We just got a new trailer, a new scan, and there's no ZE thread?

We just got a new trailer, a new scan, and there's no ZE thread?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, we did have a fourteen-hour long thread before.

i'm gonna miss you guys, i'll be out of this board at the launch of the game, i just wanna say it was fun, always a pleasure, and fuck the annon that said he was going to stream and never did it

You... mean the guy who does friday streams?

friday. streams.

I'll miss you too user, but he's been posting his streams in these threads for the last few weekends.

translation where

You could at least post the scan, OP.
Now we just wait for translation user.

Meanwhile I'm trying to kick my friend in the ass to help me compound the other document theory.

This is 9-year old Clover.

I bet translation user is cute.

Still here! Almost done

thats u

What did Phi do in the aftermath of K's end?

fuck, i'll stay tunned tomorrow then, ty for the info

Yeah, he streams on Hitbox every weekend.
We got to our first VLR lock last time
hitbox tv Blick-Winkel


Junpei is Zero.




Decide, for the sake of the future.

9 men and women, trapped in an underground shelter by the mysterious Zero, are made to play a game that will decide humanity's fate. This time we'll focus on C Team, with returning characters Junpei and Akane!

[screenshot w/Carlos] Junpei: Please Carlos, press the button!
[text underneath] A feature on C-team, with members Junpei and Akane from 999
[black text] Explore and solve the mysteries of the facility in Quest Parts, make extreme choices in Decision Parts, and advance the story! Of the 9 characters in the game, the firefighter Carlos acts as the leader of C-Team, which we'll be highlighting.

June said these scans were a bit spoilerish so I'm officially out, have a good one guys.

I'm gonna come back to the bit in the lower corner, it's about a quest room

Junpei and Akane are on opposite sides, with Carlos in the middle?
[screenshot] Akane: What are you saying, Jumpy?!
[underneath] Because of their different philosophies, Junpei and Akane disagree at every turn. On the other hand, Carlos is only worried about his seriously ill younger sister...

[greenish bar] Decision Part – The Chance of Firing a Live Round is 50% …

This section will pressure you to make a choice. Here, we'll reveal the details of one of D-Team's events. Phi is locked in an incinerator; Sigma is restrained in front of a a gun. The incinerator door will unlock in response to the sound of a gunshot, but the gun contains an equal number of blanks and live rounds. Will Diana's decision here change destiny?!

[Make Your Decision – Pull the trigger?]

^ The only way to save Phi is to shoot, but there's also a chance of sacrificing Sigma.
Blank → No one is sacrificed, and you can free Phi.
Phi?: Hey, are you okay?! Are you hurt?!

Bullet → Sigma dies instantly. Phi curses Diana for shooting, calling her a murderer.

Don't Shoot → If you don't pull the trigger within the time limit, Phi is burned alive by the incinerator, losing her life without a doubt.

[most likely Phi] So I'm not going to say goodbye.


(literally “character new text of anatomy, which is the translated name of a Dutch medical text)

A project dedicated to honing in on the characters' appeal, along with director and scenario writer Uchikoshi. This time, C-Team takes the spotlight.

CARLOS: A hot-blooded firefighter filled with a sense of justice. He's saved many lives up until now. For the sake of his very ill younger sister, he wants to escape from the death game no matter what.

Q: If you had to sum up Carlos, what kind of character is he?
Uchi: A fiery fireman

Q: Are there any lines or actions you'd like to focus on?
Uchi: Carlos - “I know, no matter where it (he?) is. The paths where the Reaper is waiting, and the paths where he isn't...”

Q: Can you share something here that couldn't be shown in the game?
Uchi: Carlos had no one to go to prom with him, so he brought his cat

CARLOS'S NOTE: Just like a fireman, you can see his hardened muscles through his clothes. The clothes themselves are simple – a T-shirt and thin overshirt, and jeans to bring it all together.

JUNPEI: Akane's childhood friend. After the incident a year ago, he joined a detective agency through underworld connections in order to follow her. He's experienced a lot, and now his heart is wild and rough.

Q: If you had to sum up Junpei, what kind of character is he?
Uchi: An ex-hero who gave in to the dark side

Q: Are there any lines or actions you'd like to focus on?
Uchi: Junpei - “After work, I always drink like a fish til I fall asleep. In the bathtub, with the shower running. If I don't, the deep stench of blood won't come off me...”

Q: Can you share something here that couldn't be shown in the game?
Uchi: In the future of a certain history, he completely gives in to alcohol

JUNPEI'S NOTE: A year ago Junpei wore a blue down vest, but now his out is pure black. Perhaps his sickened heart is showing itself through his clothes...

If anyone else is worried about spoilers, I really haven't gotten a spoilery vibe from any of this


AKANE: An ideal Japanese woman at first glance, she's actually sharp and excels at manipulating people. She leads a secret society for the sake of a peaceful future.

