This guy walks up to your gf from behind and bites her in the ass, what do?

This guy walks up to your gf from behind and bites her in the ass, what do?

Reach between his legs and start stroking his thick, pink reptilian cock

Mount it.

Tell my gf to git gud


call the parameowdics

Kill him with my dark elf corsair, and a band of 20 hires warriors with spears.
Stab it's genitals and anus, that's the demons weak spot. Then harvest it's flaming Zards Jasper, the item that ALL lore dinosaur demons drop.

>playing Monster Hunter past the age of 12

Make him my bf.

Lick his slit

She's probably going to need a replacement ass


Who here buying Cross?


Find his gf and bite her ass.


At last a man who sees true justice.


Is this out in Japan?


>playing monhun on 3ds