The protagonist of the last game you played has now been replaced by Doomguy

The protagonist of the last game you played has now been replaced by Doomguy.
What changes?

Serious Sam

Almost nothing

literally nothing

Game is improved tremendously by the ability to actually defend yourself

Shadow Warrior.
Pic related.


all snarky commentary is replaced by yelling, and the entire "conflict" is ended in minutes with lots of death


the game is over in twenty minutes because doomguy doesn't take any of the alien's shit


Man I missed when Sup Forums was good.

>ace of spades
Green will truly become the master race now

doomguy has been replaced by doomguy

Classic doomguy or new doomguy?


Arkham Origins

Crime in Gotham has been reduced to 0%.

>Winnie The Pooh Home Run Derby
holy shit

old doom guy in new doom?? ok

Tree of Savior.

Considering enemies already explode into gibs when you kill them, not much.

Can't imagine what class he'd be, or if classes and levels even matter to him. The worst he'd do is clash horribly with the cutesy artstyle and probably not spare/assist best Demon Lord because he's still a fucking Demon.

nigga probably can't even beat the first level since he can't jump or look up and down

>Dark Souls 3
Every enemy becomes a joke

>Criminal population reduced to 0%

>Inusugency as an insurgent.

>Punished "Doomguy" Snake

The civilian population would also be reduced. I imagine many law abiding family members of criminals would die of grief.

grief and their guts being RIPPED AND TORN

Depends on the game.

He doesn't need to look up and down in Doom 1, 2 and 64 because vertical autoaim.

Jumping was unlockable in 64 and made a whole lot better in D44M with a Double Jump and much better verticality. On top of that he can mantle things too now.

At worst D44M Doomguy carries less ammo and maxes out at 150 Armor non-Megahealth but can reach 200 HP through regular healing instead of only Soul/Megaspheres.

I wonder if anyone's done a Doomguy build?

not possible. you can't get the stats high enough to match how much ass doomguy kicks

>Dark Souls

That'd be neat

>HoI4 literally hitler
I'm not sure how the war will go, but the fall of Berlin would be fucking intense.

>the nerevarine
Sure, I'd watch that

>100% orange juice

He'll reach that win norma in a few turns.


Beatrice is gonna be surprised when all her demons are blown into pieces. Or, she would be, but witches don't exist.

Pretty much nothing, except he's in a roguelike.

This thread is about Doomguy, not DoOMSlAYaAh reboot master xXx.

good bait

They're the same person, whether or not you want to accept that the reboot was a decent game or not.

You only make yourself sound stupid when you could've left it at "Leave the reboot out of this, let's work with up to 64 Doomguy."

Abilitiy wise they're quite different. If you played the game's you know this :(

Great!, he fit's right in then.


>Kerbal Space Program

... Gonna be honest. I'm pretty confused.

Everyone in the wasteland dies and I become king.

>Odin Sphere

So do I get 5 Doomguys since it's an ensemble cast?

Ace of Spades.

Greens finally win.

the premise of the game is now to build highly explosive rockets that doomguy can use as weaponry

>skate 3
He skates? Maybe just goes on a mass murder rampage after realizing how hard it is to ollie in space boots.

bonus point if doomguy can't outrun the rocket you make

Is Doomguy a Daedra?

>Kirby Triple Deluxe

Nothing changes.

>Implying Doomguy wouldn't build an autismo fort with the rest

Everything living in Harran is dead within 24 hours via rip and tear.

should I play shadow warrior (the new one) or serious sam 3? i ask because it's kind of like doom

Fuck that ninja parkour shit and rip and tear at incredible hihg speed.
Ten dollars for BFG

>mirrors edge catalyst
I have no idea how to describe this.

>Metroid Prime 2

Not much. The Ing shit themselves even harder I guess. the game actually provides a challenge on veteran holy shit I love it

>Serious Sam 3:BFE

I'm not sure what changes, honestly.

Sam is more serious.


Doomguy dies in the first dungeon because he misses every shot

not bad actually

isn't the Doomguy basically a guy with guns going around killing babbies you call "demons"?

> xcom EW

Doomguy is the only solider operating for Xcom,
This significantly reduces the costs for operation and the aliens are defeated inside a month

>Witcher 3
Mass Genocide agaisnt monsters causing Witchers to become obsolete, total conquest of the Aen Elle elves, Ciri becomes pointless because he BFGs the White Frost into nonexistence.

Oh shit I just finished 64, how are you liking it?

>witcher 3
>doom guy rips and tears the wild hunt

nothing changes.

This makes me want a freeroam game like just cause but instead of fucking up a dictator you fuck up hell

>skate 3
mah nigga

fallout new vegas
>no factions win
>doomguy kills everyone from NCR to Yes Man
>catches up to legion explorers with no difficulty