Atelier Sophie

Is it worth living on $50 for the next five days?

How are you enjoying your Atelier?

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying none of you are playing this game

Share the comfy please.

When I want to live cheap I just buy some cheap rice and a bottle of soy sauce. Drink enough water through the day too and you won't feel hungry. With 50$ and only a week that even leaves you enough to buy stuff for breakfast or vegetables for the rice.

>not having a fully stocked fridge
Just go pirate Liru if you want to fap

>fapping to ateliers

>cute art style
>cute girls
>in game models are generic and not as detailed as the artworks
Might just as well buy the art books instead.

My copy hasn't gotten here yet

I fucking hate Yuugen's designs, and even Noco's are way weaker than Mel and Hidari's, in my opinion. Other than that, it's my favorite Atelier since MK, though E&L is still my favorite OST.

Am I the only one who prefers Sophie's original outfit with the blue coat over that yellow dress she gets later?

Everyone I know prefers her original. At least you can switch back immediately.

I think everyone prefers that one. It's a genuinely good design while the white and yellow one looks like shit.

I've been playing it the last couple of days but not really feeling it. All the interactions just feel so mundane, there haven't been any of the goofy scenes I enjoy from Ateliers.

Who's is in your party?

The only bad thing about this game is the fat fuck. I'm going to take him out of my party asap.

Someone post the screenshots where Sophie calls him fat to his face.

I want to _____ firis!

His mom is hot as shit. What went wrong?


>Post a clearer version of

is the hat removable?

>Removing silly hats

they die if you pull them off

Hopefully the other characters also get cute costumes for other climates

I recently got Tales of Zestiria on sale, however it's not keeping me interested all that much. Would the Atelier series help fill my JRPG Void for the time being?

She's definitely going to be a titty monster if she comes back in the third game.

They said she gets a new outfit based on where she travels.

>literally JUST get Sophie
>next game already announced in Japan
Why do they do this to us?

Story wise hell no. If you like crafting systems, maybe. It's not really a gameplay gripping, or story gripping game. It's just relaxing, that's how I feel at least.

They got it last year already.

She'd better come back. Sophie had better come back for Firis too. Recurring characters are a good thing and I'm still mad Dusk didn't have that many.

>Adult Sophie and Plachta
>Ara ara Sophie and Plachta for the third game

They're not 2hus

This always happens
It's not like we'll get Firis until next summer anyway

If you want something more RPG-ish to fill the void then play Mana Khemia or Ar Tonelico

Harol, Fritz and Leon here.

Dusk had so much wasted potential as far as the setting went.

The director said that he was inspired by the fallout games and it becomes painfully obvious as you progress that the world their in was previously our modern world that went to shit after some sort of out of control alchemy thing destroyed everything.

Hell in Shallie you start finding fucking cathodes and shit in some of the ruins.

I want to _____ monika's breasts!

do my mathematics homework

>Character's design is a skintight... thing
>Character likes open, loose-fitting clothing and hates skintight stuff
Either the designer or the writer fucked up here. There was a failure to communicate, either way.

Ayesha started Dusk really heavy handed with the whole "world is dying" thing (while still keeping the lighthearted feel of the franchise), but by the second game it felt like they wanted to completely abandon all the world building from the first game. Dusk could have been so much better than it was, and it's a huge shame.

I hope if they ever try another heavy plot like that they prepare themselves for the whole arc, and not just one game.

I like Oskar, why do you guys hate him?


I'm really mad that they really explored the back story of the Lincas. You find the cloning facility in Shallie but it never goes beyond that. I want to know who cloned her and why.


never really explored*

He reminds Sup Forums of themselves

>tfw want to play more but I have to go to bed

>not playing on Vita in your bed

>Yeah, he's right
BTFO buying for sure now

what's best party?

i'm stuck with Clock shop guy, Cat girl and the knight guy. not too happy with them tho.

are there any good synergy party?

>tfw it's not buy one get other platform free

remote play nigga.

where the fuck do i find Spirit Ore


It's a breath of fresh air after how awful E&L and Shallie were.

