Name a worse bossfight

Name a worse bossfight.

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i like 4 kings

Bed of Chaos

>nutted but shes still suckin

Literally the most easiest and anti-climatic boss ever

Easy: Bed of Chaos.
>le artificial difficulty non-boss, boss

Actually Dark Souls has the largest of collection of poorly designed boss fights, yet Sup Forums still claims its the pinnacle of gaming. Which really just goes to show Sup Forums is nothing but hypocritical fanboys butting heads with each other.

I unironically enjoyed four kangz, and consider it to be the best bossfight post-O&S, not including dlc or gwyn.

4 Kings isn't a bad boss fight. Maybe you just need to git gud at DPS races.

Bed of Chaos
Demon of Song
Dragon God
Ancient Wyvern (DaS3)
Luna Gargoyles
Tseldora Boss in DaS2
Deacons of the Deep

>DPS races
>not complete shit design that amounts to spamming the attack button to win

Bed of Chaos
Fighting Ceaseless Discharge without cheesing him

At least Bed of Gimmicks has some consistency with its retarded attacks. I swear the damage 4 kangs sword swings do are random, not to mention its complete bullshit AoE and grab attack.

If you're just sitting there tanking all the attacks and spamming attack, you're just choosing to be a shitter.

I've beat 4 kings many times with the same dodge and attack strategy that I've used on all the other bosses, and it works well.

If you find that you aren't doing enough damage when you take the time to roll through their attacks, maybe you just need to upgrade your damn weapon before you go fight them.

Bed Of Chaos
Asylum Demon
Asylum Demon Red Version
Centipede Demon
Fire guy on the ruins that dies with one hit
Taurus Demon
Deacons of the Deep
Darkbeast Paarl
Rat bosses from DS2
Flexile Sentry
Ancient Wywern
Covetous Demon ( I don't think there is a single good demon bossfight in the Soulsborne series)
Blood Starved Beast
That meme flying storm fish from DeS
Literally shit boss from DeS

>Ancient Wywern
I never understand why people hate this. Its like Dragon God or Bed of Chaos done right.

These guys and the entire ghost portion of New Londo Ruins become crazy bullshit on NG++ and further.

this tbqh senpai

It's poorly designed, but hardly the worst in the Souls series. Better than at least half of DS2's bosses.


I don't know why they put that in Bloodborne all other bosses are miles better than
''Bloodstarved Beast the Electrical Version''
It's just such a shit and easy boss compared to the other bosses in the game.

I thought the abyss was supposed to make you hella swole.

ey what was wrong with the penetrator m8 fite me

There's this thing in the FROM development ward that says

nailed it

so shit i would have forgotten him if you didn't mention it

Because Dragon God/BoC done right is still a shit boss fight.

Theres a fucking boss called penetrator?
t.never played DeS
Jesus fuck thats a horrible name for a boss.

Why does everybody hate penetrator, what the heck
He was like the first actual 1v1 regular knight boss fight in a souls game.
He was pretty rad, imo.

>Storm King
Take those off and I agree.

I haven't played DeS just thought the name is horrible. Not sure why that guy thinks that way

>Deacons of the Deep
>Darkbeast Paarl
>Blood Starved Beast
t.shit taste

There's also a location in DeS called "Valley Of Defilement"

I'd Defile that Valley.

>an entire trilogy peakes the second the this fight starts

fuck you, fighting the spider is fun


Are you fucking retarded? I didn't say they were particularly bad just worse than Four Kings which is a pretty good fight.

You guys don't what shit is.

>run to one side

woow so hard

Dragon God was harder

The Last Giant
Skeleton Lords
Belfry Gargoyles
Rat Vanguard & Authority
Mytha the Baneful Queen
Old Dragonslayer
Covetous Demon
Old Iron King
Guardian Dragon
Dragonrider & Dragonriderx2
Prowling Magus
Giant Lord
Ancient Dragon
Throne Watcher & Defender

Can't believe I forgot the Ganksquad.

Yeah that's the fucking problem

Fable 2's final boss.
Jasper Batt Jr.

They didn't care.

