Volus = Jews

Volus = Jews

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>It's another Sup Forums is leaking into Sup Forums episode

theyre the closest analogues to tolkien dwarves, which were literally stubby mountain jews

so yes

Honestly they never came across that way for me. Really I can't think of an exact parallel for them because I could never figure out what exactly it is they want.

Nah, in this instance the Volus literally are le sneaky merchant of the Mass Effect Universe.

Like in Skyrim, Imperials can LITERALLY smell out gold. But then, there is that fucking Belethor breton cunt...

No shit
And the Garruses were German
And the Quarians were Gypsies
And the Asari were slutty women
And the Krogan were Americans

>And the Garruses were German

I thought they were supposed to be like the Roman Empire.

>The Krogan were Americans
The Humans were Americans. Every single one of them.

the krogans are obviously nogs

>naturally violent
>started killing each other nonstop the instant they were given technology since they no longer had to expend energy on survival

>And the Krogan were Americans
>the true danger of the Krogans isn't their power, it's when they have sheer numbers
They're Russians.

Nah, literally blacks. Especially with their tribal culture.

Their tribal culture is closer to that of the Mongols than African tribes.

Yes, no other society on Earth had tribes.

>breed like rabbits
>tribal race
>only thing they do is fight each other for power
>smartest race had to infect them with space AIDS to stop them from outbreeding everyone
Definitely nigs t b h

What are the Salarians though?


All of those except the last one describe the Khans as well.

Not while the rest of the societies around them have advanced to proper civilisation. And have some kind of genetic desire to lay waste to each other.

>And have some kind of genetic desire to lay waste to each other.

That's literally every race. Humans are naturally violent by design.

Except the Khans are history and the niggers are still doing all that shit today. It doesn't fit the contemporary stereotype theme.


>What is the Middle East?
>What are the rural regions of China?

What's with all the Mass Effect threads recently?

>Except the Khans are history
So are the Romans, and that'w what the Turians are clearly based on (or more accurate, they're Romulans, who are Romans IN SPACE)

No one murders each other like Africans. Every thing kills, but it's the sheer numbers and repetition that matter.

>It's another scream POLE repeatedly when someone posts something you don't like episode

I can't look at these guys without hearing DING DONG BANNU

Which still doesn't make the mongols a better parallel to Krogans than Africans.

Yeah because natural resources have nothing to do with that. They do it just because.

People as a whole don't kill each other for no reason, they come up with something (resources, land, religion, food, etc). We may be violent by design, but we still know to bullshit up something first, and they're no different.


I guess you don't go to Sup Forums then?

>real danger is when there's either a lot of them or you go on their homeland
>got devastated after a world/galactic war
>most of them who are soldiers now work for private contractors and mercenary groups
They're slavs

What about Soviet Russia?


Africa has a tonne of resources but they were too primitive to make use of them way back when and they're still too primitive to make use of them today.

Soviet Russia isn't really a race desu. That's more like a regime.

>only 5% higher in Blacks than in Chinese, when Chinese are only a few ethnic groups and blacks are hundreds
We don't see the chinese are warriors when it isn't related to the Three Kingdoms

I want to fuck Garrus.

Everyone did user

I thought Krogans were Australians.


They generally don't live long enough to become criminals

Tuchanka is as much of a deathworld as Australia though.



Women are for fucking.
Garrus is for making love to.

Op = faggot

So was there ever any reason, in any of the 3 games, to NOT have Garrus and Tali as your go-to squad?

Tuchanka doesn't have an earth parallel because as bad as we are, we never nuked ourselves back into the stone age. So even the world places on earth is still nothing on Tuchanka

>not Garrus and __EDI__

Legion is the best ME2 party member and has all the best unique lines.

Javik can be fun.

It's pronounced like Paul you daft cunt.

It's best bro Garrus Vakarian + whoever else is best suited for the mission.
I forgot Tali even existed.

>PAULitically incorrect

I'm amazed Tali is a party member in 3 considering how many other characters aren't.

I never took Tali but often Wrex and Grunt.

nice leg textures you have there you fucking xeno cunt

Pulled it off the Google desu.

If you played as femshep you are factually a homosexual.

Thane and Legion are by far the best characters in ME2. Zaeed is god tier but you can't talk to him.

Plus they wanted to bring him back for 3 but couldn't for obvious reasons.

Did they really think no one would notice Hackett was a carbon copy of Zaeed?

Gays are more likely to play as mshep ever since ME3 let you fuck Kaidan and that one black dude. Unless you're talking about lesbians which I'm sure there are plenty chasing after that blue poon as femshep.

No I mean his voice actor died shortly after 2's release

damn how will i break the news to my wife

>that one black dude
You mean the shuttle driver? I don't think anyone romanced him anyway.

>Kaidan and that one black dude.
Those aren't Garrus, so no one cares.


But that's how it's pronounced! You don't fucking say it like poleitics do you? No, you say pauliticis.

>smartest race

Maybe if you don't count humans.

I always thought lesbians got fucked over by not having Jack as a romance option since she talks about being in a mff threesome and practically screams bulldyke but if you talk to her too much she shoots you down.

>You mean the shuttle driver?

No he was hispanic.

That shit was so forced. Like, having your husband die and showing you're gay can be done well. BioWare just doesn't know how to do it in a non-forced way.

I hate to bring him up because people always do, but Arcade in New Vegas is probably the best way to write a gay character. Why? Because literally no one cares he's gay, no one thinks it's a big deal. It's just "oh he's gay...good for him"

They came up with a gun that shoots mines, remember shit from a year ago like it just happened and have the best spies in the galaxy. Even then you still have the magic squids.