How long until Americans, Canadians, Mexicans...

How long until Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Brits and Japs are going to grow up and play games exclusively on PC like the rest of the world?

I don't know. I'm not sure why we should care.

not in UK any time soon. them "computer games" still carry heavy negative connotations

There's a wonderful irony to posts like this that the posters of them never spot.

What do you mean?

how long until the rest of the world gets a job and stops pirating their games and playing f2p garbage

>all those poorfag countries playing on pc
Ha, that will change hard when denuvo hits all the games coming on pc.

do enlighten us

associated with nerds and no lifers by a lot of people. even consoles are to some extant, COD and fifa are fine. but you could get some looks if you own more than one of the things.

with all that said though, who really gives a monkey's bollock?

You see how a lot of those countries love the PC more than consoles? It's because of piracy. Plain and simple.

A vast majority or video game enthusiasts would not have access to video games without piracy, especially in 3rd world countries.

Now, look at how they became the biggest contributors to the industry's revenue.

oh you like everywhere in the world

cool story bro

>poorfag countries
cancer killing pc gaming. denuvo save us all

japs are moving to mobile

I'm mexican, few people play on pc here, vidya is quite expensive and every normie has a console just to play fifa and so.

Your immaturity lead you to complain about others not enjoying the same things as you

>MFW Sub-Saharan Africans don't play on anything

well i don't live everywhere in the fucking world, do I m8? so i can't rightly speak for anywhere else you fucking dingo

I don't know about OPs image but I imagine it's pretty dated.

LoL has gotten incredibly popular, wouldn't be surprised if it's well above cod and fifa at this point.

and north koreans
the only game allowed there is starving

I'm Mexican and consoles are affordable unlike some other south american countries

We are one of the biggest vidya market.

Hell even Nintendo abandoned Brazil

But a lot of people here are starting to play on PC

Dark Souls 3 for 14 pesos

>countries in yellow literally only play WoW and LoL

Why do PCfags keep padding their numbers with kids playing minecraft on toasters and acting like that's the number of people maxing out Arma 3? You already have the (actually true) arguments of better performance/visuals and no paying for online. Why grasp at this shoddy one?

>We are one of the biggest vidya market.
>Dark Souls 3 for 14 pesos
Somehow I doubt they actually make much money from Mexicans.

I mean, one of the biggest vidya market in Latin America

Also the 14 pesos was a price error

LoL, CS:GO and DOTA2 are what PC gamers are playing

Wow is dead as fuck

Hang on.

When did we cede Tasmania to some african state?

Remember when DS3 was like 500 pesos here for prepurchase (before that 14 pesos error) and then they decided it should cost 1000 pesos instead (and it has been that ever since)?

Well russia also have very low prices so I guess they arent making money from that market either

How long until Master Race grows up and stops complaining about any game that's not on PC? Yet obsessing over every non PC that finally gets ported to PC.

When videocards get cheap.

I like PC more but
>The only two countries relevant to gaming on the planet are blue
Seems like a sign


When Akihabara doesn't massively mark up PC parts compared to the rest of the world, and when PC gaming in Japan isn't associated with creepy porn novels and dime-a-dozen fantasy MMOs.

So never.

Egyptian here. Most people still play on the ps2 here because in order to buy a real game it costs around 150-200$

Everyone used to have consoles back in 5th/6th gen. Now it's mostly mustards playing Blizzard/Valve shit and the odd PS4 guy.

The media kept insisting that every person in the world got a computer. Once they did, the platform became shit.

This is actually a decent argument.

Why are there Russians in every fucking game speaking their filthy slavic language?