Sup Forums plays fire emblem 7

>while fighting off bandits, our bench juice, sain, suffered a mortal injury
>lyn, meanwhile, started getting more and more buff, and everyone else got shit growths

What's going on?
>I'm going to be playing through fire emblem 7(also known as rekka no ken, or 'The Blazing Sword' in japan), taking inputs from you, Sup Forums.
>who I use, what weapons they specialize in, and supports will be decided by you
>and, of course, we'll be doing an ironman run as much as possible
>all choices will be made via GETs

Other urls found in this thread:

Rip the king, he will be missed

That reminds me, do we have FE1 sprite versions of Sain and Kent as Cain and Abel?

You're a fucking dumbass OP for losing Sain like a tard.

aww shit lets go

I miss Siggy
>that Gheb Emblem playthrough

He's not gone yet user, lyn mode characters just retreat

I am confident he will come back and be the savior of this run

Yeah, I know she's not optimal past being a staffbot. I just like having a Light user who doesn't get doubled by literally everything. Hot bases and growths for Micaiah and Rhys.
Seriously, base 14 speed on Rhys with 35% growth. Micaiah gets 7/35%.

I wouldn't say hard really. Micaiah gets relegated to being staffbot in part 3 unless she wants to face a hot double from cats and Pegasus Knights. And also having to stay behind the stupid line. The hardest part is promoting Laura, then getting her a few levels as Bishop to negate her atrocious caps as Cleric. She's excellent for Paragon because Paragon is absurd on staff users. 5 uses = level. Ridiculous.

Better cavalier will replace him later anyway

We're not using him anyway are we? They're just meatshields.

>Everyone coming into these threads to dick suck Siggy and not let this new guy get a chance to shine
Can you meme loving fucks piss off?

I use laura.

I also use Meg

If someone put a GhebFE level in FE14 Nohr Route, nobody would notice the difference.

How can he see?

We are. It's just that these LP threads rarely happen

meg got two perfect levels in a row for me in the chapter she first appeared in

i couldn't possibly not use her after that

Nice meem

But there's still no point in training Laura. You can only have one Rexaura user, and Micaiah's a forced unit.

>Siggy coming into these threads to dick suck himself and not let this new guy get a chance to shine
Fixed that for you. He used to shill himself in /feg/ too. Fuck that loser.

>its a Lowen can't kill anything playthrough

why don't you piss off? Siggy is based, and is one of the reasons I started doing playthrough threads.
besides, the thread's plenty lively.

>he actually managed to lose Sain the Insain

The last 3rd of the game is just swarms of wyvern knights and +10 range bolting mages. Hope you like tower defense

Well Micaiah can get over her doubling issue with BEXP since she has high Mag/Lck/Res, of which there is no shortage of in RD.

More like nobody can kill him playthrough

I'm just gonna sit back and watch now. Chill out.

wtf are you doing Sain you're supposed to be dead

No it's not.

now THERE'S a face only a mother could love.

>why don't you piss off?
O-okay. Was just trying to help you out pal.

All this motherfucker needed was some food to feel better? You'll be using him later, right?

What do you mean? Nigger isn't on screen.

Y'know, I've literally never used Meg. I hate Knights. Never used Gatrie either. One of these days I should try her. It's interesting to use different units to let them shine. Or not sometimes. I've done a run with Illyana as my most kills unit. Shame she's too slow or flimsy, I forget, to push Dheginsea's shit in. Thunder weakness a go go. Another was Callil. I like her too. Nice stats. Now if only availability wasn't a problem.

Well, that's endgame. She's fine to use throughout the rest of the game, but I agree that in the end, she's not a good candidate because only one Rexaura. The point is just to have a viable staff user that can fight and reliably not get doubled. Or double enemies.

>only a mother

What about *insert your least favorite group of people here*?

oh boy
a healer!

He was just warming the bench anyway.

He's unironically the best cav in the game


I mean Sain's main benefit is having Lyn Mode to beef up in.

If Sain's not getting LM boosts you might as well just use Lowen and pray to god he gets offensive stats.


Meg's pretty bad and has a lot of other issues aside from the usual Knight ones.

Takes a lot of work to get her out of her rut.

and a qt!

This is now the thread theme

Quit posting every instance of dialog. We've all seen this.