There's an area on the north side of the map that has it in abundance. You have to actually go to the area and gather it, pressing square on the world map won't show you it's there

A little is fine

is Sophie smartest Atelier protag so far?

she create recipe for almost everything on her own. all other protag read books

Tfw fridge is packed after a Costco shopping trip, just bought ps vita and 13 games, a full racing cockpit with a thrustmaster leather wheel and shifter attachment, and Alienware computer bc even though they overpriced, I don't care enough about needing to save money plus it looks awesome. Next up I'm buying an OLED 70" hd tv. Life is awesome right now. You all prolly thinking I'm making it up, but I'm not. I could take some pics...

I still haven't found a copy of Rorona plus, or the earlier PS3 ateliers. Should I just bite the bullet and pay $40 for the later ateliers on psn?

Or hunt around EB games?

Sorry for quality using iPad Air 2s crappy camera cause my new nexus phone is off for the night.

I'm pretty sure NISA released a triple pack with all 3 games on one disc. try looking for that

Thanks user. Will do!

Ib4 lolalienware once it's outdated I'll just get a new one

That triple disc doesn't have Rorona Plus, only the original Rorona. Just a heads up.

Isn't the version of Rorona included in that the original one instead of the remake? The remake is much better, so that's kind of bad.

I have been going through the first of the dusk series. Not bad, charming at times too.

Just stopped for a while and lost motivation.

>Steering wheel
For that high impact sexual action

Will I like this if I didn't like Rorona? I found the writing dry and a the gameplay even dryer.

what went wrong?

You don't have the plus versions

wrong thread? this aint battlestation thread m8. but nice room btw



Ayyy Escha was so bad I skipped Shallie entirely

the fuck did you just say?

F-fine, I'll pay for your cute girl simulator instead of doing something better with my birthday present money, like hiring a hooker.

Stupid Russian poster

pc release when
For real though
its either get the vita versions which arent even physical and would force me to buy a mem card, or play the old ps3 versions, or buy a ps4
there is no winning option for me in this series.

>Adult Sophie
>Firis starts literally after Sophie end


Hire a hooker. Life experience > cute anime girls

If you are a fan of jp games you'd already own all 3 of those platforms 2bh

I own all three and I would much prefer to have the games on PC

> Life experience > cute anime girls
Where do you think we are?

I'm not wrong.

Yea, I'd rather fap the grils in the party in KONOSUBA too.

aqua >= darkness > explosions

I hate the book bitch, it feels forces fanservice, why isn't this just Sophie and the blonde girl, I also hate that fat dude.

>5 days

Nig, that's a full month's worth of groceries right there.

And I don't mean "Oh, I just buy rice and beans and be done with it", I mean that's a whole month's worth of diverse meals.
Learn to fucking shop.

Idk man. That "dream" with kazuma and Darkness in the bath room was quite LEWD.

Bro I'm tired of soups and meatless meals. Want me some TASTY protein. Not TASTELESS proteins.

You can buy ground beef and chicken breast for a buck fifty a pound or less, if you do it right. Get five pounds of each, you should be set for the month

He lives in Russia where food prices are through the roof because of the economic sanctions.


>recipe Puni Missile
>require monster skill Puni Breath

i thought i need to get hit by that skill but i tired and the recipe still locked. wtf?

Is this a story thing?

You need to get hit by Blue, Red, and Black.

Grabbed it on the Vita, but still have to finish Trillion first.

Am I supposed to be grinding a bit?
Monsters seem a bit more powerful than in previous entries.

I had to grind a bit. The game is way more open ended than the others, so it's really easy to open up a bunch of new areas through events but end up being over leveled for them because you weren't fighting at all.

The game doesn't have the time limit on it anymore.. so you're free to do whatever. Probably would imply a bit more grinding may or may not be necessary.

She's closer to Ayesha and Escha where she's already trained and in her late teens.

I just hit level 10 with a character this evening and I've been playing since Monday thanks to an early copy. It definitely seems slower than Dusk.

If you're playing on Maniac, you're going to have to grind. That mode is ridiculous.

Looks stupid.

Did Sophie make Atelier great again?
Is this series at least going to be fun and not cheap out like everything in dusk after Ayesha did