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Post your husbandos

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I guess.

dead thread





In his best costume
I'd let him fuck my boipucci, no homo

why is he so perfect?

How did you post a blank post?

Fuck, that's terrible. Looks nothing like him


Hanzombique Untuluu
In charge of a tribe syndicate that traffic illegal fresh water in Africa

best overwatch



most handsomest daddy incoming

better with his mask on imo

i like both 2bh, but damn that pic is hot, sauce for artist?



Amen to that.

not sure, i believe it's by rybiok?

Good thing his rival is a total bottom, then.

The gooey booty

Thats not Winston! ...but great taste

Agreed the mask just makes him extra delicious


Literally worst tank.

This counts too yeah?

3D is PD, no exceptions.

>get to stare at butt and back when wearing revealing clothing.

he was better with just a skeleton face



There can be only one true husbando.

Bend the knee, faggots.

literally who

fuck husbandos, barret's a real nigga

Excellent taste.


are you blackmailing me


I have lots but I always end up going back to him.

Patrician taste, my friend.

>liking a robopedophile/massmurderer
you have guts

Most husbandos are mass murderers to be fair.

He's the cutest psycho murderer.



It wont be long until I'll have enough Roadhog to fill up a whole thread.

...Unless porn doesnt count.


My sensors are picking up people with good taste coming from this thread.









Though to be honest in the actual game Im starting to gravitate towards Winston.
I just find him a lot more useful.
And hes cute too.

i like this ship

name of artist?

Grabbed it from tumblr.


np will try to find them, thanks!

this isn't shopped is it?

dat latino booty


Ah Puch is cute

When you search from roadhog some recommended tumblrs to follow show up on top.
Which ones show up are randomized but I think it came from one of those.
Theres not that many.

apparently it's a mod, but that's all I heard

How do you search tumblr for art/porn with certain characters and such? I've never done it before.

damn, it was too good to be true but bless them modders for this

I just search roadhog and turn safesearch off.
The recommended tumblrs on top are useful too, theyre usually full of people who gather pics for you.
Like I just found this from one such person.

just a photoshop

i recommend you also have a tumblr account if you don't have one already, some porn art blogs can be set so it only shows their page if you are logged in

I can't breath, i can't sleep. He's so fucking perfect

>he will never be my daddy
>i will never be his boy


a shame it's just a shop but damn it looks good

This gorgeous slab of man meat

Is it the mask that makes him so cute?

i hope he gets more skins that show off his face, he's so damn fine.

agreed, also urien looks hot af in the illustration for the game, i hope his model is good... so far it's been so-so with the faces.

I want to play Overwatch for Roadhog and Lucio, but don't want to spend that amount of money on a multiplayer only game. When it's free to play I'll probably bite.

That, plus his big ol' belly with the pig tattoo. His voice is kinda shitty though, not aussie/NZ enough.

>Not posting the sexiest time lord

I like his voice, but agree it could use an accent.

>no beef
>no facial hair
>nothing lewd at all
Nah Chronos aint for me, plus he is a cunt to fight against

>yfw Gladio is canonically taller than Barret

>tfw this body type is only good in 2D

Cant share them, but Ive seen some good 3d guys with round bellies.

Got maybe a source I could look at later?




Id rather not link 3d porn.
But I will say that if you search "chubby belly worship" on xtube the first result that pops up if you have females turn off is pretty good.

Yay Japan.

>when it's free to play
it won't, we're talking about blizzard

>bluh bluh muh 40000000000 innocent henchmen

i just think he's cute



bad boy Reaper