I am the man that saved you from Nvidia

I am the man that saved you from Nvidia.

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By rebranding the same card for almost 5 years?

thank you based amd


>claims he saved us from a company that makes better, cooler running cards with drivers miles ahead
>can't even shit in a toilet

hmm i dunno pajeet




We literally know almost nothing about their new cards besides one benchmark that was cherrypicked by AMD.

Stop living in last week.

But can you poo in loo ?

AMD has released nothing new in the last week. Anything new we have is from leaks, and well leaks also said the 1080 would run really cool on air...

Did you? Did you really? Where is the fucking 490, 480x and shiet? Hurry the fuck up faggot!

Pajeet, tell me about how India will become a superpower.

AMD is proof that diversity is a strength. AMD has an Chinese female CEO, the head of the Radeon department is Indian, etc etc. People of difference backgrounds often bring new perspectives to the table which leads to innovation.

>work at retail
>1080's come in. Only FE
>its ~$200 higher than what it should be
>double check with boss, nope, its what we are selling it at
>sold out faster than ANYTHING we ever sold
>custom 1080's come in(only a few from Asus, Gigabyte and MSI)
>price is even higher than FE, despite MSRP being lower except for MSI which is higher than FE
>we price them above $900
>sold out in an hour

meanwhile still got some fury x's lying around from the very first shipment we received.

Based Raj

Can poo in my loo anytime

AMD being the underdog gets away with a lot of shit.

But fucking hell, they've been fucking up pretty hardcore the past few years.

>some cards like the 7870 getting rebranded 3 times
>the entire 300 series is basically a rebrand apart from the 380
>the 380 is actually slower than the 280
>fury x is fucking terrible, outperformed 9 out of 10 games by the 980ti.
>the 4gb vram on fury cards is super fast, and makes up for a lot of shortcomings, but sadly it still chokes up causing frametime spikes and occasional stuttering in vram heavy games
>dx11 performance is completely gimped by their shitty drivers that they even acknowledged.... yet nothing came out of it
>in connection, you need a much better cpu in general to prevent games from being cpu bound thanks to amd's horrible drivers

but yes, amd is finally getting their shit together. The long game they played with gcn is finally starting to pay off with dx12, and polaris actually looks decent.

but still, wasting 3 years and a lot of their market presence for this shit was a bad move. An nvidia controlled market would just destroy pc gaming.


I read that in an Indian accent.

>Bloated toolset that you are forced to use
>Shitty drivers
Both have their downsides, but I'll take the card that has driver updates thanks.

>>Shitty drivers

How does India even exist? They look like white people but they have black skin and to top it all off their continent is in Asia, a place devoid of white and black people. It's surreal.


thank you based pajeet

Thank you based Poojeet for saving us.

>They look like white people but they have black skin
what? no they don't.

>forced to use

why even bother with this fucking board user

Sanjay why you no save me from house fire?

Peeceejeet, my son, time has come for you to play gam on computar

Will you play gam on enveedia card for framerate and drives?

Or will you use gam with adm and have heat with savings?

Evolution paizano

India is a hyper-hostile climate for humans to live in, so the natives that live there are suited to it. They count as their own race because no other region in their continent has conditions as shitty as them.

You know drivers don't magically increase performance, they are basically bug fixes.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>RX 480X
Just doesn't roll off the tongue well.





ah yes, the same man who runs the company that released the fx 9590 at 900$, then dropped it down to ~$200 because their product wasn't able to compete? you mean the same company that's rebadged and rebranded the same gpus for about half a decade?

fuck off

No, not the same man. Inform yourself, fuckhead.

I need an upgrade for 1440p but already have a 970, the RX 480 is going to be 980 tier performance, which the 970 can OC too so it's a side grade. Going with Nvidia again, sorry Sanjeet.

I know that lisa's ceo, and pajeet doesn't actually run the company; the point still stands, though - amd isn't some sort of angelic company just because they're the underdog, they've fucked up as much as their competitors have

>tfw bulldozer was supposed be the server CPU king but turned out so bad that it caused AMD to drop out of the server market completely

Yes because you just Googled it. Well done. Now try doing that before you post something you know nothing about.

If that wasn't moving goalposts, I don't know what is

no, and even if I had, it still wouldn't make what I said about amd as a company untrue

>leaves amd at the top of his game
>amd goes to shit
>heads apple tech division
>makes apple great again
>returns to amd
>singlehandedly blows Nvidia the fuck out

How can white men even compete?

>can't even shit in a toilet
what happened user?

Are you talking about Keller or Raja? It's funny how Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums, hates Apple yet loves it when other companies poach their employees.

too bad they also randomly basically dont work on some games

Jim Keller did not work on radeon hardware, he's a CPU designer. Even with him they fucked up Zen, it got delayed again till 2017.

AMD is such a fuckup company that they would have gone out of business years ago if it wasn't for the fact that Intel is going easy on them because Intel doesn't want to become a monopoly and have the government smash them into a bunch of pieces.