Q: If you had to sum up Akane, what kind of character is she?
Uchi: The best schemer in history

Q: Are there any lines or actions you'd like to focus on?
Uchi: “gh...! You said 'it's not me', didn't yooouuuu---!!”
(said really rough and sarcastically, very un-Akane like)

Q: Can you share something here that couldn't be shown in the game?
Uchi: She's good at mahjong. Her specialty is the “chuuren poutou”.

AKANE'S NOTE: Akane wore a cute purple dress, but now wears a thick sweater. She's grown her hair long, just like her strong aura.

Aww fuck yes. Thank you based user.

>Junpei and Akane disagree at every turn
>Junpei becomes a drunken edgelord

This gon be gud

Oh boy

And if you missed it from the last thread, one of C-team's Decision Parts

"[Roll three dice, and if even one does not land on 1, you will all be shot to death.] With that announcement, an insane game began. The odds of landing three 1s is about 0.46%...Can that kind of miracle even happen?!"

>Q: If you had to sum up Junpei, what kind of character is he?
>Uchi: An ex-hero who gave in to the dark side
>Q: Are there any lines or actions you'd like to focus on?
>Uchi: Junpei - “After work, I always drink like a fish til I fall asleep. In the bathtub, with the shower running. If I don't, the deep stench of blood won't come off me...”
>Q: Can you share something here that couldn't be shown in the game?
>Uchi: In the future of a certain history, he completely gives in to alcohol
>JUNPEI'S NOTE: A year ago Junpei wore a blue down vest, but now his out is pure black. Perhaps his sickened heart is showing itself through his clothes...

Holy shit, Uchi turned Junpei into Max Payne

>Uchi: Junpei - “After work, I always drink like a fish til I fall asleep. In the bathtub, with the shower running. If I don't, the deep stench of blood won't come off me...”

I get the feeling that Junpei suffers from PTSD.

well, he was already sort of Payne in the sense that everyone he knew died

I was gonna say Akane really fucked him up, but the scans also say he's been dabbling in underworld shit and been through a lot.

>tfw our once happy Junpei may have killed

Wait a second .46% chance is 1/216

If his line about washing the stench of blood after work is legit, he may be deep within some bad organization.

He's supposed to be a detective, which means he might have infiltrated some rough organization as a double agent. Maybe even Free The Soul

>Akane's ultimate mahjong hand is Nine Gates


Well, no matter what happened, nothing changes the fact that he was privy to the fact and the -sight- that someone fucking EXPLODED.

Was probably high on endorphins after the escape from the test site, then had nothing but fucking nightmares for weeks.

So now we have the greatest schemer in history facing the dark side anti-hero, even though they're in love.

I just bet that Akane's whole schtick will be to manipulate Carlos, and Junpei will see right through it all, and will try to ruin her plans.


Especially since her morphogenetic field point is clearly before the DCOM tests, meaning she jumps back and redoes things as necessary as they fail.

She's probably -trying- to get shit done, but since Junpei can't see all possible futures like her, all he thinks she's doing is being a huge fucking cunt with some hidden murder agenda.

Can't wait for more bantz.

Guys the wait is killing me!
We are so close ;-;

Junpei probably learned that Akane can see all timelines, and realized that his existance to her is meaningless, since if he dies, she can just jump to a reality where he lives, and if she dies in his reality, she'll be alive in others.

I guess that's what fucks him up.

It only gets shorter from here, m8

>Uchi: Carlos had no one to go to prom with him, so he brought his cat

>Carlos had no one to go to prom with, so he brought his cat

despite being a hottie, is Carlos a sperg?

I'd rather see Sigma and Carlos in swimsuits, but if I give up then the probability of seeing them is 0%

Here's hoping for a ZTD mixed hot spring ending

>Uchi: Carlos had no one to go to prom with him, so he brought his cat
Didn't he say something about Dio saving a cat? does that mean Carlos is Dio?
Regardless, that's Kawaii as fuck

we are carlos
carlos is us

phi's ass looks like a ballsack

>tfw you have to restart the game literally hundreds of times to clear this fragment
And you thought the gun's 50/50 chance was bad.

>and if even one does not land on 1, you will all be shot to death


There'll HAVE to be a way to cheat it.
Hell, if Zero's actually evil this time around with his whole "life is unfair" spiel, I imagine one of the prevailing themes of the game will be cheating RNG to prove him wrong.

So why did they get rid of the realistic artystyle ? Really stupid decision IMO

In the "Kill Sigma" screencap, Phi is yelling "You murderer, murderer!"

Puzzle bit

QUEST PART – The Transporter Room, built by a parallel world's civilization

In Quest Parts, you solve different riddles by collecting memos and hints. Various devices have been set up throughout the shelter, but the Transporter Room in particular stands out. There's a device left over from another world's civilization, that they can use however they want – especially to find a hint to escape!

(down arrow) Symbols from another civilization are shown here. Can you convert these into numbers somehow?

Diana: “The symbols are arranged just like they are on the card”

^A mysterious device with a lever. What could the symbols on it mean...

