Which of these is the X button?

Which of these is the X button?

None, that's a Neo Geo controller, which only uses ABCD



bottom one

but i dont really care, it would produce 2 seconds of "huh" and then i'd continue

Where do the Z and C buttons go?


obviously the top one, did you think i was stupid?


Those are all circles wtf


this one

Depends on which controller we're talking about


muh nigga

what controller is this?

Nintenbabby confirmed

My nigger
(I was the post above you)

Fucking summer newfags

None. At least not on any controller that matters.



Nintendo's setup is older than the rest.

the better question is, which button is your "default confirm" button?

Not a good question at all. It's either bottom or right depending on your region.

Saying "Yes" into the microphone

The A button

The one on the right.
There's JUST something weird with the confirm button on the bottom.

Nintendo invented the ABXY pattern on face buttons, so it's the top one.

The bottom one, duh.

this. I don't understand why X is "confirm" in american playstations. X = cross out/cancel, O = Okay, how was that confusing at all?

The one between Z and C.