Tfw 2 days, 16 hours, and 30 minutes to E3

>tfw 2 days, 16 hours, and 30 minutes to E3

Other urls found in this thread: Geeks.swf

is there any sort of link to the schedule of e3? dont wanna miss it.


>2 days

WHAT!?!?! Already?!?!?

Didn't the last one like just happen a few months ago?

thanks friend

I know, time fucking flies. I can't believe E3 2015 was a whole year ago.

It feels like it was just recently that Sup Forums was shitting itself over the Xbox One backwards compatibility announcement.

I haven't played a single vidya in over half a year. I am wondering if e3 will ever convince me again or if it's going to a hilarious laughable meme fest like it always is.

Here's the schedule in local time which is PST. Feel free to update with more convenience in it

>EA Press Conference Jun 12 1:00PM.
>Bethesda Press Conference Jun 12 7:00PM.
>Kadokawa Press Conference
Jun 12 9:00PM.
>Microsoft Press Conference Jun 13 9:30AM.
>PC Gaming Show Press Conference Jun 13 1:00PM.
>Ubisoft Press Conference Jun 13 1:00PM.
>Sony Press Conference Jun 13 6:00PM.
>Nintendo Press Conference Jun 14 9:00AM.

where are the squilliams tho

>I am wondering if e3 will ever convince me again or if it's going to a hilarious laughable meme fest like it always is.

The latter is the whole point in watching E3, to laugh at the trainwrecks and tryhards.

>Bethesda conference
>PC conference

The fuck?

Yeah, they both had their first conferences last year. IIRC PC Gaming Show was ran by AMD

PC conference was boring as shit last year but we might see some Deathwing and SS4 gameplay there so I'm hyped.

Stalker 2 never ever

>tfw sony pony
>will only miss that conference and nintendos

fucking sucks

>still no squilliam collage
Fucking why?

Welp, now we need some countdown music.

my wares are far better than what you seek Geeks.swf

Made a schedule:

I can't wait for Zelda NX to be shown off, and for people to start defending Skyward Sword in hindsight for contrary's sake.

who're you spending this one with, Sup Forums?

Collage when ree

>EA, Bethesda, Micro$oft, >pc gaming

Getting the shitters outta the way early I see

Well, Bethesda might show off the new Wolfenstein, so that's pretty cool I guess.

And we'll see bannerlord siege gameplay
Fucking hype

hey, it's me, videodude


if the only thing you find yourself living for is a consumer event that comes once a year, you might want to reconsider your priorities.

>Start working at a new job tomorrow
>Won't be able to shitpost for every event

you're not the boss of me

I go to work 30 minutes before the Microsoft conference. I don't know how I'm gonna get through my day knowing that I missed the announcement for Halo 3 on PC with full modding support. Believe.

I haven't seen any squilliams this year, had to go and check the twitter for my E3 countdown posts. Was the guy running a script and the mods didn't like it or something?

Do you have to post Squidward getting a heart attack every time, though?

>Everyone on Sup Forums leads a sad, boring life and the only thing to look forward to is a consumer event
Are you really surprised?

I cant wait to see what cringe inducing mishaps happen this year

>I haven't seen any squilliams this year,
We've been posting a fuckload of them, but no one seems to be doing the collage beside some people who are apparently doing it in secret.

Stop being condescending and have fun.

How have you missed them? There's been plenty of Squilliam threads, we're just waiting for a collage user to make an actual collage of them. I'm starting to doubt it'll happen.

And if you want to find yourself living after today, you might want to reconsider your opinions, kid....


That's not Squidward, that's his rival, Squilliam.


I fixed it.

Hey, you don't know me buddy. For your information, I also enjoy fapping and a good cup of coffee.

What the fuck? It's crazy that I've missed them every time. I've been coming to Sup Forums more often lately too.

Quake related announcement. Calling it now.

Remember back with JustinTV how several different rooms would all stream E3 and you'd be able to find a quiet room and have actual conversations instead of the twitch spam insanity we have today?

