I'm still butthurt over this. Not even because of the fact that Dante looked like an emo-hipster faggot...

I'm still butthurt over this. Not even because of the fact that Dante looked like an emo-hipster faggot. His personality changed much differently than previous games. In Devil May Cry 1, 2, and 3 his personality and attitude were a combination of being a badass and witty/sarcastic once every while. In Devil May Cry 4 this changed a little but I still liked it. In 4 he kinda reminded me of Alucard from Hellsing, but not insane like him. Some of you might know what I mean.

I swear to god the Dante in DmC had the exact personality like Hayden Christensen playing as Anakin in those Star Wars prequels. And don't even get me started on Vergil. Just fucking terrible.

Other urls found in this thread:


why do you care jackass the game's already been out for three years

What a well thought-out and productive response. You really contributed to the topic.

That's sarcasm in case you're too autistic to understand.

k dude i'm not the one needlessly butthurt over a minor detail in an otherwise good game shitposting about it three years after the fact

Fuck you

>otherwise good game

Kek, and you call me a shitposter. Kill yourself.

nice blog

lol i made you mad enough to greentext

Greentexting isn't an indicator of being mad. Are you a newfag?

Both of you are fucking faggots. Kill each other.

Who gives a shit? The reboot series is dead. DMC5 is basically confirmed. Fuck off.

DmC is a good game, if you think otherwise you should kill yourself

Outside of the infamous slug scene and the "little wet chunks" thing, Donte wasn't really that edgy. He was just kind of a dull asshole that went along with the whole Order thing because he wanted to plow Kat. And holy shit is she dull. At least Vergil had a goal and a clear character arc, as bad as he was.

DmC is an alright game that had a pretty decent remaster but suffers from an awful story mainly ruined by terrible characters.

Nope, it was an unnecessary reboot and the majority of Devil May Cry fans hated it.

"awful story mainly ruined by terrible characters."

Then what was alright about it? The same combat and slightly better graphics?

It's the best action game ever done by a western developer.

It's also shit compared to both DMC3 and 4, so fans were correct to piss on it.


The gameplay was fixed in the remaster, the game looks gorgeous, and the music isn't half bad. Everything else is shit though.

Do you not know how to fucking greentext?

>The gameplay was fixed in the remaster

how? i'm interested now

Haven't you heard OP? Now that the game is on gen 8 consoles Sup Forums loves it since modern consolefags love eating shit and have nothing else to play.

>It's the best action game ever done by a western developer
Capcom had to send over their own employees to fix the gameplay.

It's faster and you no longer need to fight by colors. Every weapon hurts every enemy.

The music is an opinion. I personally fucking hate dubstep, but it was big at the time the game was made.

Hence why I said half bad. They could have used really shitty dubstep/industrial but they chose some decent shit from the genre.

So what? It's still creditated to Ninja Theory. The fact that they are a bunch of retarded hacks that wanted to make it "more like God of War", and the fact that an entire team had to ship from Japan just to fix the game, doesn't change who it is actually credited to.

Quality polygon opinion piece. Well done.


Yet in the literal credits you see all these Japanese names. Funny.

Didn't Polygon jerk this game off?

>it's a DmC thread
>yfw we can still have massive shitposting threads after 4 fucking years

They gave it an 8.

Tameem was that much of a fucking cunt tho. If they weren't such twats about the backlash it would never have gotten that cuhrazy.


Is that supposed to be semen?

Normal people would have at best gotten annoyed, forgotten about it and years later it'd be a Bomberman Zero kind of novelty.

But Tameem had to outright antagonize and talk shit to the fanbase so it was like an espresso shot for a place that's already as ornery and combative as Sup Forums.

2013 is over friend

That's what pissed me off the most. He literally mocked the old fanbase thinking his game was good enough to create millions of new fans. The mediocre sales was poetic justice in pure form.

>otherwise good game

>otherwise good game

Why do people care so much about characters in a game serie that is strictly about the gameplay?

As if Sup Forums doesn't love a good ol' DmC bashing from time to time. 3 more years from now they'll still pop up.

>It's the best action game ever done by a western developer.

except the God of War series exists

>God of War
>Best action game


to be fair the devs had the "shakespearean" comment in a developer diary so it elevated the expectations of the story/characters/etc..

I'm not saying that God of War is the best action game but it blows DmC out of the water

Exactly. Up until DmC the characters were pretty shallow and cliche almost on purpose since the creators knew what kind of game series it was.

DmC was such a brazen trainwreck that we even managed to have serious discussions about the narrative, lore and character dynamics of DMC proper, because somehow it was unintentionally better than Tameem's dated-on-arrival story.

Just bought DmC remastered b/c it's on sale and I never tried the Vergil DLC

Glad to hear they removed the color coded enemies, those were annoying.

>they fixed the game by making it even easier than it already was

oh joy

Hell and Hell mode on DmC was easier than Dante Must Die mode on the older games

My god, I still feel like the DmC shitstorm was yesterday.
I bet that most of you fucks don't even know who the fuck is lv4. It has been 3 years already.

You're seriously trying to imply that the paint by color fighting was challenging and thus better? Fuck. You.

Quentin pls go

vergil DLC is actually very good.

wasn't he Quentin under another name?

because like Quentin, he was praising this abortion of a game and shitting on a good game in the same post

and had some retarded martyr complex (see pic)

I just watched a few episode of Bleach and got the jist of it.

I bought it along with the Capcom humble bundle because I wanted RE revelation 1.
I played it for a few hours then get bored of it. Maybe it's the Sup Forums effect but I seriously don't like Donte as a character.
The gameplay was ok at best but the world design is great.

Honestly, I don't think he is Quentin but lv is still fucking insane.

Because there are literally still people who defend this axhlock to this very da...


>to be fair the devs had the "shakespearean" comment in a developer diary so it elevated the expectations of the story/characters/etc..


So Shakespearean!

It wasn't challenging.

That's the problem.

The game was already too easy compared to the older games, and now they're getting rid of the color fighting which makes EVEN easier.

It has somehow gone below not having a challenge.

So learn how to read fuck stick

>So learn how to read fuck stick

Same could be said for you, you crusty faggot. Never did I say it was ever challenging.

I still remember that I spent countless hours trying to defeat the fucking chessboard in DMC 3 DMD because I forgot that they can be possessed after 2 pieces are killed, which then makes them harder to defeat.

Vergil in DMD made me retried like 80+ times. My combo was never enough to reduce his health. Everytime he get into the transforming ball, his health recovered so quick that I get panicked.
Then I defeat Vergil in DMD, one of the best feeling. It feels really rewarding.

DmC never gives me such feeling because it was piss easy.

>"They made an easier game easier"
>"No. It wasn't, and that's the problem"

Where the fuck are you even trying to go with your argument?

I was complaining that the game was already too easy and now it's easier.

What the hell are you trying to argue?

Dead game.
The new Ninja theory game looks cool though. Maybe Tameem was not fully in charge this time?