I walked all over the city looking for this game

I walked all over the city looking for this game.
Nobody had it.
I really hope i made the right decision listening to you Sup Forums cause I cant take it back now

Other urls found in this thread:


>Game is a literal masterpiece

>just got a free physical copy yesterday
feels pretty good OP

There's literally a demo where you can play as all 5 characters and see if it's to your liking.

Have you tried ordering it online?

OP you should've just done that. I did that first and loved it. The game is fucking great

Who are you quoting?

I thought about it, but If i did that I would have to order it TO a store, since i wouldnt be able to return it if i purchased on amazon.

So far, I really like it though. Im thinking i made the right choice just getting it today.

Sidenote, what is Classic Mode? I didn't wanna fuck with it in case it's something I should do after i beat the game.

>just got a free $2000
Video Games are nice.



Its the PS2 style gameplay. not as much fun but might be worth dicking around for a while.

You did gud, lad.That's a gud boy, you made us proud.





is this game worth playing just for the cute rabbits

I'm still in the ice mountain with him, so now I need specific potions to access certain parts of the map, this feels like it'll open up an ugly can of backtracking.


I bought it yesterday for the vita and the store only received one copy and it wasn't even reserved.
I really lucked out.
First time playing through it and I'm loving it

Nah, at any given point you should have a shitload of potion materials in your storage (You ARE filling your storage box, right?) And the game usually throws the necessary potion at you before you get to a point where it's needed

It's really not bad at all, I think I used five or so location specific potions in his entire campaign. Blazes should melt the ice walls if I remember right, and making them is as simple as bottle/potion + habanero.

You can also use checkpoints to teleport around the map if you really need to run back to a shopkeep

The paper told me ice walls needed volcano

aww what a cute world ending monstrosity.

This game is comfy as hell

I'm playing as the rabbit dude right now. I'm only now starting to get used to him after like 3 acts.

It's not that he's crazy or different, it's that you're coming off of HIGH FLYIN SPIN DRIVIN ICE SHOOTIN end game Gwen so he feels completely off for a bit

I really miss my shield bash

>got a digital copy for 20 bucks
Great game

>might be worth dicking around for a while.
I can't see why anyone would who bought Leifthrahshrarir would do that except if they're real curious bastards with another few dozen hours to spend on a worse version of a game they just played.

It's very, very repetitive, though I've only played the original and not sure if the port does anything to alleviate that

The first character's story is like 20% of the game, but has roughly 85% of the content. Basically you go replay a lot of the same areas and bosses over and over again, and it gets pretty stale. Especially if you're playing on a decent difficulty, since I found each character has a point where you need to grind items for food to not get one shot by bosses

The final chapter was also ass, forcing you to play it in a very specific way to get the proper ending, otherwise you have to sit there and do it all over again

I dunno, besides the visuals I never really understood where all the praise comes from

I loved him the moment I unlocked spiral claw just holy shit, the nigh infinite air carry combos are ridiculous even on bosses when you upgrade it to only eat 25%/use. Use the revolving lightning spirits in conjunction with it for infinite dizzy and damage

Second cutest boss in the game so far after the transforming mushroom

I was like 40 hours into the first Odin sphere should I get this one or is it same shit? Cause after the 30 49 hour mark the repetition got old

After getting more special moves I've gotten used to his more grounded playstyle. I like the move where he rebounds off the opposite end of the screen to cross up enemies. I can't wait to get to Oswald since from what I played of the demo he's a literal speed demon with his Devil Trigger.

Man, with the cross ups and the fighting game style inputs you can assign make me think about what an Odin Sphere fighting game would be like. Or hell, just a Vanillaware fighting game would be awesome.

Am I supposed to be blocking more? I generally feel like it's a better idea to dodge so I haven't even tried using the shield bash or parry or any of those sorts of move that involve blocking.

Like all vanillaware games it has repetition, the gameplay is more fun but you still go through similar areas to fight mostly the same bosses with different characters.

Blocking with Gewn is great because you get a damage boost and the shield bash does great damage plus stun.

How do the Mercedes skill on the Fire level? I can't open that last door because I don't have a blue flame and I don't know where a nother could be.

Reminder he did absolutely nothing wrong

I really need my Vamp rings back for Cornelius. I miss being a glasscanon.

how is it on vita

plays pretty well. Kindve a mixture of DC and Muramasa's gameplay.

I have yet to see any noticeable slow down.
I have Dragon's Crown and Muramasa on the Vita so I figured I'd get this one on it. The OLED screen really brings out the art too so I'd say it's a good port.

Its pretty hilarious to watch slow downs.
You can do it with the horse knight mid boss, just throw down cyclone and blaze after he summons a shitton of elves.

according to japs... vita version is near perfect 60fps just like the ps4 version.

the note says blaze and volcano both work.

Is there any difference between the PS3 and PS4 version?

Just finished ch 6 for Gwendolyn. Are there any good lewds of that mushroom boss? I want to fuck it.

>vanillaware wont be able to single handedly usher in a second age of sidescrolling beat em up platformers and / or metroidvanias
>when theyre gone, the ride is over

I wonder if the song writer for the Mountain Goats bought the new version?

vw doesnt get much lewds at all. even dc with sorceress and amazon didnt have as much as one might hope. just go for the official art desu

>not published in Brazil

Importing it will be so expensive and 8 want the physical version because the box art is really pretty

I guess I'll just wait a year until it hits the $20ish mark

>I walked all over the city looking for this game.
>Nobody had it.

