You'll be buying Skyrim Remastered, right user?

>You'll be buying Skyrim Remastered, right user?

Go away.


Todd, may I have an Oblivion Remaster instead?

I bought the game with all DLC on pc for 7 bucks. So no

Heh, you don't need that piece of junk, user. How about Skyrim instead? Trust me, you'll love it.

I might consider it, I just bought Fallout 4 on the Xbox sore after all. ;)

Thanks Todd for Fallout 4 for free!


Probably not. But if it gets cheap during a sale I might have to forge daggers again, its been a while.

If I really wanted it remastered I'd just buy the complete edition and mod the shit out of it.

There is literally nothing wrong with having to pay for mods.

Could you make TES 6 instead?

Might do it but Todd, why Skyrim and not Oblivion or Morrowind.



No thanks Todd I already modded skyrim

Are you guys legit brain dead? How are you still beating this horse when it wasn't funny from the first moment? How the fuck are you this stupid? This is common behavior of children with severe, debilitating autism except even they don't repeat the same shit for literally years. What the fuck? I'm stunned that people this stupid exist in the world. You took "not knowing when to stop" and redefined our understanding of it, and then did that 5 more times. You're unfathomably retarded and I can't believe how shitty your taste in humor is. Literally "lol xdd i said it again xddd" the joke.


thanks for the free fallout 4 though

tumblr has lots of good foot porn


Sorry. Guess i'll go make another overwatch waifu thread

Who could be behind this post?

>Skyrim Remastered
For what fucking purpose? Consoles?

oblivion and morrowind would need a full remake, not just a quick remaster. also, they're doing this to continue their library of games that have mods on console. they just spent a lot of money on their modding platform for console and skyrim is an obvious candidate for expanding it considering skyrim has more mods than basically any other video game and is famous for mods.

>remastering Skyrim
>a game that got a High Res Texture DLC not long after release
>instead of remastering Oblivion at the very least

Boycott Bethesda, strongly encourage piracy to everyone you know by any means. Vote with your dollar

But of course, another top quality game from the best company in the world.

its mildly entertaining

not something i'll miss when it dies but amusing enough

Unless the gameplay is improved, I don't see a reason to. Mods have made a graphical update irrelevant.

>It turns out to be Skyrim but in 1080 60 FPS and slightly better AA
>AKA the PC version at release

you guys are dumb. in what universe does PC ever get remasters? of course it's for console.

for 7th gen, skyrim had to run on ps3's 256mb of ram. skyrim is an obvious choice for a remaster for 8th gen consoles.

h-hey todd, do you think i could make a DOOM singleplayer expansion rather than multiplayer DLC?

Yes. It's not coming to PC, for obvious reasons.

The work is already done, since they ported Skyrim to xbox one as a test for Fallout 4. An Oblivion remaster would be far more work.


Who is laughing now!?

So is it actually confirmed to be Skyrim Remastered/HD or is it just Sup Forums shit talking for memes sake?

But...But people actually liked the singleplayer..

You will buy
you will buyyy
you will buyyyyy

where's the fucking dlc nigger? we need skins, unlocks, and probably some crates too.

oblivion's old and clunky to the point where it'd need a full remake, not just a remaster.

Nah I already have skyrim. I got it for 5 bucks on steam.

>As far as an actual Xbox One port of Skyrim on the current-gen systems, Todd Howard said "don't get your hopes up yet."

Tell me more sweet lies

But Todd, why would I buy Skyrim Remastered if mods will accomplish the exact same thing? Don't tell me you're actually revamping the combat too?



well, first we'd have to extend the script. that'll take years.

because skyrim runs on dx9 on pc and is limited by ram and vram issues. if they updated skyrim's engine at least to the point of the updates they made for fallout 4, then skyrim could have some decent graphical effect updates.

ENB looks like shit.

The only market for remastered Skyrimwould be console kiddies, and it would be inferior to my Skyrim with over 150 mods on PC.

hang yourself furfag

w-why would you want that addon?


Skyrim is $5 during a Steam sale.
Skyrim Ultimate is $12 during a Steam sale.
Steam Sale will happen this month, after the E3 announcement of Skyrim Remaster on the non-backwards compatible PS4.

This is an IQ test, let's see if console gamers pass or fail.

u ruined her fur

why does it look like plastic

vanilla fur better than ur blue plastic fur. remaster > ur skyrim.

