>play Overwatch on PS4
>no one uses the voice channels
>hardly anybody effectively uses the voice commands, let alone heeds them
>no way to tell a Mercy to switch to her buff
I wish I had a PC for this shit.
Play Overwatch on PS4
>voice chat on consoles
It's like you want to hear under age white kids blasting nigger "music" at unreasonable volumes
>a korean using a electric fan instead of cowering in fear of its oxygen stealing powers
Well, if you do get one, you dont need a powerful pc to play overwatch
i use a headset to play overwatch, to bad people just straight up ignore some really basic shit.
>On attack team
>Can't make the final puch of playload
>Check team heroes
>We have 3 fucking tracers
Please stop trying to convince me otherwise. You just reminded me that people actually do that.
well considering she's literally white and not korean anyways I don't think anybody really cares if her culture is appropriately represented.
Haha... I forgot about that. My cousin taught in there and said she had coworkers who warned her of it. I thought it was only a best Korea thing
I'm clocked about 50 odd hours on the open beta and release version, and I think I can count on one hand the amount of times that a stranger's actually said anything on the voice channel. Most people seem to just stick to their IRL friendship circle and leave it at that.
Yeah it is weird. I feel like it was only early last gen people talked in game then people just went into party chat. I hardly ever hear faggots in chat in game.
You'd think a team-based game would inspire more communication amongst players.
Shit, I'd do it if my voice wasn't relatively high-pitched.
Not really. I don't talk in pubs because
>explaining git gud and not expecting everyone to get pissed off and cooperate less than before
>everyone has social anxiety anyways b/c neckbeards
>voice chat on PC
kek, PC is filled with MMOtards who have never played a team shooter
why is mei so fat?!
it's not like it's any better on pc, friendo. you can just aim better.
Man, I sure love this meme. :^)
That's also a major contributor to my wanting a PC to play it on. It's hard finding a sensitivity I'm comfortable with since joysticks are so uncomfortable for FPS.
yeah, as a pc user I'd say you should get one whenever you can for about a millions reasons, not just to play fps games better. get on that shit, boi.
No job, therefore no stable income. Although, I imagine I could build a decent for around $500 or so. Closest thing I can do, though, is get a XIM4 and become the best OW player on PS4.
yeah just get that.
You literally can connect a keyboard+mouse to your PS4 to save money, retard.
Doesn't work with Overwatch, apparently. I think only XIV has that feature.
>playing on pc with friends in vent
>notice some random on team as mercy never using damage buff
>tell mercy in voice to use the goddamn damage buff sometimes
>mercy leaves 10 seconds later
most healfags are faggots
just talk anyway user and don't give a shit if someone makes fun
Im level 63 on the PS4 and my teams with randoms always use voice command
Level 49 and only the occasional few use them. But again, hardly anyone actually heeds them (at least, pre-40's don't).
I kinda wish there was a meta for that shit, though. Something like using "I need healing" when a Mercy's already healing you to sign them to switch to buff.