The thing is... most brick and mortar store have largely stopped stocking a lot of anime games. Maybe 1 or 2 copies that sell out right away... but that's it. The reason is because most weebs order online nowadays and don't even bother going to retail stores. Unless it's a big title name like Final Fantasy, brick and mortar stores don't think it will sell.

How's hard mode in this version?
I just started the game today on normal. I'm blazing through everything with no challenge. I don't think I've lost more than 20 HP in a stage.

Knock it up to Hard. Even then it's not too hard once you learn the enemies and their patterns. The game is too generous with potions.

Haven't had too many difficulties on hard, notable walls were bird loli and Gwendolyns first challenge. Other than that I've S ranked almost everything on the first try.

Hard is a proper ramp up in difficulty. I was worried it was too easy up until I met Flamefucker Phoenix and baby mushroom the world-ender.

This was pretty much the only instance of slowdown I've seen in my four hours of play thus far, but generall it's solid enough for me not to care, unlike Dragon's Crown which regularly shits itself.

A shame that Vita still has no PNG screen capture support. Only issue I have with Leifthrasir is the general difficulty is too easy, even on hard.

Chicken loli was a pain in the ass, mushroom was only difficult to S rank, not outright beat.

>gets turned into a bunny
>angsts about 'muh princess can't see me like this'
Nigga, your pooka form is 100 times cuter than the human thing. Velvet's not gonna give a fuck.

Yes, pookas are nice.

I can't tell if I like Muramasa or Odin Sphere's retooled combat more.

Muramasa's flow was more deliberate, where-as Odin Sphere hits anime fighter-tier at times with what you can pull off.

Playing Odin Sphere just made me really excited for their next game because there is guaranteed to be a lot of comfy downtime between mech battles

No, it was odin who did nothing wrong (except for loving an inferior daughter)

And food.
Looking forward to pilots buffed by your good cooking.

I fucking hate fighting that damn silver giant as the Pooka. It's annoying the shit out of me on hard.

>Cornelius didn't just stay a Pooka and bang Velvet with infinite Pooka stamina daily
>Velvet won't get to just put Cornelius in her lap and finger his little backside while jerking him off and biting his ears

~wasted potential~

Do the different characters go through different areas that use the same assets and fight different bosses or is it just the same content 5 times?

1. Does increasing difficulty increase item gain or anything like that?

2. Anyway to get mad phozonz?

Half the former, half the latter.

Well it might be more 60/40ish. Hard to really quantify.

Theres no demo for PS3 but there is for PS4 and Vita. What the fuck man? I really dont want to pay 50 dollars for a port of a 2D side scroller no matter how pretty it looks.

the gameplay is completely redone and is much better
the graphics are improved too and there's some new stuff

1. No

2. Some characters have a slime boss in Titania you can grind over and over for mad phozonsu. Gwen and Oswald don't have access to the boss unfortunately

Area layouts change but there's some boss overlap.

Any tips on sucking less as Mercedes?

Keep your distance use psypher skills.
Upgrade mastery skills, the chest ines to deal 30% more damage in air.

I just use the big shot that she gets first. It does a pretty large amount of damage. The slide one to help dodge bosses and such The radial sweep mixed with a whirlwind potion is fucking disgusting. I got a 700 hit combo on a Trial with zero effort because of it.

Otherwise most of her skills are kind of shitty. She has a penetrating shot that costs 40% of her POW and it seems like complete garbage.

No item gain, but you get a better score at the end of combat encounters.

I feel like I just press square a lot. I mean I do my magic attacks when I can but there are just too many options so I usually just stick with 2 of them.
Also I noticed I dont throw potions much...

Does a skill location chart even exist? I feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot without all the skills.

There's only one hidden skill per area and they come with hints, you really shouldn't be missing them.

Someone on GameFAQs or some shit posted this. wikisp.com/osl/c1
c1, c2, c3, for Gwen, Cornelius, so on

not everyone is a furry

Don't be afraid of using her PP skills every boss summons enough reinforcements you'll easily make it up. Her Round Shot is really good at both damage and hitting almost every enemy.

>The Ringford secret prism

Holy shit that's devious. I never caught that.

Cornelius has the most broken move in Spark Bolt it only costs 5 PP but it has a high stun rate and its fast enough that you can keep spamming it until boss is stunned.

You'll enjoy hunting down Oswald's secret prism location in the Inferno kingdom. Fuck that bullshit

Look it up on youtube.

>Volcano shump section
>treasure chest during shump section
>have to exit level if you missed it to respawn room

Why is this allowed?

Nah. I'd have to say strongest initial spell belongs to Velvet. High stagger rate, high hit rate, and lasts a while and just for a measly cost of 6cp. Great chances if burning too

I died so many fucking times to the fire rain + charge attack in that section.

I don't have the spatial awareness for that shit.

10 hours in and I finally finished the first book. Really looking forward to playing as Velvet. She was my favorite in the demo.


She's the final character so good luck boi.