This fucking game

This fucking game...

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Anything good Brad did meant nothing in the end
Rando was a shitty leader
Buzzo was almost as bad as Marty
Buddy was a cunt

is shit

The ending was so shitty kinda ruined the game for me desu

All of these posts are totally incorrect

We can all agree that Carp is the best party member correct?

Never played this but iv considerd it
From what iv seen it looks like not shitty undertale made by Robert Rodriguez

Is it worth it?

Yeah its definitely worth it, it has it's moments, story is good, battle system is fun, it has some replay value with all the party members you can play with. So yeah overall i think its worth it

It's Earthbound and Mad Max's bastard child, so yes.

He's a furry

you misspelled Shocklord

It's fucking hilarious

Is tiger man a furry?

Birdie is best.

This is correct

When you sacrifice one of your arms and let your daughter be mutilated to save your party members and they still betray you in the end and call you selfish

Best party member is Terry, this is indisputable. You may only debate about who is second best.
Worst is gay swordman.

you mispelled Rage

Yeah fuck that lost respect for Rage after he said he wanted a piece of the bitch

>joy addict
immediately disqualified

what the fuck what about Buckets?

>joy addict
>either need to sacrifice tons of guys or savescum like a motherfucker to get him
Not worth it

tiger man is widdly2diddly, Austin Jorgesen

Who did you guys use on your first playthrough?
Rage, Birdie, olan here

>tfw I made Buddy not hug Brad at the end

I've never played a game that gave me such an emotional punch to the gut before.

>not hug

Yeah I personally felt that she wouldn't in that situation but I did it anyway because it would've felt really bad not to

>Use one joy to kill those asshole bandits that ask for all your mags
>Play the rest of the game without joy, including satan
>Finish the game, no joyless ending
Didn't know it was the whole party, kind of salty

kinda wanted to cry, buddy is a bitch though

I hope this is bait because you're objectively wrong.

you're supposed to use your molotovs for that fight

holy shit this, exact same thing happened to me i was pretty pissed

This man is a great person


you could have avoided that fight if you got the truck keys

thats pretty damn great

I uhh, didn't know you could use the keys until the end of the game

it's irrelevant anyways, at that point in the game you shouldn't even be carrying around tons of mags, since if you went that way you came across a shop. If you went there late for some reason, then it's still irrelevant since you weren't spending mags anyways.


you get it after defeating the men's hair club i went back to that village for mad dog and just trucked out

this guy would tear that toby fox faggot apart



Honestly this game is so good, that one fuck you mountain rope thing though

That song came on a while back while I was working out for once in my god damn life when I had my music on shuffle and I had to take a break I was laughing so hard.

Who is the most wrong/evil character in the game and why is itlisa?

Literally brad

Literally Yado.

... is worse than Undertale

Wrong fish. Both are good though.

You dandy fuck!

>Shocklord doesn't want to do this...

Literally Marty

>letting a spic on your team

>Anything good Brad did meant nothing in the end
See point four.

>Rando was a shitty leader
His guys were ignoring orders left and right, I wouldn't be surprised if they got destroyed from infighting had they gotten Buddy, assuming Brad just let them have her.

>Buzzo was almost as bad as Marty
Maybe in a different way, but it'd be better to say Buzzo was an idiot who got revenge on the wrong guy.

>Buddy was a cunt
Even off of joy, buddy was a selfish piece of shit; Brad got the worst option for a second chance so in the end his efforts were wasted on an ungrateful bitch.

While Brad went about raising a kid the wrong way, I doubt he ever abused her physically (no, the cave don't count because of course he'll hurt anyone to reach Marty) so he did nothing wrong.

randum XD peguin of d-00-m: the game

Guys, I let Buzzo kill Nern, Shocklord, and Ajeet instead of cutting off Buddy's nipple. I-I made the right choice, didn't i?
is better

That would be undertail


Rooster, Birdie and Geese

No idea why they all ended up fowl related.

Harvey, Nern and Yazan served me well.

After playing both I can safely say that they are each guilty for thinking random = humor.

Does anyone cosplay any of the characters from Lisa? I'm planning to cosplay Buddy for Otakon and already have her ponchos commissioned.

