>1300 hours estimated play since release

>12 hours and I'm starting to regret my purchase

Why cant blizzard make a new ip or good games for shit without marketing?

Did TF2 need marketing at all? answer is no

>Did TF2 need marketing at all?

What the fuck do you call all the Meet The videos? What the fuck do you call Expiration Date? What the fuck do you call the comics? What the fuck do you call using TF2 as the marketer of SFM, and vice versa?

I like TF2 as well but don't act retarded.


>what do you call everything that blizzard is doing to market their game too?

... Marketing.

What's your point here, exactly? That both games market? Because they do. That's what every game company does that wants their game to be a success financially.

>A game that was completely unlike anything you'd played at the time, nearly a decade ago. A game you'd sort of grown up with

>A game heavily inspired by it. A game you're getting into after nearly a decade of TF2, and nearly a decade older.

Not saying it's nostalgia or anything, just saying you're a bit more jaded now, and you've also spent a lot of time on the game that sort of set the standard for this new one. Think about that for a second.

>1300 hours after 9 years
>12 after less than a month

let's do some math
>1300 hours / 108 months
>12.037 hours of TF2 per month on average
Looks to me like Overwatch is off to a great start

But he didn't regret the purchase of tf2

Jaded how?
>think about that for a second
I did, I still don't like overwatch as much. It doesn't make me lose hours and hours.

People cant take breaks from games either, you know?

With TF2 you have a lot more options with each character. Overwatch is really limited and feels 'dumbed down'.

Nevermind the fact that TF2 was very bare bones on release, took updates over time to add more variance to it. Don't fucking bother trying to reason to dumb asses who just want to spout shit without thinking about what they're about to say.

>bare bones on release
>still has the same structure to this day

tf2 came at a time when there was nothing at all

TF2 classic? Battlefield?

TF2 has only 9 classes, Overwatch has like 20 heroes

Are people just stupid? this is like the first clear difference you notice when looking at the two games, instead of one class with a ton of weapons and options, you have multiple heroes with static and defined limited abilities that can all do the same thing, its why you HAVE to switch characters a lot to fill different niches and "maining" is a stupid practice, when in TF2 you can main Demo and you've got like 3 classes to choose from what with all the different launchers and fucking swords

No hats and no unlocks, many would argue it was better that way, it was a full gamr when it released, overwatch was released incomplete in order to maintain its userbase on the edge and keep coming back for "new" stuff.

Even with a fixed loadout, it feels like you have a lot more options. I think the wider maps and the secondary weapons lend to this.

Hahaha, oh boy, Blizzard sure knows their fans.

this op is a disaster.

>Shit ton more maps
>A lot of new weapons

ya, ya ok

Hats, sure, whatever, but unlocks? Aside from a few broken weapons, I really don't see why anybody would be opposed.

>TF2 was a full game on release, OW wasn't
How in the fuck is that even slightly true? How can you say OW wasn't, compared to TF2? They're essentially the exact fucking same, release-wise.

Read kid, read, I'm not going to type the same shit again.

Tf2 didn't have unlocks at release.

>try it out
>its literally tf2

OK... Its the exact same fucking game mode. What the fuck.

What a stupid post Jesus...

CoD4 was released the same year

OW 2016>TF2 2007
TF2>OW 2016

Honestly it's too soon to tell. TF2 is better then Ovewatch right now but TF2 had ten years of updates. That said TF2 is more skill index giving it more replayability but it still somehow managed to get a worse launch.

>. That said TF2 is more skill index giving it more replayability but it still somehow managed to get a worse launch.

> It was released as part of the video game compilation The Orange Box on October 10, 2007 for Windows and the Xbox 360.[3]

what are you smoking it was maximum hype when it came out. even my normie friends got it for 360.

They got it for Portal and you know it.

Popular yes, but the game was shit.
>inb4 Blizzardrone
Tf2 is my favorite game having over 1,000+ hours but when it came out it had
>6 maps
>3 of which were terrible
>Terrible balancing from Demomen with 6 nades, Engineers unable to move that gear up and Pyro's literally useless

>they got it for a game no one knew existed
great work champ you did it

>TF2 is more skill index

This is the main point. Playing Overwatch is fun, but so is 6v6 TF2, Plus, there is so much more raw skill involved in TF2 and less bullshit. Looking at you McCree/Widowmaker/Mei spambots.

Hahaha, sure, they kept Portal in secret until release.


Peace bro.

except that it was promoted out the ass before it came out. That game and Episode 2 were the reasons I bought the orange box. That first teaser where they showed how portals worked sold me

Daily reminder

>refutes your point
>le reading comprehension xDDD

are you being retarded on purpose?

class amount =/= class diversity

Consider the following. You are so fucked up from browsing Sup Forums that you have reached ten years back into my own life and told me why my friends, of whom you know nothing about, made a purchase on a video game that you have very disjointed memories about since you can't remember it winning multiple GOTYs and think it had a shitty release.

You are literally telling me what happened in my life 10 years ago.

You are this fucking retarded. Sup Forums has fucked you up this badly.

Evaluate yourself.

Overwatch could have killed Team Fortress 2 if everything ran at 66 tick or higher, had proper mouse input and had no frame delay

Heroes of the storm is my answer

you said no one knew it existed. Which is obviously ignorant because it was the most heavily promoted game in the collection



This is the intelligence of the average tf2poster.


>Play game 1 for 1,300 hours
>Get used to the style of game 1
>Switch to game 2
>Human nature causes you to revert to game 1 because you know how it works and you're comfortable with it
>Come to the illogical conclusion game 2 is shit

Well done I guess

Each TF2 class has 3 slots with at least 3 weapon choices for each one. That's 27 possible loadouts for 9 classes.

Therefore TF2 has 243 classes and Overwatch has a paltry 20.

TF2 wins.

Enjoy your Brink with waifus

Overwatch has 12 maps. TF2 had 6 on release


By this logic Battlefield 4 has a couple of thousand classes




help me

>metacritic """""""""reviews""""""""

reminder that these are the types of retards blasting down the score

so TF2 is a cluttered shitstorm, everyone already knew that

You're smart...

Jesus Christ

I agree with this part

I was actually expecting starcraft 2-tier cinematics, but the animates shorts have all been garbage. The game is shit too, but fun with friends

It's gonna be tough for Overwatch. TF2 has a server browser and custom maps -- two features I don't think will ever come to Overwatch. Furthermore, Overwatch desperately wants to be an e-sport game, but they don't want to put any effort into making it happen. Whether it's refusing to update the ticrate for ranked or by even having ranked at launch.

I'm enjoying Overwatch in the here and now, but who knows how long it will last. I think the only thing that will keep me going is the premise of new heroes.

What is your favorite game, user?

I could probably tear it apart too

Jesus christ, user.

TF2 didn't even have loadouts until months after release when the Medic update came out, and new weapons were introduced on a class by class basis for quite a while so some classes couldn't customize their loadouts for years