How does your mom feel about your obsession with video games?

How does your mom feel about your obsession with video games?

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Doubt she gives a shit since I've been addicted since elementary.

she reminds me every day she's dissapointed in me

The first problem is that she sees you every day.

She blames it on autism

I'm more worried about her obsession with my dick

Anyone have that video from /jp/ or whatever of the airforce guy with all the weeaboo shit in his room and it's inspection day.

I have a full time job and a solid past work history. They don't give a shit what I do in my spare time as long as I contribute to society and don't actively hamper it.

Upvoted. Saw this epic pic on 9gag just a sec ago XD

And we all know what that's called.

Penis envy.

Nevermind I found it:

She died 4 years ago

i think this actually appear more on facebook and twitter

She got me into video games and has beaten more final fantasies than I have. Also has beaten all of the heroes of might and magic campaign modes, whereas I could barely scrape by the easy scenerios, but she never made me feel bad about it. Also we went through phantasy star 2-4, final fantasy vii and suikoden together and always named(in the games you could rename) characters after my sister and I

She's proud of me and asks me for recommendations.

>tfw gamer mum taught me how to play Master System when I was 3

she tolerates it

>Also I said this in comments like a year ago but the creepier thing they were looking for was my loli onahole. They had found it in a previous unannounced inspection like a month before this.

And named the protagonist mom

I think she would more concerned about me buying dildos than anything else.

That last part is really sweet user. She probably imagined them as being you two on a big adventure.

Or maybe she was just wishing you were different people and hoping one day you'd change. Either that or the first one.

She's glad I exist, because without me she would most likely gave up on life. I haven't worked a single day in my life and she doesn't want me to, she wants me to pursue my dreams.

Which involves video games.

She keeps an eye out for Amiibos when she goes to different stores.

She doesn't understand it, but I love her none the less.

Who /failure/ here?

I'm a wageslave but I will never give her grandchildren or even a daughter in law.

she's happy enough that I go to college, have a part time job and do chores

As long as she gets a grandkid she won't mind.

Well, a decent amount of the characters she'd name after me ended up dying in game, not sure what to make of that...

it would be so satisfying to set fire to this room

Right here
Barely making it every day and have no motivation to seek more education. It's ok, I just have to cry once a month to keep going.

>Younger brother in university, almost graduating
>Another just graduated from high school, about to do the same
>And here I am, 23, trying to find a job that's KFC-tier while living with my parents

Im in this uncomfortable middle ground between failure and actually being a productive member of society

My mom played games with me. Her favorites were Link to the Past, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, and the Breath of Fire & Lufia series.

You could always join the military. That's what I did, user. Now everyone always talks about how great a thing I did. I went from the fuck up to having pictures of me all over the place in uniforms looking important and shit.

My mom has outright told me I'm her favorite child, so I guess I must be doing something right despite being an abject failure of a person.

My mom hates video games and always told me they'd make me a loser. She was right but I have no regrets.

>spongebob images have been ruined by facebook and reddit

My mom is desperate for me to give her grandchildren. She brings it up every time I talk to her.

>"So user, do you have a girlfriend? It's okay I won't tell anyone if you do. We can keep it a secret."

She even tried to set me up on a blind date with the cousin of one of her co-workers.

I'm working up there
i want to move some where cold

I've considered the Air Force a few times, yeah. I'm not too out of shape to go in but I'm intimidated about leaving my carefree lifestyle behind. I like it despite the occasional depressing realization.

Thank god my mom is not pressuring into marriage
Looks like she learned her mistakes.

>user don't get married, ever
>Travel and study

I've been thinking of doing this myself actually. How is boot camp? What kind of training should I do before hand to prepare? Also what branch of the military did you join?

Funny thing is my mom heard of Chris Chan before me because my uncle sent her a video back in 2007, ever since then she told me not to end up like him and she will be happy.

>Too depressed to graduate college
>Just play vidya all day
>get job as card dealer for casino, don't have to be too social because nightshift
>it pays enough I can live in my own apartment

dang why did I bother going to college. Oh ya because I wanted to make vidya.

>She even tried to set me up on a blind date with the cousin of one of her co-workers.
Well, why not? Is she ugly?

I don't really look at anyone from the military in any other way.
Once you sign on the dotted line...

probably a better opinion than I have. I honestly hate video games now. The only reason I still play them is as a distraction from my life

Mine died 18 years ago, well before I got into video games.

I feel so envious toward all of you who still have parents in your lives.

Both of my parents are supportive of my hobbies. My dad buys me vidya and figures while my mom urges me to socialize through vidya more.

>dirtbike helmets
Certified normie

Anyway I'm not obsessed with video games. My mom and I are actually very similar, but since she's a woman she got enough attention to get married and amass friends.

I joined the Marines in the late 2000s.

