Nintendo NX releasing in 8 months (March 2017)

>Nintendo NX releasing in 8 months (March 2017)
>Nintendo still refuses to show it at the biggest gaming event of the year

What exactly is Nintendo thinking?

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>What exactly is Nintendo thinking?

"We're fucked"

they gonna show it

They're thinking they'll delay the console with the aim of giving it a stronger launch lineup.

It means that it's the best device ever created in the universe and that Nintendo needs to keep it secret for as long as possible, so when the inevitable copycats arrive the NX would've already been out for ages.

They had made blatantly clear they won't.

They want to be unique for the sake of being unique
Regardless of whether they are shooting themselves in the foot or not

E3 is the biggest gaming event of the year?

Could have fooled me considering everyone is blowing their loads a week early.

Has Nintendo ever released a console with no E3 presence beforehand?

The NES and SNES

it won't be out in March
don't trust them with release dates

>Nintendo has nothing in this months NPD
>Wii U and 3DS sales are slow
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE looks like it's on it's way to flopping
>Their only major release this year is Pokemon


Isn't the wii u only like 4 years old?
Why are they already releasing another console?

Because it's a flop.

They're thinking it's really important they don't screw it up, so they best be ready with a really good reveal at just the right time

Neither PS4 nor Xbone were revealed at E3, E3 isn't that important these days

Can they say they won't reveal something and then reveal it as a surprise? Or is that against E3 rules or something?

It'll be 4.5 years once the NX releases. Which is marginally shorter than their standard cycle.

Have you ever asked your parents why you have a little brother?

5 years is the norm.
4.5 isn't anywhere near as bad as Sup Forums was implying it was going to be (they thought the NX was going to come out last year)

>E3 isn't that important these days
Not this again. This rhetoric only started once Nintendo said the NX wasn't being shown at E3 this year. E3 is important and still very relevant to the industry. Nintendo held seperate events because they'd be easily overshadowed by other presentations. Just imagine if Nintendo had to go after last year's Sony conference with their "transformation" bullshit.


i'll buy whatever they put out

If the rumours are true, they may be changing the NX up for VR compatibility, which would explain its delay.

It's been said for a few years user thanks to strong rumours of a few publishers like EA expressing disinterest in E3.

So big that a shitload of publishers opted having a floor presence. So big that even the big three would rather show most of their shit on their own terms .

They probably don't want to share the spotlight with other announcements during E3.
I'm hopeful this means Spaceworld, or an equivalent, is happening again this year.

I'm curious, has anyone here boycotted Nintendo because of their awful moves lately?

>tfw don't have to buy Pokemon Moon, SMTIVA or TMS#FE because of 3DS and Wii U homebrew

"please understand"

Indeed. It didn't just start this year. Some of these guys are either purposefully trying to rewrite history, or have forgotten.

*muffled legend of zelda music playing*

probably something like
"Wow who fucking cares about e3 in 2017 it's been a joke for years"

Hey, fuck you

>What exactly is Nintendo thinking?
They aren't thinking. NX is DOA and is going to sell less than the Wii U.

NX will have its own reveal event, just like the PS4 and Xbone did

>why you have a little brother?
But I don't

Sup Forums is too summer to remember that.
Besides, it's only bad when Nintendo do it.

I boycotted them during the OP rainfall shit, but bought their games again when they started realizing that localization isn't evil.

I might abstain from buying Nintendo games if NX doesn't turn out to be very good. I'll wait and see.

>E3 isn't that important these days
lol, its incredible how nintendo fans all in unison started saying this after nintendo announced their console wouldnt be shown

> 2014
> heh E3 is so based lets send a card to Tree house fellow drones
> 2015, Sony BTFOs everyone
> E-E3 never mattered

Rumours aren't sources, user. And they still have their own conference.

A lot of them don't do their own presentations and stick to having their games shown during Sony or MS' conference.

They didn't send that card for E3, they sent it for the Treehouse event for being extremely unlike E3.