I actually like DMC 2 so seeing this makes me laugh

But yeah, this boss makes no damn sense either

They're stylish tho

>IT'S NO U--
>IT'S NO U--

>dude DS2 is bad lmao XD
now fuck off, we got your shit opinion

I think he means "that one room with nine guys that has a health bar for some reason"

I like it too, actually.

But man, that fight is bad. The bosses that you can actually use your sword on are ok though. Despair Embodied was great.

Just stating facts m8. Or are trying to suggest those bosses are good?

It is compared to the other games.

literally not even the worst boss fight in their own game

>more memes
ds2 was great, sorry you have a meme shit taste kids

The boss wouldn't be all that bad if it didn't have that impossible to dodge homing missile. You have no choice but to tank it if you want to keep up DPS.

However my guess for why the boss is designed that way is because they didn't want really low SL characters getting into the darkwraiths which is somewhat understandable.

Especially if you've fought him multiple times and just reply that fight.

It becomes Dante vs. Vergil levels of crazy

That's pretty easy, this boss was amazing
>that jump
>that black nothingness
>that music
>the fucking stress when they start multiplying

sorry I misread the op

City has better bosses

Did I even comment on the rest of DS2? I'm saying those bosses in particular are bad and lazily designed.

>larger than average guy/butthole face giant in armour with a sword x24
>good bosses


I can't believe no one mentioned Capra Demon yet.

>When the final boss was just trying to stop you from seeing the ending on the game

That's not fair, everything about that game is terrible.

He's a meme boss and also easy, took me 1 try on my very first run.

I still physically react angrily to anything about ME3. Stomach just drops.

Bloodstarved 2: Electric Boogaloo

I see what you did there.

>Named The 4 kings

>First play through
>get to 4 kings
>Do shit slowly, like you're supposed to
>more kings start spawning
>manage to keep up, 4th king almost dead
>more fucking kings spawn and kill me

I'd actually been trying to remember if I ever beat witcher 3 recently, with the dlc coming out recently. You just reminded me I DID beat it; I totally forgot about that faggot

Took me 15 tries. I had fun, it was a nice challenge for close combat.

Same, I actually liked ME3 but the ending pissed me off so much I never replayed it. Which is weird because I played ME2 three times before it came out, but that was during a time that I thought the choices would end up mattering.

There's a boss in Dark Souls named 'Ceaseless Discharge'.

the forgotten one in lords of shadows ultimate edition was one of the worst designed bosses I have ever fucking seen in my life.

>Game is based on combos and using your entire arsenal
>final boss negates 99% of your abilities except for your light neutral air combo and your light ground neutral combo.
>horrible hitboxes
>tons of shit mechanics like a shockwave that looks like you jump over but actually hits you even if you're hover the air above it after/before it is cast

the list goes on


>can't play souls because it's too hot in my room
fuck summer, fuck you you piece of shit the worst season ever

Were you using magic?

How does that work? Does Souls make you too sweaty or something?

oh fuckin kek. wasnt expecting that

I played ME2 at least 10 times all the way through. It's still one of my favorite games ever released.

3 had a shit load of problems, but the end is definitely and by far the biggest one.

my idle temps got like +15° worse, normally it's 30-35 on everything

I cleaned my pc like few weeks go

fuck summer

No, probably the claymore.

I know "boss fights are too gamey" is a meme but they're so shit so often that I kind of wish they didn't exist.

Well here's a free tip
Play it on 360

Something's wrong on your end if you're dealing with thermal throttling with Dark Souls. I live in Texas and even DSIII doesn't cause my shit to overheat that much. Get a better CPU cooler or buy some more case fans.


Most of them?

Four Kings is fucking great.


I thought it was fun. Kind of a throwback to when comics were whacky.

Demon of Song and Freja were great fights.

You fucks ain't seen nothing yet.

I indeed had problems with Vag Dragon and Spider Girl

>look at DaS3 bosses
>see Deacons of the Deep
>expect it to be 2 or 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 really strong Deacons
>it's actually about 1 million god damn deacons

I am so tempted to just watch the rest in youtube.
I've been at it off and on for a month.