I'll be honest, if they were to remake Skyrim with Oblivion's style of gameplay, I would buy it again.

but oblivion and skyrim are nearly identical in terms of gameplay, with oblivion just being clunkier and less polished.

I'm gonna call it now, if they do decide to release Skyrim remastered, it won't be on PC.
It'll be Xbox One and Ps4 only, and be designed so that it can be modded.
That'll be the point they try and sell it on.

Toddposting was more fun than Fallout 4 itself.


>remastered loverslab mods

Only if it includes all DLC


>Skyrim came out nearly 5 years ago

>its Todd just taking a bunch of community made mods

i imagine pc will get some sort of update to the engine.

reason: the entire reason they're doing this to expand their library of moddable games on console. they have fallout 4, and now they'll have skyrim, both on 8th gen consoles with some mods. they've wanted mods on console for a long time and now they're finally able to do it.

the reason the engine updates will come to pc is because they need pc nerds to continue making mods and to port their mods to console. to facilitate this, bethesda needs all versions of the game across these platforms to be running on the same version of the engine.

You can stop now, user.

>remastering a 5 year old game

If they do release it on PC, it's going to be at an even more cutdown price, probably the cost of fullpriced DLC if you own the normal game.
There is no way they can justify it otherwise.

>Fallout 4 was so bad Skyrim actually seems good by comparison

>didn't even buy the first game

No way in hell I'm buying a shittier remastered version. I'm not even going to pirate it this time. The game is that shit.


you're not thinking like a business man. this game sold insanely well and is still played by tens of thousands every fucking day since 2011. now what if we can get all of those people to buy it again?

just waiting for annualized TES at this point.

i honestly think it'll just be free update on steam. again, under bethesda's current business model, modders are an important asset for their games, they RELY on the free content from modders. so they're going to do whatever it takes to disseminate the necessary tools to pc modders to keep pc modders complacent and working hard.

it's outsourced dlc. marketing the game as "buy skyrim remastered on ps4 so you can finally use all of those funny mods you saw on youtube" won't work unless PC modders do the work for them. pc modders won't play ball if they have to rebuy the game again, especially since bethesda knows that the remastered version won't look any better than modded pc skyrim already does.

With mods. Which won't work on consoles, as proven by FO4.

Is this a new Skyrim game or just a remake?

I'm not even the same user, I just wanted to join in on the fun.

>just waiting for annualized TES at this point.
don't be a memer.

morrowind -> oblivion = 4 years
oblivion -> skyrim = 5 years
skyrim -> present time = 5 years, possibly another 2-3 years until TES 6

TES is the exact opposite of annualized. it takes forever for them to release the next game.

>implying I'm not playing the rerererere*infinitymastered version on PC thanks to mods
>implying I don't have tons of PC exclusive content including but not limited to waifu mods nude mods and sex mods
>implying consoles will EVER have these things
>implying the remastered version will even hold a candle to the PC version modded to its fullest potential

>he thinks it will be 60 fps
>he think textures will be be higher than medium

it's morrowind 3: escape from daggerfall

boot up skyrim and take a pic

Source please.

that arm though

Nah, I'll pass. I don't have to prove anything to some frogposting salty consolefag who is actually interested in a "remastered" Skyrim console experience.

Recommend me some mods, sexy or otherwise

I know this reality, it's a shitty reality

>Sporty Sexy Schlong Textures

Will buy skyrim remastered

blue orcs....
*unsheathes katana*

you do play as the orc master race...right?

>His schlong isn't sporty
Of course

Do you think Skyrim 2 will have a mod marketplace to buy mods?

I'm going to buy 10 copies just to piss off Sup Forums
I bet you're so mad

I am really angry user.
My asshole would be on fire if you bought 20 copies though.

I haven't played any fallout game
What game should i buy?
I heard good things about NV

pre-bethesda fallouts are supposed to be best

Fallout 4

>tfw I can't get the Zaz animations shit working properly

what am I doing wrong senpai?

No Todd, your games are all awful.

real talk: what is there to actually "remster?"

These threads are legit advertising.

Why bother spending up to millions of dollars on billboards and newspaper spots when you can get retards on the internet to advermeme your shit for free?

im gonna punch that manlet in the face

You have FNIS installed right? Did you run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe? Do you have the skeletons installed?
Half of my mods don't work either