>amd ahead of nvidia
AMD has been riding nvidia coattails for 5 years now.

Raj you turbocuck

Poo on nvidia, based Pajeet.

you can't read

>Diversity matters in the GPU industry.
Fucking idiot.
Its fucking math, racial paradigms matter zero percent.
>But asians and indians are good at math!
Yeah and Nash invented game theory, what the fuck is your point.

>tfw based Raja will never give your wife multiple orgasms


Every time.

I skimmed it if I'm honest.
Still, AMD sucks dick.

Lisa is not Chinese, you stupid fuck.

Summit Ridge has never been delayed ever. Lisa made it clear that Zen would see its first full year of revenue in 2017, and that parts would be available end of 2016. She restated this again at Computex, going even further to say that everything was right on track.
One site, Digitimes, took this and spun it around, directly contradicting Su, claiming that consumer Summit Ridge was going to be delayed. All the typical echo chamber clickbait sites picked up the article and ran with it without ever fact checking.

This is why sites like HardOCP keep getting black listed by AMD. They're sick of this petty shit dominating the media.


i hope the temps are good

my 290 broke down cause it ended up getting too hot


I hope the RX 480 turns out great.

>officially the Republic of China
Dude she was born in Taiwan to Taiwanese parents. How is she not Chinese?

> what is rebranding?

Taiwan is a separate political entity from mainland China or Hong Kong. They have different politics, different culture, and entirely different standards of manufacturing and workers rights.

You might as well call Canadians American since they're on the North American continent.

Whatever you want to call it, I want to see more of the line up and them independent benchmarks before I pull that buy trigger. AMD is slowpoking king

lmao wtf?

Just noticed that LMAO

>Sup Forums getting into a geopolitical argument on the status of Taiwan when most countries don't even want to touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Both ROC and PROC considers themselves to be real China, people from ROC are ethnicity Chinese.

She is ethnically Han Chinese.

There is no such a thing as Taiwaness. Taiwan isn't even in the UN

chinky mainlander please go.

Taiwan is a sovereign independent country. They are not a property of China.
>even bothering to mention the laughing stock that is the UN like it matters

Saved me by giving me a card that's not even better than a 390? Fuck outta here.

>Taiwan is a separate political entity from mainland China or Hong Kong.
But not ethnically. Taiwan is just the part of China that didn't become communist.

>I have same kind of earlobes as indian people

What does this mean?

>DROPPED his own card

Is that Indian Todd howard?

>smaller than a phablet
>has a Skylake i7 4 core 8 threads
>integrated Iris Pro 850 with 72 execution units and 128 MB of eDRAM L4 cache (Can run Phantom Pain at 30 fps on 1080p and older games like Tomb Raider 2013 even better)
>uses DDR4
>has Thunderbolt 3 so you can plug in a GeForce 1080 in an external enclosure literally for the full power of a whole sized desktop

How can AMD even compete with Intel? Holy shit.

>They are not a property of China.
But they ARE China. Bot the ROC and PRC claim to be the real China. Pretty much everyone in Taiwan identifies as Chinese, the only Taiwanese who aren't ethnically Han Chinese are the aboriginals and the non Chinese immigrants.


See the resemblance ?
Only difference between the pajeet running the red ship and the green ship is one have brains and other does not.

2bh a lot of taiwan people technically have a lot of admixture from the indigenous Taiwan people (han chinese weren't originally native ot the island)

Uh, no

It's an american company ran by a Taiwanese guy, not seeing where India comes into this.

The entire tech sector is filled with Indians. Nvidia is no exception. Neither is intel for that matter, they just fired 12,000 American workers to be replaced with H1B Indians for less money.

3X THE PERFORMANCE comparative benchmarks only on VR.

Please do the needful and buy an AMD GPU. You can trust me because I am just an ordinary Indian dalit who is excited about the affordable price of the RX 480.

But it's not out yet. 1070 and 1080 on the other hand...

Other than their literally shit culture.
What is wrong with Indians?

their skin color is yucky

>shit culture
what did u actually mean?

They go after our white women and that makes my peepee feel bad.

They smell and their language is fucking annoying.

And all they care about is fucking samosas.

Man, I'm glad my preorder for the FTW on EVGA's site went through.

You can't just excuse their culture and ask what else is wrong. India is literally shit. Literally. Their entire existence revolves around designated shitting streets and toilet witches.

Don't believe me?


But samosas are yummy! Food is really the highlight of any culture for me. Indian-US food is delicious, although I've never been to India so no idea how authentic it is


They think they're superior for discovering something that was already to the rest of the world. Also, they steal and are uncreative.


Discussing it will get b& but they're much more perverted, not self aware and third only to chinese and greeks on cleanliness and hygiene. When religion is involved their moral compass is corrupt, but they at least have more empathy than blacks and chinese.

When did that happen?


problem with indians is that they're cheap. they offer similar services in IT for a small share of the price of US counterparts and therefore underbid US contractors and employees, swarming IT sector. They're so cheap and there are so many of them big IT companies open separate courses in indian universities to draft young blood.