Find a flaw

Find a flaw

No dick.

the expression on her face
probably a bitch

No dick

None. Perfect hair, clothes, eyes, skin tone, and expression.

The translucent part of her dress doesn't go up high enough.

No dick

I fail to see how that's a flaw when she has a superior tight loli pussy instead.

She's cute but doesn't have a penis. Bad combination.

fuck off mark

She's a girl.

Who is she?

Why le shit did Nintendo make that dress so goddamn high up jesus christ it's like a millimeter short of showing her cunny-chan

Not real.

I cant

She's a Pokemon.




What a faggot.

too cute


Welcome to Sup Forums faggot


Ebin memes fag.

hat has holes :(((((((

The pokaball bag clashes with her outfit.
she doesn't have huge titties

there is literally nothing gay about liking dicks fag
Sup Forums told me so


I know how you feel user. The bag looks awful.

She's not exposing her armpits.

Her feet are WAY too sweaty and smelly from festering in those socks all day!

Let us go futher.

lolis were here before traps, you're the newfag here buddy

B-but muh meme fetish, traps are Sup Forums culture!

>Loli pussy.

>Not superior.

Get off Sup Forums.

>Being gay

It's actually alright the world is overpopulated and you guys adopt children without parents. They won't live a regular life but it's still better than rotting in an orphanage I guess.

left, she can't use her arms. Right would murder me with her floating wizard fist.

Blonde hair. Small breasts. She's stuck in a Pokemon game.