Standard Edition

>Standard Edition
>Deluxe Edition
>Gold Edition
>Collector's Edition
>Collector's Edition Deluxe
>Collector's Edition Gold

What the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ubisoft are cancer

whoa what

>$30 Season Pass
>not even a fucking hint as to what the DLC will be

I know it's nothing new but this is one step beyond cancer

Im getting the last 3 you listed. Sucks that the dont include everything with the collectors gold. Thats ok though. This will be a good game.

Different versions for different kinds of gamers. Nothing wrong with this.

>one of the top selling and most successful game companies
Lol keep crying, asshat.

So what? There will be loyal fans who will buy it. Season passes are here to stay.


you forgot the san francisco edition which includes and hiv infected needle


You're actually defending this, you're exactly what's wrong with the gaming industry.

How upset are you going to be when Vivendi swoops in and takes over Ubisoft?

haahahahaahahaha XD

I don't know how people are still conned into buying Ubisoft games.

They are all complete dogshit.

Thank you user

user this isn't reddit

You can't be serious.

I'm getting all six editions OP listed because that makes ME the better shill.

This will be a good game.

modern "dlc" vs classic expansion packs - the prime example

>different kind of gamers
you got that right
there are people willing to spend $40 more just to have dat special shotgun and a sticker

Deadsec fucking serious

Lets pretend you guys are for real, you would support the -system- in a game that is based on being against it?

I wonder if you can somehow modify that robot into having a fleshlight.

This will be a good game.

>This will be a good game.
This is what almost everyone said about Watch Dog 1.

You could always just wait for the Game of the Year edition.

It's a good game ok?

why do you even come here?

Sup Forums is not the place for you just the way ubishit games are not intended for Sup Forums


why would you want to fuck a robot that looks like THAT?

this is the future that the majority of Sup Forums said was OK when they bought maximum suck devcock editions of anything in the last 10 years

the only special pack/Edition I ever buy these days are the ones that come with all the DLC 8+ months after release
if you want game companies to stop fucking you in the ass with there scheme dildos then stop squatting over in preparation for the assfucking as soon as a game you like the look of is available to preorder

I haven't played the first watch doge yet. I should see if I can find it cheap.

Seems like you're the one that doesn't belong here. Gaming has changed and has moved past idiots like you. Get a life.

if anything Sup Forums is exactly the place for him as this board is a dedicated shill board

you either shitpost or get shilled, there's no actual discussion to be found here


Lmao u cucks, I'm getting all 12 versions, and there is nothing you can do to stop me

Cancer is one of the most popular and successful medical conditions so yeah it is a accurate comparison to ubisoft

>thought watch dogs looked cool
>got shat on upon release
>still buy game thinking the hate was overreaction
>worst game I ever payed money for easily

>see watch dogs 2 gameplay trailer
>even though i know it will be shit still think it looks cool

h-help bros

Why does the collectors edition come with a garbage can?
because watch dogs is trash

>vidya more casualized than ever before
>industry has moved passed idiots like you

This is what you deserve.

Not true, New Vegas threads are always excellent, everyone else on Sup Forums is pretty much a stupid retard outside of those though.

>Seems like you're the one that doesn't belong here
>Get a life

wew lad

How people still care about this shit when the first one are garbage are beyond me.

Why is there a hipster Dalek?

>The season pass is more expensive then all the DLC that came out for the first watchdog.

Damn son we in for a good value

Holy shit it looks fucking horrible quality, even in the ad its plastic looks cheep as fuck

Just pirate it to get all of the pre-order shit

>tfw got it for free with my GPU when I first bought my PC parts

Glad I didn't pay for this

Stick a cut out Anita mask on it.

>he doesn't know

Thanks for the idea.

>Get a life

Should collector's edition items no longer be exclusive?

I just don't see how relying on people pre-ordering a shitty game if gonna make them want some shitty stuff.

Would it be more profitable to just sell it as merchandise in stores??

Someone post the train webm and/or the car webm.

Watch doge was a gold mine of glitches.

Spotted the cuck lol

but im gay

>expecting an SJW game taking place in hipster utopia to not try and jew you to the max
you silly goy

Man this game sucked. There better be full frontal fucking via security can in the sequel

That's not a new thing though. Almost all games do that these days now.


Is there a HOL UP edition?