Shut the fuck up Drone, no one believes your guys bullshit anymore, Nintendo is dead kid

E3 was shit in 2014. The only redeemable thing during that time was Treehouse

>few publishers like EA expressing disinterest in E3.
Of course they are. Because they can't show anything new, only rehashes.

Considering how many people bought the Wii U and that their competition is trotting out revised consoles, I think they'd have been better off getting something out this year.

If the software wasn't ready, it wasn't ready and I don't blame them, but I do think it would be good to get some competitive hardware out the door earlier with a nice price.


>tfw no little brother to make him your crossressing sissyslut

And Sony BTFO everyone last year, no one was pathetic enough to send them a card. You guys are losers, a fucking laughing stock.

>let me re envision history to fit my needs!

people have been saying E3 is dying for a few years.
the console makers announce things outside of E3. at their own events.
the game devs also announce things at smaller events all the time or just announce things online.

E3 has been becoming less and less important due to the internet.

How many times does it have to be said - the card was not sent for E3, it was sent for the treehouse streams after it.

Isn't Gamescom bigger and more important to the industry than E3?

He's too stupid to understand, I guess it can't be helped.

>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE looks like it's on it's way to flopping

I wonder why.

That doesn't make it any less autistic.

>Nintendo bowing out of E3 in recent years
>Nintendo producing far less exclusives in recent years
>Nintendo virtually putting out no Wii U games at all this year

They should just become an investment company already

I didn't say it wasn't, any corporate interaction Sup Forums does makes me cringe
although nothing could top the horrors of GG

not so much due to the internet as social media in particular. but more than that - e3 as an event has gone nowhere and hasn't increased in value at all.

Keep laughing faggots, NX will be revolutionary and a game changer just like the Wii U was. They're not showing it at E3 because they KNOW they're going to turn the market upside down regardless once it releases and it's going to trick Sony and Microshaft into believing they don't need to try at E3 too except they're going to fail miserably because neither companies have the innovative ingenuity of Nintendo.

>Nintendo producing far less exclusives in recent years
I'm not sure this point is true, as they used to be supported with 3rd parties but without those most of their libraries look really bare.

Ebin falseflag

That's the normal lifespan of consoles. The last generation was just egregiously over stayed.

>but without those most of their libraries look really bare.
which is why they need to stop making hardware. no one thinks its a good value to spend 300-400 dollars for a piece of hardware that only plays cheesy nintendo games with outdated graphics. they need to move third party or pc already.

We don't know if it's a (home) console.


Some people clearly do as the games sell well, which is pretty remarkable given how little it's been advertised.

>cheesy nintendo games with outdated graphics.
>These problems will automatically be fixed by going third party

>That's the normal life span of consoles.
There is no "normal lifespan" for consoles. It usually falls within a general range based on how successful/profitable the system was.

Normal can also mean average, and nothing about his post implied the lifespans were predetermined.

it'll be a homo console

I'm Zelda going be on the NEW system? That's all I care about

>Hey, we fucked up pretty bad with the Wii U, should we show the NX this year and make it absolutely clear this is a new console?
>Nah, just show it off on a direct near release
>But what will we have for E3
>That's it?

Yup it's confirmed to be on Wii U and NX - a.k.a. the Wii U version will probably hold it back

Daily reminder that the N64 and the GC were not revealed on their year's E3, and they were amazing consoles, so just trust in nintendo, they know they cant rush things, because MS and Sony will be paying attention to what nintendo is going to do and they will try their best to copy them

Nintendo was also a way different kind of developer in the 64 and GC days. They haven't had that level of quality in a long time.

A launch title can't really be held back since they inherently can't have extended development times for the hardware due to the fact they're launch titles...

Is Metroid done forever?

Nah the Wii, DS, 3DS, and Wii U all have great games. People just feel more nostalgia for N64/GCN on this site since the average age is 18.

