Well that's the last time I buy a blizzard game baka

Well that's the last time I buy a blizzard game baka

>Crashes constantly
I'll spoonfeed you with 2 options
・Tune down your graphics [Alternatively get a better computer or stop trying to hack it :^)]
・Clean your computer

Actually I'm legitimately surprised my game has not crashed a single time

>Tune down your graphics [Alternatively get a better computer or stop trying to hack it :^)]
Plays at a stable 60 fps on max graphics on my gtx 970 + i5 4690. I've tested it and it still crashes on welfare graphics. Normal temperatures
>Clean your computer
Completely clean. Literally every game works fine for me except overwatch, and it didn't crash a single time during the beta.

meant for

did you do a virus check?

Yesterday. I do a windows defender full scan once a week.

Are you one of those little kids in Steam Reviews giving a bad rating because it crashes?

>windows defender

well there's your problem

I think you should stop acting so entitled tbqh

It's not a virus dude. Why the fuck would someone create a virus for the sole purpose of randomly crashing my overwatch client? Do you really think there's a virus sender who hates overwatch that much?

>all caps
>unnecessary swearing
>threatening legal actions

sure is a guaranteed way to not get help

So these are the types of people who moan about Overwatch? Wow.

Gonna have to tell you to just kill yourself this time, OP.

When I played with friends that often caused my overwatch to crash in the beta on new game.

Windows defender, if set to auto, will often flag and fuck with game files.

>freaking out like a sperg and typing in all caps while bitching about shit no one cares about

you deserve nothing

What entitles blizz to my 40$? Literally never had so much trouble with a game before. This is the first time I've had a game consistently crash on me.

>suing you


>It was announced today a 14 year old boy has started a legal case against Activision Blizzard, billionaire global video game publisher and developer
>The boy was unavailable for comment but is apparently going to be representing himself, quoting "This is fucking fraud!"

What about drivers? That sounds like a vid card problem. Does your case have proper cooling?

>Play a game for 1,000 hours
>Call it shit and ask for a refund

Sup Forums you crack me up sometimes

I have geforce experience and it automatically updates my gcard drivers

>being a blizz shill

check to make sure your case filters are clean

Have you tried looking at the Windows Event Viewer after crashes?

does overwatch do dx9 or dx11? my gf's WoW crashes when she runs it in dx11, works fine in dx9

might be driver related or something, or it might be some weird hardware config that blizz didnt account for

Works for me :^)

Looks like you just have to git gud

>windows defender
Almost had me.

I'm sure that CSR tagged you as High Maintenance for that spazz out. Maybe instead of worrying about your game crashing, you should go see a doctor about your autism.

Its never too late to come over to the holy land.

based gearbox making video gaming great again

kek I hope you don't get your money back you fucking sperg

Turn the auto driver updates off fuckface.
Are you retard a?
Never let your pc update or download shit by itself.
We already know you likely have windows defender set to just fuck my shit up settings, and you just confirmed youve let yourself sign up for nvidia driver beta testing.
Fucking stop wasting your parents money on pc if you cant be assed to learn basics

are you guys shills or some shit?

literally no one i've talked to likes or plays battleborn

Does anyone here use shadowplay on overwatch? Is it known to cause crashes?

There's no players left already

Are your friends disgusting straight white men? If so that may be your problem.

>tfw love the artstyle of battleborn, love how it incorporates more ARTS mechanics, and even think the character designs like Meaty McMilitaryMan with huge muscles and a small head is hilarious
>Don't want to spend 40 bucks just to see if I like it
>missed out on the open beta because I thought it was PS4 only

Really fucking regretting my decisions. If Battleborn shills really exist I'd love to try your game.

Literally the only thing positive thing I've heard about BB was from my casual brother, who said he liked the mushroom man.

he doesn't even have it, it was the rock band 4 cameo

And even if it is an in-game joke, that tiny head is retarded

How fucking old are you, OP?

It asks if I want to install it after it auto downloads. If it causes problems I can just revert back

Why would windows defender affect overwatch but not all the other games on my computer? Is Blizz putting viruses in their game client for data collection or something? I mean since when does an AAA game come up as a false positive? I don't even want overwatch on my computer if that's the case, and it would just be more testament to how incompetent blizzard development is.

leave Sup Forums faggot

>Talk in all caps
>Constant swearing
Gee, wonder why the human being working support decided to not help you out.

>not passionately defending your rights as a consumer
Fuck off, "mature" fag

You know faggot is homophobic right...? Don't you realize how problematic your language usage is..? Then again what am I expecting from some neckbeard loser.

For real. The fact he says he played 88 games like they have some sort of hard cap proves that the support employee easily could have refunded his game but decided to just come up with some dumb excuse just to make OP angrier.

Dude probably had a good laugh desu

I used to do that when I was unemployed as well


Bro you need to use a better virus scanner than that garbage if you want to fix your shit.

The only game I had crashes with constantly was GTAV, I ran countless virus scanning programs and nothing seemed to help until I ran a scan for ad-ware, one single malicious .dll

Assuming you're OP, you literally accomplished nothing.

To start, it's probably an issue on your end that you're too dumb to solve. You're not going to get a refund and any "lawsuit" would cost you much more than what the game is worth and you wouldn't win anyway.

It's less about being mature, and more about not being retarded.