>killing off poking poo in loo of many status effects

maybe you should kill yourself next

Garth, Anjit, and Beastborn were my final party

Mainly cause a lot my guys got permadeathed near the end

Dingaling himself admitted it's Lisa. But it's obviously Marty. The rapist alcoholic who all the abuse comes back to. Without him Lisa wouldn't be fucked up. So Brad and Buzzo wouldn't be fucked up.

Sure Lisa became a really sick person but she had a father who molested her and abused her brother so he wasn't there for her. What did you expect her to become. Normal?

Best song

My personal favorite is Harvey, but I think the BEST party member is Fly. His ability to just lay down status ailments HARD is invaluable.

>Sure Lisa became a really sick person
She isn't in this game at all, right?

>letting 3 people lose their lives so a girl could keep something she has two of

i always thought percy's intro scene was guilty of this, then i realized it was dingaling trying to make a character that you would want to immediately sacrifice for russian roulette, as his profile on the website suggests.

I'd like to go as Brad for a con next year. It'll give me an excuse to shave the top of my head, try to grow a thick beard, and get some muscle on my arms.

Just get a real poncho instead of cutting up a brown piece of cloth and you're good

She's dead but we get backstory.

She's the reason Buzzo got fucked up. She manipulated him into doing some fucked up shit like mutilating her genitals and he loved her so he did it. But it obviously fucked the poor kid mentally.

I doubt it'd be worth the effort for how few people would recognize it and how many would mistake me for a furry, but I'd love to do a Big Lincoln cosplay

i thought it was her face that she wanted buzzo to saw off, which is why joyful's title screen is different.

is he worth keeping? he has survived russian roulette against the three opponents

That's the plan.

toot toot u shits, best boss theme coming through

Good news is that they're more likely to mistake you for some hotline miami OC than for a furry.

still not over it

To be fair most of your party members are pretty shitty people and Buddy is your daughter.

People will go pretty far to not have to see their family, and especially children, hurt.

He's decent, but there's better characters to use

He's one of the most depressing to fight against in the end

Don't think it's ever said specifically. She had Buzzo kill animals as preparation to mutilate her in some way to make her unappealing to Marty.

Presumably that's genitals because if her vagina is fucked up Marty won't want to go near her. Which lends itself well to Marty forcing Brad to drink and rape Lisa himself.

>killing shocklord and nern

>Killing Shocklord and Nern
>For some ungrateful cunt's nipple
no, you didn't user.

I think if you only had the head as a blue wolf mask and everything else as the suit, it'd work better.

Wire up a speaker to play Big Lincoln's battle theme continuously and have it play from inside the suit

How do i git gud at this game

anyone who says buddy was "a bitch" or "ungrateful" missed the point entirely

her character is almost exactly like brad's

>so he did nothing wrong.
>Except that one time he did doesn't count because he was on drugs

Get Birdie, use fire moves. Be thankful you kept Terry when he's doing 8k a turn (25k if a crit).

Not really. Everything Brad did was a misguided attempt to clear his conscience for not stopping everything that happened to Lisa.

Buddy being a bitch arose entirely out of teenage rebellion because Brad sheltered her.

Rage, Terry, and Birdie bruh. I leveled up Jack specifically for Satan. I think Terry crit for over 20,000 damage during that fight after Birdie oiled him up.

Anyone that who says Buddy was a bitch or ungrateful doesn't comprehend how fucked up a child would be after seeing multiple people killed, brutally mutilated, and her own father descend into gibbering deformity all while hopped up on military grade super drugs. Not only that, but Sticky implanted the idea in her head that she was the world's fucking savior. Her brother's own men tried to rape her if memory serves correct. Everything was literally fucked beyond all repair, but even in the end (one of the endings at least) Buddy manages to give up joy and realize that her father loved her through a morbid hallucination/battle. Of course nearly every decision she made was horribly fucked, but her psyche is so damaged that she literally see bloody writing on the walls.

did you join them? or did you leave them?

yeah but she's still a total bitch

Birdie, Mad Dog, Beastborn

joyful fucked up brad's character and made buddy an edgelord for no reason
in painful her character made sense