Boot camp is shit but it's a few months and then you literally never have to think about it again and no one will ever mention it. Nobody that actually serves or did serve ever thinks about boot camp. It's just a few months. Not even that depending on what branch you go in.

Just run and do some basic core shit. You're going to get sick as fuck while you're there and it isn't that hard unless you're really fat. I was like 110 pounds when I went in.

I have no idea what she looks like. My mom said she was really cute. And I don't want a gf right now.

I guess you don't know what you have until its gone.

>tfw you've done nothing but fuck up for the last five years but your mom still loves you anyway

My room has 0 decoration.

Copypasting this one.

>mom told me she wants grandchildren
>I'm a kissless handholdless virgin
>mom knows this since she said I can bring a girl home whenever I want but I haven't done so
>she clings on to the nonexistent chance that this will all suddenly change and I'll get a gf, get married, and start a family in the future

Are any of you going through something like this too?

I went to school to learn animation but realized that there's no 2D studios anywhere on the east coast after five years of study and 45k worth of debt.

Now I work at Walmart, literally can't afford to live anywhere but with my parents, and post frogs on the internet, but I wouldn't be the first fucking moron to ruin his life for an art "degree" and I won't be the last.

What about grandkids?

get in shape then fag.
Not him but join the navy if you wanna join at all bootcamps super easy and short. Learn your 11 general orders and rank. Just do running, pushups and situps. Six inches that kind of thing. Buy those insanity tapes and do that.

All you people thinking about military.

Air Force is the 'easiest' branch when it comes to physical stuff. BMT (Basic military training) is also easy as fuck. The culture is also very different, if you go into nerd branches like intel and comm there will be a lot of weebs.

Note, with the draw downs, you cannot pick your job. You list jobs you qualify for that you want, and the first one to become available that is on your list is given to you.

Army is the easiest branch to get the exact job you want.

I went from a 21 year old failure NEET to having several family members asking to come to my BMT graduation and people so proud of me and all that bullshit.

My mom believed the same until she confronted me and I told her how much I hate women.

Why not move ¿

or maybe you actually know what you have when you have it? I love my mom but she can be a very toxic person sometimes. That user didnt have a mother so all he can do is fantisize how good she would be.

>those tiny hats on girls
I really wish those were still in style

Is spongbob's mom a meme now?

There were so many weebs and even bronies at my unit when I was active in the Marines, too.

A lot of NEETs and loser types join after their options run out or their parents get tired of them.

>tfw my mother thought I was gay for the longest time because I'm just so disinterested in women
Two relationships were enough for me to never want another

>she calls me every day to tell me how dissapointed in me she is

Fuck, look at these dudes.
Literally playing real life vidya in the fucking military.

I'd do that.

>spongebob images were always bad but good indicators of underaged b&

She seems awfully proud of me despite me being a slacker and permavirgin. I haven't done a damn thing all day. I guess she feels about me the same way I feel about our dogs. They piss and shit on my carpet. I just casually clean it up.

My moms a neet too so she isn't one to talk
Not that I would since I'm the "good child"

Lol I did the same thing.
Now I just draw porn and earn 80k a year.


That's the plan but I can't afford to save any money until I get a second (probably equally shitty) job.

Also I gotta fix my portfolio because it's dogshit and I'm a fucking terrible artist on top of all that.

They also hate their job, and the Air Force has to literally given them ridiculous bonuses just so they can stay in.

Those guys want to be pilots, not sitting in a fucking trailer.

Marines really? There are a bunch of fucking nerds in the navy.

Just go gay.

>Got in a car accident last week
>no worse for wear then blooded and bruised

Someone just end me

>you will never pander to furshits and make 80k a year
how does one learn to draw

Patreon/commissions/merchandise and it got me a job with a game company.

Ok cool thanks for the advice. It's nice to know people who were in a similar position to mine now were able to succeed. Makes me feel more motivated than I have in a long time.


I'm a minimum wage slave but I pay rent and have a GF so my mom doesn't mind too much

Also, jobs that pay decently without a degree? I only make like $11/hour in the midwest, not enough to live alone


Yeah, it isn't that uncommon. Every unit has them. They're not the majority but they're there.

A lot of them are fucking retarded and make shitty Marines, but hey who am I to talk, I wasn't that great a Marine either.

>Not navy
I been in for 6 years now as corpsman.

If you are in shape/smart really one of the best services for advancement and skills

Can you at least name the company? I'm stupidly curious now.

>it's a Mom thread

Are those Army warrant officers?

I didn't even open the image, I just assumed.

As long as you don't hate boats.

bumping because I'm also interested in not becoming homeless when my parents die

im gay so whatever

>visit female relative(s)
>"You're so handsome user I bet women are all over you"

Its a small mobile game company.
Its not much but its something.

I'm envious of your mother

The fuck is this?


says it right in the file name

No, my mom is currently focusing on my brother, whom she's not aware (or in extreme denial) is gay.

Yeah, until I open my fucking mouth.