Buyfag thread?

Buyfag thread?

Buyfag thread.

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>mfw I know people who actually own these fucking things

Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with pops


I never understood the appeal of these, whenever I was gifted one I would just gift it away immediately.

>Pop! vinyl
Where's the sage button

>no Roll


>mfw Sup Forums can't grasp why normies actually buy these

Gets funnier every thread. Try convincing those people to pay ridiculous prices for anime figures and see how that goes.


>western garbage that looks like garbage

no thanks

But there are equally priced figurines that don't look like fucking dog shit

I fucking hate these things. Please I just want some on model stuff for anything.

we need a new jojo game

It's fake, right?

Please say yes.

>But there are equally priced figurines that don't look like fucking dog shit
[citation needed]

>think these are mockups
>look them up
>they're fucking real


That looks more like the dog whisperer than nathan drake

>I got my brother a few of these for Christmas last year because they were buy one get one free and I was strapped for cash
>stupid looking bug-eyed Super Saiyan Goku and Freeza
I'm sorry bro ;_;

I'll just dump these I guess

you're a tasteless cock gobbler if you own any of these figures

>8-10 figures

Can't fool me. I've seen prices for anime figures and nendos. Shit's expensive. Funko has way more licenses too. Why settle for anime and video game characters alone when normies can get characters they actually want.

REMOVE JOINT remove joint you aer the worst figure. you are the /toy/ stench you are the /toy/ smell.

>what is google


How much do these cost a pop?

stay upset


>Why settle for anime and video game characters alone when normies can get characters they actually want.
But a blockheaded blob-eyed faceless template with your favorite character's clothes and hair slapped on it is not a figurine of that character

Most nendos I see go for 20-30 bucks. Funkos sell to normies for a reason. They are cheap.

Somewhere around 12 bucks.

>Lootcrate is still a thing

The only monthly boxes that are really that interesting are the food ones.

Is it just me or did Star Platinum become skinnier in later parts?

>Can't give a single example

Is there a figure of Blonde Kira? or Kosaku Kira? Awakened Kira is probably my least favorite version

Funko are Nendo for retarded normies.
>Went to a hobby store in NYC
>They had an entire basement dedicated to this garbage



>he can't type words into a search engine

Tell that to the people that actually buy these figures. Saw this on my dash the other day. I didn't believe it at first either, but people love these fucking things.

Those figures are fucking hideous.

there is a blonde kira and it comes with the kosuka head. it's a sas kira second.

Kill yourself.

Go back to /reddit9k/ normalfags.

araki gradually got better at drawing

Funkos are 20-30, but nendos aren't cheap

>Go back to /reddit9k/ normalfags.

I might as well be buying Skylanders figures too lmao

>finally get a protoman figure other than the kotobukiya one
>its this

also for any doubters

holy shit this, I would have finally considered buying one of these things if it were her.


>uncle bought 4 funkos for me
>never really asked for them anyway...

Snake came in today, might collect more nendoroids

Wow it's fucking nothing

>Wanting a Funko Roll
But the model kit and giant figure already exists.

I don't see Snake. I can't see anything behind him for that matter, either.

Indiebox is pretty good. At least it feels better to get one ok game with a bunch of related extras than a bunch of generic "geek" garbage. Of course, if you hate the game, the whole month's box is a waste.

I don't see anything.

Nendos are like $35 and come with different facial expressions, a stand, and a little miscellaneous item too. Pretty good quality for the price too. Seems fair in my opinion.

>there are people on Sup Forums who are actually this fucking search engine retarded
Congratulations, you are Funko's target audience

Shipping is really expensive most of the time though, and the only ones in my country that I can find aren't that great.

How's that Megaman Zero Figuarts? Apparently Amazon has him for a decent price.


What does it say about me that I'm more hyped for this than Zelda U?

>plugging literal human sentences into google like a fucking caveman
I seriously hope this is bait

>john cena
are you underaged

behold the only good pop which isn't saying much.

>wind waker zelda nendo
>no tetra nendo
stupid fuckin japs

Normie, it's a reddit buzzword from /r9k/. Try to understand the irony of it.

fixed to avoid blinding others

I never really asked for funkos... Just got them from my young uncle

Looks like fuckin barney.

>neck seam

She's still Tetra on the inside. Princess Zelda is just naturally more popular than her alter ego

>6 inches
>super size
fucking really?

How do you operate a computer?

He looks like the dog whisperer guy

I don't get the hate for Funko Pop figures. They're great for movies/games/shows that don't get a lot of figurines and their fairly inexpensive.

>I never really asked for funkos... Just got them

It just keeps happening, man. I know how you feel. Pops are the epitome of no thought, last minute gifts. I have about 8, maybe more now because of this.

I thought the mods were doing their job and banned faggots who used pops as the OP in a buyfag thread, turns out it was just a one time deal I guess.

Funkos are shit and are like 10 bucks. I dunno what overpriced reseller you are getting them from where they are 20-30.

The only one I own, too.


Sweet guys, great thread!

Why do people feel the need to advertise terrible products on Sup Forums?

Grow up

nice dragon dildo user

Go jump off a bridge.

I guess because they know it'll trigger you

>someone else bought it for me
That's pretty much their entire customer base: people who don't know any better and will just buy character goods regardless of quality.

I thought the point of even having a collectible figure is that it looks nice.

that's actually pretty cool, if it glows in the dark

At least Protoman looks half decent

I'm lucky that I haven't received any of this shit yet and I hope I don't. I don't want it to look at it

Eat shit and die faggot


Fuck off POPfag

Kill yourself you tasteless faggot.

Clear plastic things make me happy and I don't know why
It reminds me of crazy bones



All I want is a bucket of Pikmin.

Lol they sell jojos merch at hottopic, shits normie now.

>biggest faggots on Sup Forums HAHAH I'm not gonna respond to your faggotry I shit my pants hahahaha

Fuck off redditor.