he doesn't main Gasgano

> he doesn't main Gasgano

Other urls found in this thread:


>He doesn't main Aldar Beedo

> Gasgano
> not Elen Mak

> playing a banana
> ever

>Not maining Mars Guo
what is wrong with you?

Ben Quadinaros or bust baby.

you beat his track right?

I did.

Mars Guo
Dem asterisk engines.

>not maining slide paramita

I remember this game starting off extremely easy but around the 3 or 4 circuit the difficulty immedialy ramps up to near impossible
> you have to keep up max speed or others will pass you over
> hairpin turns everywhere
> max speed + hairpin turns fuck you up faster then you can react half the time

Bozzie is literally Pepe.

shilling my run


In my experience is that at one point you need to learn when to slow down to make curve and re-accelerate. (Just like the first corner on Abyss) That's why people fall, they just press the the accelerator and don't break enough to make the turn.

Why the fuck don't they remake this ?
They remake everything else , and the yearly forza
Why not Forza : Pod racer edition ?


Because Disney

>podracing is dead forever
Why is this allowed?

>Une meme course

I knew Sup Forums had bad taste but this is a new low

>pick mars guo
>accelerate at a million kph and crash into a wall and die in a glorious fireball



Why have I never seen this version of Boonta Eve before?

How was Racer Revenge?

>actually passing through the sandcrawler

A real pod racer here..

Neva kee is best racer

Pretty good. It's slower with shorter and less interesting tracks but it's solid.

its the very last track in the career mode, based on the track they run in the movie itself

if you never completed the game before that'd be why

I got as far as unlocking the last set of career levels, might go back and see if I've still got my saves

Cheers bro