"Hey, let's announce X-Thing and then not say anything else about it for 2 or so years! We'll let people's imaginations run away from them and build up hype to a level that no amount of actual marketing could hope to achieve on its own so that when we actually do release information it'll be carefully sculpted to add to that hype being tossed around online...

...All so that when we DO release X-Thing all out hardcore fans will buy it regardless of how shitty it is!

It Literally Prints Money!!!

NX is going to be a Nintendo smartphone.

Screencap this.

His post explicitly said that the normal lifespan for consoles is ~4 years. Generally consoles that are around 4 years are less successful, consoles that are more successful see more time until their successor comes.
>Sega Genesis 1989 - Sega Saturn 1995
>NES 1985 - SNES 1991
>PC Engine 1987 - PC FX 1994
I'm pretty sure the first two Playstations were around 6 years and still got plenty of games a year into the successor's life span.

When you talk about ~4 year consoles, that's like Saturn, original Xbox, the PC-FX, systems that didn't sell well. Even looking at Nintendo, the later systems that didn't sell as well tended to wind down at around 5 years.

When a console sells well and has lots of people buying software for it, it tends to hang around.

Wii and DS have some good games, but nothing on the level of what they used to make. 3DS library also has some worthwhile entries, but the Wii U library is absolutely pathetic.

Yes, and?

Metroid was never a major franchise. You just got spoiled by Retro

I disagree, I feel there's plenty modern classics in the U's library

You probably haven't spent much time playing the SNES or N64, then. Wii U games are embarassingly shallow compared to them.

They were forced to announce it last year, otherwise every single site will proclaim "Nintendo goes mobile" for 2 years straight.

I disagree, Wii U has plenty of games with sizeable quality content

1. They are going to show the NX at its own event
2. E3 stopped being the biggest gaming event like 5 or 6 years ago.

N64 was meh. What they teased was Silicon Graphics Workstation graphics. What we got was blurry and restrictive.

GameCube started out strong, but fell flat on its face and into obscurity.

Wii sold really well...just not a whole lotta games did, too. It'll be fondly remembered for Reggie being a whiny little shit regarding the North American release of Xenoblade Chronicles by stating he'd only consider it if it sold out in Europe. Thank you, based Eurobros.

The DS succeeded because it was a platform that allowed for experimentation like the Playstation did. Same for the 3DS, really.

I mean sure, they each had some good games and that's what its all about at the end of the day, but just imagine what could have been if Nintendo developed their systems to be on-par with the competition to better allow for x-platforming, weren't jews when it came to licensing fees, did media play (DVD movie, etc.), AND kept with their innovation.

But no, Nintendo is a toy company first and foremost, and toys is all they'll make from now on.

>There will be two other new consoles there, three forms of VR, and tons of game announcements
>We'll get 5 minutes of fame and the other 55 go to other people

>So instead, let's do a big direct + media conference to show it off on our own time when we'll get 100% of all gaming media coverage for like 2 weeks, especially since E3 isn't even televised anymore

>Game will only come if it sells out in Europe
>it does
>proceed to only give like 50 copies to all the stores in the US
>don't mention it selling out even though you basically forced to happen

What is all the junk in your post? I don't care about graphical fidelity or media features, I just want to play some fun vidya

Because they are money hungry, they've released new versions of the 3DS like three times.

>N64 was amazing

The only Nintendo hardware worse than that piece of shit is the Virtual Boy.

Tell us why it was bad user.


They don't want to be overshadowed by whatever E3 has to show.

They want to reveal NX when nothing is going on so all eyes go on them.

Sony and Microsoft says thank you to Nintendo for staying the fuck away from holidays 2016.

Because (You)s

Anyone else notice that with Iwata gone, things aren't seeming right with Nintendo?

>They want to reveal NX when nothing is going on so all eyes go on them.
>Nintendo plans to reveal NX around Christmas time
>A time when all eyes will be on whatever deals the competition has for their systems
>NX will come out in March
>A time when no one is buying anything to recover from Christmas and New Year's

But Nintendo slipping into irrelevancy is a right thing to happen.