Is there any better example of a game that actually has choices that matter and a branching storyline?

Is there any better example of a game that actually has choices that matter and a branching storyline?

New Vegas Thread

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I imagine some CRPGs do but NV is the best I've played.

Most SJW game have all the branching you need. Try Life is Strange.

Age of Decadence, arguably. That game is a fucking joy.

Dragon Age Origins has a pretty good branching path, even though the result is the same.

One of the only games where I felt playing a bad guy made sense in the world.

Origins has the standard Bioware problem of the choices rarely manifesting outside of their self-contained arc. You don't get a sense your choices make much of an impact on the world outside of the ending sequence.

What is the equivalent of FUCKING GAMESTOP in new vegas?

am i that much of a faggot if I liked FO3 map more? I mean, I like FONV a lot more than FO3, but I dont like the "new" vegas map a lot. Id like it more if Las Vegas was still 99% blown to shit with some minor settlements in the ruins

If you don't head straight to the Stripe and clean out the casinos you are playing the game wrong.

Then the main story wouldn't work. Entire point is that New Vegas is a jewel of the old world, representing the unattainable goals of the three primary factions.

True, but they show up in pretty unique ways in the final quest and in Awakening iirc.

Oh. I never played Awakening.

Yes, it's called D&D. Literally infinite choices

Each branching path is basically same shit different flag.

What games do you think have the best branching path?

fallout 1 and 2
planescape torment

any RPG game made in the age of game making where all the nerds played D&D

>branching storyline
it's linear and you get to choose your lane

>more branching than NV
This is entirely untrue no matter how you cut it.

Planescape doesn't branch. It's a very linear narrative that is even broken up into concise sections.

do you have to post this fucking thing in every thread


Nothing has reached the level of interconnectivity of Alpha Protocol yet and i am wondering if we will ever have that tier of storytelling.

>that pic
Genuine autism

You're a good man user. Alpha Protocol had so many technical flaws, but the rest was some of the best experiences last generation. I just wish that Agent game would be like AP but with the usual Rockstar polish.

doesnt alpha protocol have the shittiest gameplay of all time?


Everywhere if you get this:

first time player here

where do i go to get to all the sidequests? are there many of them?

There are like 200 quests in the whole game and some can only be done if you sided with a certain faction.