>implying he would have helped me out in the first place
Activision is a bunch of corporate jews who will come up with any number of reasons to refuse refunds

this. you screwed yourself by crying like a fucking kid. the gbp meme doesn't work in real life you autist

that's some REEEEEE if i ever saw it

he would have been more inclined to do you a favor if you were polite and respectful

but you sperged out

>that message to customer support

How embarrassing. All that asshurt and idiocy unleashed on some poor guy or girl who's just trying to do their shitty job of customer service.

I've had nothing but good times with Blizzard support. I sold my Starcraft 2 account like 3 fuckign times before deciding if I tried to recover it again itd seem suspicious.


Pfffffffttttt.... I know too many jackasses like you in real life.

People are more likely to help if you're a sympathetic, reasonable person than if you're yelling like an entitled little bitch.

I worked on game support for a while.
Me and the game devs loved trolling piece of shits like OP because even if we did a good job and fixed his issue he would still be angry at us anyway, might as well have some fun.

>why would windows defender affect overwatch
>since when does an AAA game come up as false positive
It's not a problem with the game. You're using fucking garbage "antivirus" software.

There's only one good AV solution.

>To start, it's probably an issue on your end that you're too dumb to solve.
You can't even recreate the crash to corner the issue. It happens entirely randomly. I can go 10 games and have it crash randomly, or it can just crash every other game. Completely random.

I've changed nothing on my computer except installing the routine driver and software updates since the beta. I played the beta nonstop and didn't encounter an error ONCE. It's obviously an issue with the game itself. Can you please stop being one of the millions of insufferable reddit "It didn't happen to me so it must just be cuz ur drivers are out of date :^)" fucktards?

>How embarrassing. All that asshurt and idiocy unleashed on some poor guy or girl who's just trying to do their shitty job of customer service.
I don't sympathize with blizzard employees. They know they're working for a corrupt company that siphons money out of the hard working people. It's disgusting. I don't care if they need the job to feed their family. If they work for blizzard, they have no integrity and deserve to be abused.

Because websites can't be compromised?

Dumb phoneposter. Not having an AV is fucking dumb in this day and age.

I trust the software that came with windows 10 and is distributed by a well known company more than whatever the fuck literally who software you downloaded off some shifty shovelware website that you were directed to by some porn site ad

>They know they're working for a corrupt company that siphons money out of the hard working people.
Then why the fuck did you buy Overwatch.

>i am so retarded please rape my face

you are aware this guy has been trolling the entire thread, right?

Sup Forums shills manipulated me into buying it by spamming the board with overwatch threads. Half the threads on Sup Forums were praising overwatch, so obviously I was curious about this supposed hype. Now that I've seen past the lies, I want a refund.

merely pretending.

Chargeback retard.

You should have played it when it was free for a week like everyone else did


>thinks he can sue because his system is a piece of shit.
Oh op, it truly is summer!

So before release you fell for the Sup Forums hype and purchased Overwatch.
Now post-release you realise that the mood on Sup Forums has shifted and are trying to grab attention with you going REEE on Blizzard and saying inane shit about them.
You sound like you're extremely impressionable and underage as fuck.

Are you telling me you think the OP was being serious?

Reminder that they can do nothing about a chargeback other than lock your account and/or decline that payment method in the future, which is basically no threat at all.
You do not need a company endorsed refund to get your money back.

Every other fucking game on the market works fine on my computer. This is literally the only game that crashes. Keep sucking that blizz cock tho fuccboi


>its not MY fault i bought the game with my own money!!


Are you telling me you think I am?

I have ROS diablo 3, a legion wow account, starcraft 2, and a hearthstone collection on my account. I don't want my account being locked.

Whats the window for refunding? I've just played like 5 games.

>I was manipulated guys! It's not my fault!
You fucking sheep.

>Thinking chargebacks are just "a thing".
Your fucking bank also takes note of it too, and if you do it more then a once or twice, especially with products that are not known to be defective and in need of a chargeback, will note it down on your record and deny you services in the future. Only a god damn child thinks chargebacks are the cure-all answer to be a stupid consumer.

Usually its around 2 hours of play.

Enjoy being part of the Chinese botnet

>company lies to you about the quality of a product
>product is filled with flaws and constantly crashes on a perfectly fine system

So cry more.
Maybe in the future you should realize there is a reason that these companies want you to link all your licenses to one account.

The product is defective.

>I have ROS diablo 3, a legion wow account, starcraft 2, and a hearthstone collection
so.......... this.......... is........ the............ power............ of blizzdrones.................................................

Could you tell me where I can request it at?
Just contact support?

>the product is defective

Its not.

works on my potato computer, haven't crashed a single time

it's a technical issue on your end m80

>The product is defective.
I'm sorry, but your inability to run literally the most consolized shooter out there makes me think you buy Alienware and click on those "YOUR PC HAS VIRUSES! CLICK HERE NOW TO FIX IT!" ads.

>Act like a autistic manchild
>All caps

Dude if i was that GM i would have canned that ticket and went on. As if you could actually press charges. You should read the Terms of Use from time to time you sperg.

Go to bed

My post outed me as OP and it was in the same post, not even a reply chain comprehension issue on your part.
>you're a retard

You paid blizzard for the privilege of installing a program. You installed the program.
Any failings after that point are squarely on you, my friend.

Cheers love, the cavalry's here!

*as not OP

I can run the program, so it's obviously not defective. Your move Autismo.

>pc gaming


Game runs fine for me. :)