Definitely use both of them.

You'll promote her, right?

>She's fine to use throughout the rest of the game,
This is FE10. In the end, Endgame viability is what the whole damn playthrough boils down to.

Not to discount her potential of holding her own, but...even at her best, she's still a bishop in the Daein levels. If she ever tries to engage in combat, she dies immediately.

How could anyone abandon that face for smelly old Pent?

You better thank her.

Pent is ass desu


meg starts bad, by the time she gets her promotion, she's one of the best downs brigade members, and ends up as one of the best endgame marshalls thanks to her crit protection.

I always thought Erk was a woman the first time I played through the game. It didn't help that he had an onomatopoeia for a name.

I want to fuck them both

Impatient fuck.

Too bad Erk sucks.

He isn't. Sain is the best of the unpromoted ones by a mile.

Is this what they call 'yandere'?

>Erk sucks

Would you happen to be the same moron who said peg knights suck?

Night of farewells is literally rng
Prove me wrong


Why can't you call it possessive like a normal person

Eh most of my RD playthroughs tend to see Jill carrying the Downs Brigade through everything personally.

Pent got the best ass to be quite frankly honest.

>Trying this hard to be like Siggy
Let's see some gameplay champ. We need need your commentary on every line.

>at equivalent levels.
Units don't exist in a vacuum, though.

what the fuck negro? erk is the best mage in the game

goddamn, how can one healer be so right?

because this is Sup Forums.

Erk isn't bad. Sure Pent is broken in comparison to the other mages due to his insane bases among other things but Erk is quite solid all game.

Meg's great in the chapter she comes in though. Just park her in the southern choke point with laura helping her out and she gets a ton of levels early.

hence why I said 'one of'

jill's in a class of her own.

Best girl coming through!

>75 HP!
>43 Strength!
>35 Speed!
>32 Skill!
>100% Crits!
>100% Real Tits!
>Perfect Personality!

Why haven't you made Charlotte your waifu yet?

>One of the best
Yeah if you somehow managed to get almost all of the army killed.
It saddens me we cannot marry this woman.

>defending Erk
I've had too many RNG screwed Erks to ever use him again. I just use double healers like an absolute madman while Raven's boipussy handles the rest.

Pic related: The Literal equivalent to how fucking sad and disgusting that is


Canas and Raven actually have growths that are just as likely to get rng fucked.


One day sweet Louise shall be mine and we shall fornicate over the ground where the battered carcass of Pent lies buried.

How about Nolan and Edward? I use them a lot and they're pretty good. Nolan doesn't have the speed problem that Boyd might get and Edward has good growths. Of course, his problem is that he's a flimsy fuck early on. Also him being a real cunt and thinking it's funny to keep critting people and opening up a hole for another unit to smash him.

>Erk is good

Sup Forums what the fuck

least he mellowed out, nowadays MK404 is pretty cool

not like the majority of Sup Forums aren't disgusting like that either


erk isn't bad, everyone else is just better.

Fuck this bitch. Go Priscilla and fuck up everything when she promotes.

Raven's growths are awesome, and even if they fail him, his bases are ridiculous, especially with HM bonuses

Erk is her meatshield.
You and him can be servant-buddies.

On higher difficulties, you're expected to funnel all of your exp into Jill and Nolan while Volug and Sothe act as safety nets. There's a few others who can contribute but they have counterparts that completely dominate them for way less effort and they themselves aren't too useful in the DB anyway.

Of course. I have had very good Canas but mediocre ones as well. Erk just disappoints me everytime. Anna must hate me.

On Raven, he never disappoints with his neat bases on hard mode.

edward and nolan both turned into monsters in my first playthrough of RD. took them all the way to the end

I don't like her design or personality.

new unit!

do I get to use her?

His growths are on par with Erk and Eliwood in terms of 40%-55% everywhere.

Raven's thing is that his bases are retarded good.

I just finished a playthrough of fire emblem 6. I used Barth, Bors, and Wendy. it was fun as heck

>mfw I use both on HHM


>Fuck this bitch
I'm trying user.

hell yes


I always seem to recall Erk outstripping Pent. Granted, Pent was probably the best pre promoted unit you got, but in everything but defense, I think Erk would outdo him most of the time.