KH3 pray circle

KH3 pray circle

come pray with me so that we can see a new trailer at E3

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We probably won't. The 2.8 trailer said new information for KH3 will be coming in Winter.

How can they fucking skip E3 for the 3 time since KH3's reveal. Fuck Nomura.

Nomura said after KH3 was first announced that it was too early for his tastes and even then I'd expect Square is putting an emphasis on FFXV this year.

The other kingdom hearts thread just got achieved... So who want to talk about kingdom hearts?

I'm always game.

"Upcoming announcements this winter" doesn't really imply they won't show anything at all for E3, it just means don't expect anything after E3 until winter, like a release date. At least that's what I hope it is.

I still think Sora's new outfit looks a little odd. The black seemed like a decent choice in 2, but this new one looks out of character for him somehow.

>it just means don't expect anything after E3 until winter, like a release date. At least that's what I hope it is.
user, that's really optimistic but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

Personally, I don't like the gauntlets or his new face but Aqua's new model gives me hope that they'll fix it.

Her hair especially is looking a lot better compared to the first shot we got of her.

so there's no way these games will come to PC is there?

do I really have to buy a ps3 and ps4 just to play this series goddamnit

Honestly I never thought about it like the other user did. It is an E3 trailer maybe 3 will have it's own E3 trailer too... But yeah I doubt we're getting one and instead getting an ff15 and ff7 trailer

We have multiple confirmed news that KH3 is going to be at E3 in some way whether it'd just be news about a new world or an actual trailer, at least for E3 2014 they gave us months in advance that KH3 wasn't going to be at E3 at all. Showing us nothing at all would be a huge slap in the face.





Oh definitely. The first shot we got of her hair made it look really neon blue. I'm glad they gave her that metallic/navy-gray sheen back.
Not him but could you give one?

>KH3 is one of the main reasons your friends bought a PS3 and now they have to buy a PS4

Greatness really does await....... woah

>The Koalition has a chance to speak with Hironori Okayama who is the producer for the smartphone title Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ recently. During the interview, Okayama confirmed that we should be hearing of some news about Kingdom Hearts 3 at E3 2016 this June.

And now they have to buy a PS4.5 to play it with better graphics.

Kingdom hearts is the reason I got a ps2 (played CoM first), a ds, a psp, a ps3 (I got it for kh3 and what a joke that is), a 3ds, and most recently a ps4. This series has me by the balls

>Hironori Okayama who is the producer for the smartphone title Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ recently.
Hmm, last I heart Okayama hadn't really worked with the series before. You'd think that they'd have Tai say something about that. But hey if it happens, it happens.

All jokes aside, it really is amazing that it's taken so long for KH3 to come around. Thinking back, I remember KH2 releasing when I was in 8th grade. Where the fuck does the time go?

I bought one for Kingdom Hearts 3, Versus 13, and The Last Guardian.


Are you me?

>tfw I never bought a console for an unreleased game because I'm not fucking dumb

I realized something the other day. Was KH3 even rumored to be a thing in 2006? Did we all just expect it to come out since 2 seemed to end on a cliffhanger with the message in the bottle? Maybe KH2 was just supposed to end without a sequel and it was left up to the player to imagine what adventure they went on next.

I just want more Aqua and her armpits

I just want more Aqua and her armpits

At least I got 1.5 and 2.5 so it wasn't a waste

Its also on ps2 you spoon

>in b4 Aqua dies in 2.8

nigga we already know she meets Ansem the wise in the realm of darkness.

She won't. 0.2 BbS takes place right after the Secret Episode and before her meeting with Ansem the Wise.

SE doesn't announce the release date until the game is about 5-6 months away from the release. KH3 is obviously not coming out in December. Do the math.

Is there a specific date for 2.8 yet besides December? I wanna take a few days off work to play ground zeros and watch the movie. Heck I might even get half way through 3d before going back

According to Tabata it's SE company policy that they can only announce release dates when the game has reached Beta stage.

Naw, there were still other plot holes left unresolved. Like What happened to Maleficent and Pete after they went off to help Sora and co. off-screen.

Kingdom Hearts can be fun.

But we all agree it's gay, right? It's literally the gayest series of videogames.

They were comedic relief by the time Kh2 ended so it didn't really bother me what they were doing. I guess she was after the datascape but whatever.

They fucked off for a bit then went into the "date escape"

of fucking course

it's meant for twelve year old girls, user.

>Play 2.5 at my college's gameroom with a few friends
>Acquaintances gathering around watching discussing the game
>Our faces when we blast full volume when Sora goes full gay on Riku near the end of KH2FM

We shall go together.

Just stagger and say "THE GIRLS ARE HOT I SWEAR"

Reminder that UE4 is shit and KH3 looks off with it.

It looks good and the technology the switch brought with it is great.

Not yet. But it's a simultaneous WW release, so I'm guessing we'll find out soon enough.

Enviornment, particle effects, and TECHNOLOGY are 11/10 GOAT, only the models need some work for cutscenes but it's still looks amazing in motion.

why even bother when there'll never be a St. Canard level where you team up with Darkwing Duck, fight his enemies like Negaduck and Quackerjack, have great Launchpad interactions and gain a Gizmoduck summon

Guess we'll wait and see.
Apart from me because I don't have a PS4. Still excited for it though.

fuck, my dude. that would be a dream

I'm done.

I'm just fucking done.

I can't stand to hear one single piece of new information about this game that doesn't include a specific release date.

I'm so tired of SE's approach to announcing games.

>Here's a game you want! Look forward to it, whenever it happens to come out! We literally just started work on it, so it's gonna be about a decade, but look forward to it! We actually only made this trailer for our stockholders because our stock jumps in value every time we release a high-profile trailer, but the game's coming eventually!

I mean, goddamn. It's been three years for KH3 already, and we're STILL on a solid DECADE'S worth of hype and waiting for FF Versus 13/15. I've only got so much hype, man. I can only maintain it for so long.