest way to play the least amount of games. The funny thing is I literally spent less money than people who built beefy PC's yet I end up with more games and better ways to emulate than their PC's. To top it off I can even throw in two handhelds and still come under a grand just to expand my library.

>tfw all we do is win

"Our expertise here is PC. That's our home, and that's where we're really comfortable," said XCOM 2's Creative Director Jake Solomon. He explains that when his team set to work on an XCOM sequel, it set some pretty lofty goals - high-fidelity characters and environments, better-looking destruction, physically based rendering, and of course, procedural generated maps. He said that the only way the team could pull this off was by focusing on the single platform that it had all its expertise on.

"When we have our meetings, when we talk about stuff, we only talk about PC," said Solomon. "We talk about 'What is the experience like on PC? What does the mouse feel like in this experience?'" He explains that this means that the entire XCOM 2 experience was built with the PC gamer in mind. Some examples of this include the optimizing the interface to be mouse-and-keyboard friendly, and displaying a lot more detailed tactical information on screen, as Firaxis can count on players sitting close to PC monitors (rather than far from their TV screens) and being able to read smaller text.

So for Xbox One and PS4 owners looking to get their hands on XCOM 2 - while Solomon didn't completly rule out the possibility of a console version, as he did state that Microsoft and Sony's new boxes were "technically" powerful enough to run the game, he did say that it isn't even something the team is thinking about at this point in time.

Literally any time a big release comes out there's threads about people struggling to run it and scrambling for fixes.

B-but Dota 2 and CS GO!

Take this PC off of ebay


And put one of those RX 480s in it. And for $674 you've got a very powerful PC that will do anything you want, and still has a lot of room for further expansion down the road for years. If you add in the 2nd CPU and keep with GPU trends AND games continue to become more multi-threaded this PC could compare favorably with a -PS5- in the 2020s.

I literally don't give a rat's ass about XCOM. But it feels nice to have a giant selection of games, unlike you.

>literally sloppy second afterthought
Consolefags always win lmao

My PC cost 450, and I can play all games. Not at 1080p 60fps, but at 40fps. And I don't have to pay more for playing online, I use it for work too, have all the old games, etc etc

PC has better exclusives


Nice can it play the newest early access indie games?

And then do it again in 2 years when the new consoles come out?

And re-buy "definitive remasters" of all the old games again?

Or do you really have 12 consoles hooked up to your TV right now?

People always compare PC against a console/generation in terms of cost and selection but it has a MUCH longer worthwhile life. Anyone who builds a PC with high-end parts today will probably be playing it 2 console generations from now without sinking a cent into hardware (as long as they're willing to downgrade settings to console-tier graphics)

Can this play Overwatch at 1080/60fps?

>no os

You're so silly user

This is actually the first time I've seen somebody use this as an excuse, gotta give you credit there. It's dumb as fuck though, my PC is on all the damn time and it doesn't make a difference with my bills, even compared to months I'm traveling and not home to use it.

Don't even get a PC you worthless human garbage

> emulate every console PC can with in-built emulators
for the low low price of just a few shekels right? Only the games they feel like releasing right?

>400 dollar console + 300 dollar tv + 80 dollar surround sound system + Price of games that are hardly ever on sale + 12 dollar monthly sub
There is literally no reason not to play on PC aside from like 3 exclusives, you're paying for more for a system with no backwards comparability and will be outdated in around 3-4 years when you could just do this

>PC has better exclusives
kill yourself.

>Not at 1080p 60fps, but at 40fps
Go big or go home.

>giant selection of selection of games

Did you read his post
Literally said the developers aren't used to consoles and are just throwing it to them to be nice


>40$ dragon dildo
it was used wasn't it

>and others

Let's face it, you had to think reaaally hard to come up with those couple of games already

also SFV got a PC release same day as PS4, even has crossplay, can't blame you for not knowing because the fact that it's not on Xbone made Sony market it as EXCLUSIVELY EXCLUSIVE ON PS4 EXCLUSIVELY because that's what people get off on I guess

>people who think you have to update every year

I mean, I got a computer now with a 390, but my other computer is still running a 7870 with a phenom processor, still runs most games with good settings, and would easily meet the needs of the average gaymer.

at a certain point it is just a question of whether or not you're a graphics enthusiast.

Because I'm not going to pay the dumb £150-£200 premium for Intel, that's going to have little actual help playing games better.

FX8350 is a good processor still user. Vulkan and DirectX 12 give it a little extra boost. Sure it's no high end i5 or i7, but most games don't actually need the extra computing power, and the ones that do are usually simlators and MMOs and shit I don't actually play.

Fuck. I've been collecting games for a new PC for years. Now I finally have one I got about two generations of backlogue to explore.

FX8350 does pretty well with Dolphin lately for example. The Direct3D 12 experimental lets my PC play a lot of games at almost constant 60fps at 3x Native 1080p, 2x MSAA.
I mean how fucking absurdly high do we need to fucking go with PC gaming?

The consoles bottleneck PC hardware like crazy.

>Sonyggers suddenly grouping themselves in with Nintenyearolds in order to win arguments

So it can't. That's what I thought.

I actually had a gaming PC once, then I grew up and was embarassed to have that shit around. That's my reason for having a console basically.

And the fix is usually just update your drivers (Which I havent had to do in atleast a whole year)
Lower settings (Which I havent been forced to do in atleast a whole year)
or just wait for someone to find a fix because the game was released broken

This. A 500 dollar PC can easily destroy any console