Well that's the last time I buy a blizzard game baka

Well that's the last time I buy a blizzard game baka

>Crashes constantly
I'll spoonfeed you with 2 options
・Tune down your graphics [Alternatively get a better computer or stop trying to hack it :^)]
・Clean your computer

Actually I'm legitimately surprised my game has not crashed a single time

>Tune down your graphics [Alternatively get a better computer or stop trying to hack it :^)]
Plays at a stable 60 fps on max graphics on my gtx 970 + i5 4690. I've tested it and it still crashes on welfare graphics. Normal temperatures
>Clean your computer
Completely clean. Literally every game works fine for me except overwatch, and it didn't crash a single time during the beta.

meant for

did you do a virus check?

Yesterday. I do a windows defender full scan once a week.

Are you one of those little kids in Steam Reviews giving a bad rating because it crashes?

>windows defender

well there's your problem

I think you should stop acting so entitled tbqh

It's not a virus dude. Why the fuck would someone create a virus for the sole purpose of randomly crashing my overwatch client? Do you really think there's a virus sender who hates overwatch that much?