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Is Metroid the new Sonic?

>Sonic gets a bunch of shit games
>Metroid gets 3
Why is Sup Forums retarded?

By the way I mean Hunters, Other M, and Federation Force.



I wouldn't even say 3. It got one truly shitty game and a couple mediocre ones.

I can't even think of another series that's lasted decades and gotten as many genuinely terrible games as Sonic. Any other would have gotten canned by now.

This isn't even getting into the fact that Metroid's high points are much higher than any of Sonic's high points.

Metroid isn't anywhere near Sonic's level of being fucked. They've been raping Sonic's corpse since he transitioned to 3d 18 years ago. Metroid has had 1 legitimately bad game and a few mediocre games. Federation Force will probably be bad aswell, but we don't know for sure yet. We just need to pray for peace in space.

As far as Federation Force is concerned, I'm looking at NLG's history with Nintendo. Which is the Wii Punch-Out and Luigi's Mansion 2. Both are games I enjoyed a great deal.

NLG cannot hold a candle to Retro's games, but they are a capable team and I've enjoyed what they made in the past. With that in mind, I'm looking forward to Federation Force.

Metroid isn't the new Sonic

But Metroid fans are the new Sonic fans.

You can always look forward to AM2R being finished.
Its almost done.

Since when Samus Aran is lesbian? Not complaining by the way.

Never, she actually used to be a man

Wake me up until there are bad Metroid OCs

this. mtf def. she's hispanic too

I thought a 2D metroid was planned for wii u

Hey fuck you, Hunters multiplayer was the shit if you got in a game with no hackers

kys senpai

Get out gamergay, nobody wants you here

Maybe on some level.

Sonic and Metroid are both suffering because the franchise owners have no idea why people like it. The only difference is Sega keeps making shit sonic games and Nintendo just stopped making Metroid games.

wow gooberlygater the industry has changed baka....

I agree with you, but I found this on the first page of google

I still think FF will far more on the "boring, but not aggressively awful" end of the spectrum. Looks like the main thing holding it back is just how unrelentingly slow it moves for a team based shooter.

I'm cautiously optimistic about fed force. I hope it's at least a decent game. They definitely need to increase the movement speed though.
