I believe in a no-win scenario... hbu

I believe in a no-win scenario... hbu

Still haven't beaten this game.

Don't be afraid to play in the easiest difficulty to get an idea of what to expect.

The game is just unfair. I'll get to the end every time but that end boss is bullshit.

I will never understand how this game gets so much praise.

it's challenging and rewarding

I beat the game. Hard but not impossible.


I'm too much of a filthy casual to defeat the flag ship

man i love FTL. its the kind of game that still feels fresh years down the line

That's a weird way of saying it's RNG and tedious.

I find it relying on RNG less than Darkest Dungeon. And the fact there are unlockables that drastically change how you play/plan gives you some incentive to play it over and over again

You know the best thing to give incentive to keep playing? It's fun gameplay.

Fun is subjective :^).

i've always found that each encounter is a sort of timed puzzle. it's a game where efficiency shines. I think RNG enhances the game frankly, as far as tediousness goes, well thats like, your opinion, man.

I agree, FTL does have fun gameplay that gives me incentive to keep playing.

The flagship isn't even that hard. It's a fucking cakewalk if you get cloaking.

The RNG isn't that bad.

Just never send your units on away missions. They will ALWAYS disappear. Unless it's a blue option, then always pick those.

>Just never send your units on away missions
I learned this very quickly.
But I can't help but commit daring boarding missions. The promise of riches is too great.
Lost many a crew to the void.

Its just the giant spiders you have to watch out for, you never succeed in those missions (unless you get a blue choice). All other away missions seem to have some rate of success.

Considering your engines and piloting subsystem were fine, you could have jumped away. Whether or not you would have gotten fucked after jumping is a crapshoot, but the chance was there. Though that looks like it was your first encounter, so it would make more sense to just restart anyway.

Oh you're talkin' the test-quests. I was referring to boarding in combat.
Quests are too damn unreliable for me. At least if one of my guys gets shot up I know it was my failure. Not just a dice roll.

Yeah, combat boarding is only worthwhile if you got a couple bug crew members or when facing automated ships.

>Buy FTL
>Play on Normal
>Win the game the same day after playing for a few hours
>"Did I get lucky? Everyone says this is super hard"
>Immediately win again
>Drop the game after confirming Sup Forums is just retarded as usual

>Hard Mode is released
>Actually pretty hard
>Still beat it in less than 10 tries

It's not RNG, you are just all fucking stupid and probably too impatient.

>look at me mom! I'm making shit up on the internet again

Not him, but the game isn't that hard.

What problems are you guys having that you die all of time?

>click on your weapons
>click on the enemies weapons

Giant alien spiders are no joke.


Glad you realized the gameplay was shit but couldn't come up with a response.


>Get 3 shields and more engine levels ASAP
>Juggle power between them depending on what the enemy shoots at you, always max out engine to manually dodge each incoming shot unless you need to shield a laser barrage
>Don't waste scrap repairing, that's an obvious noob death loop
>Get Scrap Recovery Arm early, if it doesn't show up get another big scrap/HP saver like Weapon Pre-Igniter or Stealth
>Plan route to visit as many spots as possible
>Don't take chances on obviously foolhardy events
>Get cheap, reliable weapons, always time them perfectly, just a basic burst laser and ion weapon along with a heavy hitter like a beam is enough to kill the Flagship, with missiles as an extra bonus

These were my observations after I'd played 2-3 times, and then I won. I'm probably forgetting something but this should be more than enough to clear Normal.

You forgot
>ALWAYS get flak cannons

>get Vulcan fun gun
>die almost immediately afterwards because I spent so much on it

This has happened like 4 times already

As long as I get scrap repair arm early, and I don't run into any major rng bullshit, I can usually win guaranteed.

Flak didn't exist back then dumbo

Also forgot, adding to >Never unlocked any other ships than the two you get for beating the game, because I beat it so fast

Also adding to >Never let the game run more than a second between pauses, always give orders while the game is paused

You're not alone, user. I can't resist its temptation either.

Flak is your best friend OP

>needing to brag (and lie) on an anonymous image board

>tfw get 2 flak cannons and a ion cannon


Flak is so good its almost unfair.

>2 charge ion cannons really early on
>stranglehold every ship of oxygen for the next 5 sectors
>buy a bunch of fucking weapons in the last 2 with all the scrap I have
It's like abusing teleportation, only slightly more tedious waiting for ships to drain of oxygen.

flaks are just op as fuck.
their 'downside' of sometimes missing the target room is completely irrelevant when you just use them to bash through shields anyway - smash the shields with a flak salvo and immediately follow up with laser or beam attacks to damage the exposed rooms is a sure way to victory throughout most of the game.

In my last run I had three flack cannons and a laser. I was a fucking space god.

What do you do about auto ships?

I wish FTL were turn based, instead of RTwP or whatever

I just end up having to pound the space bar so that I can micro / plan things perfectly, so why not just give me a turn-based (as in Rogue type of simultaneous turn that sort of already happens) option?

>it would be too hard to implement!
Akshully it wouldn't, at the risk of over simplifying, the game logic already is throttled by or to the FPS (otherwise these types of 2D games run at thousands of frames a second and it causes problems) so making it wait for player input as part of proceeding is not difficult


the ones with no shields? just put everything on autofire and target their weapon control with all your guns. free kill everytime.

Yeah? Well I rather like RTP games and I think FTL does it well.

I challenge you to get a victory without pausing. Do it on any difficulty. Go.