What's your favorite Shrek game and why

what's your favorite Shrek game and why

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that one Shrek fighting game
because you can fucking punch people as Shrek

Shrek 2.

Literally a Shrek themed Gauntlet.



Shrek: Extra Large

Also anyone else notice how cute Shrek is, or is that just me? haha

arma 3

I remember really liking Shrek 2 for some reason

Dark Souls


A game ain't a game unless it as a dedicated burp button.

Serious Sam Revolution


only one I ever played and was good considering all the turd shit thats on gamecube



shrek is drek

My Best Buy had so many copies of those until 2015 I'd say.

>shrek is drek
Fuck off.


I unironically love playing this game but my faggy friends won't play it with me.


KoTH is so fucking stupid when you can infinitely air grab someone, still the best mode

mein nigger
I can still recall all the sound effects

This it was really fun

Who Prince Charming here?

The movies turned to shit after Shrek 2. That's a prime example of why Dreamworks will never surpass Pixar. They care more about milking for money than the integrity of their IPs

What is Toy Story 4 and Finding Fucking Dory?

This. Its much more technical than Smash could ever hope to be

If there was ever a psuedo fighting game, itd be this and not smash

>Shrek is Drek
Just get the fuck out man, go watch a fucking Shrek movie or something before you start talking like you know shit

Not to mention Cars 2 and Monsters U

Being real, Shrek was a really good movie.
It got way commercialized, but the first movie was really great.

And soon to be Cars 3.

>Toy Story 4

I don't know. I haven't watched it. All 3 toy story's have been good.

>Finding Dory
The second movie in over a decade for Finding Nemo.

>Cars 2
2 movies? So?

>Monsters U
2 movies in a decade? So?


Super Slam.

So many hours as a kid

I always wanted to see them fuck, especially when Fiona is in human form.

The second is my favorite. Doesn't have as much charm as the first, but I find myself laughing at it more.

Toy Story 4 isn't necessary.
It ended with Andy giving his toys away.

Finding Dory is legitimately banking on Ellen DeGeneres' popularity.
Shit I remember being a kid in the 90s and Ellen's show got canceled cuz she was too open.

>That friend that mained Dark Knight

Shrek 2 for GBA was fun as fuck, I'm ashamed I sold it years ago

No he's not. This is Drek.

There's this Shrek racing game where Shrek rides some kind of bog golem. I can't remember what it was called but it looks so fucking out of place and he states what it is so matter of fact. Like "Aye, it's me mystic bog golem" or something.



bretty gud




Cars 2 was a shit movie only made to move more merchandise, which is the biggest source of profits from the Cars franchise.

Monsters U was alright I guess.

>Not maining Prince Charming

shrek 2: 3 return of the rreetard