Le PC has no worthwhile exclusives meme Xd

>le PC has no worthwhile exclusives meme Xd

Unless you are huge into weeb games, there is literally no reason to own a console.
PC is also getting Most Xbox exclusive franchises in the coming years, so it undeniably the best platform to own.

Off to a great start, OP

Dat thumbnail image


Check my 6


sigh... dubs thread?

Herr ya go nerds

>all these assblasted sonyggers attempting to derail the thread
Cucks, the whole lot of ya

Sup Forums is probably more than 50% weeb and also underage/NEETS who only have enough money for one system and they will risk their lives to defend that one system. Kind of sad desu

>Implying I didn't want the real image so I could add the games to my pirate list.


>tfw none of these interest me

>>le PC has no worthwhile exclusives meme Xd

It still doesn't have good exclusives especially after that image.

Also Xcom 2 got ported to console and we wish you had just kept this garbage

>game looks pretty interesting
>google it
>It's a kickstarter

Every single time this happens. Fuck PC gaming 2bh what a useless platform

I see a variety of good, bad, meh, and "NEVER EVER" games in that list.
Pretty good overall, good variety for everyone, although many of those aren't out yet.

PC is arguably the best choice for game variety and the fact that in this day and age, you all but need a computer for many things.
Console wars have never made sense to me for that reason, it's more a question of, "do I spend the extra X dollars turning it into an all in one, work and entertainment device or do I buy a console+tv for ~the same amount in excess of base computer prices?" Instead of "Do I spend X dollars on a Console or X +(Insert huge number here) dollars for a PC?"

Dismissing promising games because they were on Kickstarter is so autistic, not every studio overpromises and even Star Citizen is actually becoming playable now.

Literally the ONLY reason I have a gaming PC is because I can't stand 30fps and that's it.

I'll bite: why do you care that it's been kickstarted as long as it's good?

idort right now but PC is literally the only platform with good exclusives, aside from bloodborne and demons i guess. i honestly cant think of a single good xbox game

because it's only a kickstarter which means that it will very likely be delayed/canceled

whoa whoa whoa

is there a new ut coming?

>platofrm-waring phoneposter


>PC has blurry picture for ants
Truly they are technological wonders

This is the only PC exclusive that matters.