Not this soon, unless it isn't id making it.

justinTV IS

there's nothing stopping a fellow Sup Forumsirgin from hosting a gamespot/ign stream for Sup Forumsirgins only

post more of them


Infamous Second Son Sequel? God of War 4? Shovel Knight DLC announcement?

>catch up with an old friend at a BBQ place or bullshit my way out of that and watch 3 e3 shows on Monday evening
Fuck I don't want to make this choice.


what music would yall use for the next compilation

>Infamous Second Son Sequel?

"Leaks" are pointing toward Sucker Punch doing a PS4-exclusive Spider-Man game.

A new God of War was already confirmed to be in production.

Remember that weird magic wand thing? Did that ever come out? I feel like someone got fired for that

Which show are you waiting for? Think of how they'll disappoint you and just go to the BBQ

I don't get why the major conferences are on Monday

I have fucking meetings on Tuesday, how can I stay up and shitpost? Why can't they do this shit on Friday night or something?

And we still have next to fucking nothing that works with it.

The collage needs to be made, but first

I'm god damn hype

Fuck it, I'll make a collage if no-one else will.
I'm going to collect squilliams from this thread If yours isn't in there then post it here.
Once I've saved them all I'll start posting progress updates.

a whole year ago since sony somehow managed to end their conference by shitting the bed

Microsoft, PC and Ubisoft so kind of big ones

>my Kirby is in that thread
Fuck yeah and bless you my main man.

It's really a shame, we got some really fucking good ones too. There was even one someone made of multiple posts asking where the collage was.

What leaks are out there

Just do it user
We've all become to lazy to even follow our tradition as a family...

vidya geeks is a masterpiece and I watch it every year, thank you for making it

I just want fucking Agent.

Make a full post with that info so everyone can see on the catalog. We're all counting on you, user.

At this point in time I can trust nobody, but I'm a sucker anyway.
I just don't want to overpost my Squilliams.


every squilliam in this thread before this post counts, right?

>tfw never watched Spongebob and only found out recently this is a different character from Squidward

You really should, user. Season 1-2 are golden and 3 is also pretty decent.

i'm not opposed to having fun. i too enjoy e3. i just worry that too many of you aren't finding something to live for aside from video games. that's all. i want you to be fulfilled, not sad.

i want what's best for you.

In terms of lack of disconnection and stutters, the official stream or twitch stream?

>Dindu_Dogs 2

user you're a God. I just hope you're saving every last one.

This. They hold up surprisingly well.

To prove I'm actually doing this. Nothing shown is final yet. Placements, sizes, themes, backgrounds, all will change. I'm just getting everything into the document at this point, starting with the ones that needed to be manually transparented.
Once I've got all the ones I can find ready, I will.

Fuck there are gonna be two collage fags then
The guy who did the 2015 one said hes gonna make a thread about it tomorrow

some of those are from a year before
watch out dude


Make them much smaller

Except you don't know us personally and you're on a video game discussion forum, figgit.

Well 2015 dude never provided progress pics, so we can't tell how it'll be. This guy's actually providing proof.

I will, like I said I'm just importing them into the document at this point.
Let me know which ones and I'll switch them out.

Don't save the one from that marielx faggot

he posted a pic of the past years progress

And the important thing is to only watch it in Gaelic to get a truly authentic experience

What sort of coffee user?

Don't use the one from the marielx shitter unless we're really pressed for squilliams. Save it anyway though.

>still getting excited over E3

Id rather wait for tomorrow
You need to gather more people for it and its very late

What the fuck

I was waiting all year for late night E3 Optimus Prime and Squilliam hypeposting, and it's almost already gone?

Don't tell me Steam summer sale happened already too.

>tfw 368 days until next E3
;-; it's so far away...

>>Kadokawa Press Conference
What day?



>2 days
last years seems just like it was yesterday. time's a scary mistress.