>built by a parallel world's civilization

Actually she's 12.
She's 21 in 999 and "22" in VLR

Wiki lists her as 18 in 999
She's just a lying bitch trying to get drunk in VLR.

>The symbols are arranged just like they are on the card”

Wait a minute, that card...

Wait a minute, that bullshitting...

Weebs were crying about it not looking like their shitty chinese cartoons.

hold on I recognize that game...

Did I miss something?

You wouldn't betray Junpei, would you Sup Forums?

>utilize the power of 3rd person camera to see what the other person picks

>implying the new edgy Junpei wouldn't betray you

Depends on how he's acting in that scene.

If he's clearly being out of his fucking mind over the decision, I'll have to vote against him.

It will end badly and I will regret nothing.

Junpei is a complete cluck. He would pick ally. Its best to pick betray. He is used to other guys dominating him.

999 Junpei? No.

ZTD Max Payne Junpei? Yes.

Holy shit, Punished Junpei confirmed as fuck.

Allying with an edgelord could be trouble.


Reminder that the game is finished and possibilities of leaks and spoilers are much more real now

how much do you want to bet that uchi asked them to put the penis innuendo in

.cia leak when

judging from his cheeky tweets and miitomo respones, he definitely asked them to put it in

>start puzzle
>immediately start groping everyone in the group
>wrap puzzle up

I'm hoping Uchi accounted for this so we can see some "fucking really?" like dialogue by the end of the game

>Q feeling up Eric and Mila



I don't give a FUCK

>Eric asks if you're looking for a secret ice cream flavor

>no pictures of dominant Q molesting Eric and Mila

god dammit

People keep saying Akane's got a chainsaw in the new trailer, but I can't see it.


On the C Fragment Screen.

Look at the middle-top fragment around the 1:27 mark

>Goody two shoes fireman that just wants to take care of his sick sister
>Stuck in the middle of a lover's quarrel between a ruthless and manipulative schemer and a desperate, angry and off-the-deep end man with nothing to lose

Carlos is even more fucked than Q

carlos could butcher them with his thumbs alone though

Almost done writing, fuck me I've been up all night.

if carlos has a sister, that makes him a Brother

Carlos is 100% Grade A alpha. He could kill anyone in his way and fuck any of the women into a sexual coma.

Q is an innocent child trapped with a bipolar ice cream man and homicidal stripper.

I think he's worse off.

Being muscular=\=Knowing how to actually fight,

Besides Akane can dodge his punches and attacks forever simply by jumping to the past the moment she gets hit and changing her actions, and Junpei is a murderous psycho now for some reason.

Sigma out-alphas him by a ton. Blond twinks can never be badasses,

Carlos isn't as alpha as Sigma

>fucked bitches left and right in university
>had no problems flirting and making inappropriate comments in VLR
>slamfucked Akane's ass 45 years in the moon
>probably fucked Diana and Phi in one Team D story fragment but the 90 minute mark hit and they don't remember

but user, Carlos is a fireFIGHTER

Carlos is probably fucking immortal based on the 2nd trailer, and given what series this is he probably has some mind powers like everyone else, and Uchi made it a point to mention that he has bulging muscles and saves lives like it's nothing.

>didn't remember
>could do whatever he wanted to them and they would never remember

What's the context of this? Why so much hype?

Sigma is the biggest Beta in the entire series. Gets cucked out of his arms and eyes, rejected by Akane who spends 45 daydreaming about a world for her and her husbando, and has to build a fucking sex robot in Diana's image to get some.

That would be a little too much. If she can tell it's gonna end badly, she already has no qualms with being killed.

She has to live out the entire future from her 'start point' and if she jumps back, she starts at that point in the past. Her current point is before the DCOM test(unknown when, though) as was necessary to redo the events that led to a perfect VLR as necessary.

She would have to return to her point, do everything up to that moment -exactly-, then dodge that single punch. All for what? Unless it's the absolute critical moment, she probably wouldn't put in the effort.

Also Zero's chance games seem made explicitly to fuck with Akane's morphogenetic fortune telling by forcing hard randomness on her.

Serious question:

Akane can time hop over and over and over again.

So the 90 minute fragments... shouldn't apply to her, since she can time hop outside, tell herself shit that went down, then timehop back, and though her memory's erased she'll remember what she told herself when she spoke to herself outside of the 90 minutes.

So basically, is she running the game again? Cause it seems like there's no way that it could actually affect her in anyway.

because it's the last game in a trilogy that almost didn't get released

Third and final installment of a series coming out in a few weeks. Due to its poor Japan sales, it was not going to be funded but western popularity got it there eventually. It's a mixture of escape room puzzles and story sequences, both are great.

>Don't worry, I won't die
>I know, no matter where he is. The paths where the Reaper is waiting, and the paths where he isn't...

this man simply cannot be stopped

Obviously her esper powers aren't going to work this time around. Same with Junpei, Sigma and Phi

Final episode of a trilogy that was cancelled a few years back then brought back into production thanks to fan support.

I only got into it a few months ago, but it's still exciting. The series is really damn good.