What do you think of Hyper light drifter ?

What do you think of Hyper light drifter ?

>special thanks to Phil Fish and Anita Sarkeesian

It's 30fps for a 2D action game.

I quit within an hour after my eyes got uncomfortable.

Seemed cool at first, got really bad framerate drops in a lot of the indoor areas because they all had green filter shit. Dropped it before I fought a single boss because I got tired of looking for the generator things or whatever the fuck they were

>Being legitimately mad that a good game mentions muh boogiemen.

Grow up kid.

>My game supports an asshole and a con artist!

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt if the game didn't have framerate problems.

Where's the Co-op?
Where's the multitude of cool enemies?
Where are all the cool weapons?
Where is the RPG element?
Why is this game only 4 hours long?
Why is this game so fucking bad?

Frame-rate really is what kills it for me.

dude shut the fuck up or stop making these thread

It was an awesome game. I even felt compelled to collect as much stuff as I can from the overworld after beating it.

the frame rate did not mesh with all the fluidity, amount of projectiles and quick movements the combat had so it made the game feel like it was harder than it actually was because you'd push dodge but it wouldn't register it as a dodge.

It had nice pixel art but the dungeons were shit, the music was pretty average and the story was basically make it up yourself.

>2D game at 30fps

i was really looking forward to this game until i found out it was pathetic trash.

Arekusa Mahone is a loli hentai artist that advertised Hyper Light Drifter in one of his loli manga called GirlS Aloud! Vol. 4

Or maybe it was volume 3 I forget

This. I'm not sure why people thought sub-60 was okay for this kind of game.

>pretentious indie lttp tryhard copying garbage ripping its ending straight from the witness

What's extra stupid is that it's also faster than the average 60 fps 2D game.

I dunno. It came out around the same time as Enter the Gungeon, so I decided to buy that instead.

>story was basically make it up yourself.
That's a plus.

Should have never released. I had more fun imagining myself playing it than actually playing it.

Wasted Potential:the game

Combat is fun but thats really it. The graphics are okay, but I dont like the color in most zones, the pixel shit and then the no talking 2 deep 4 u bullshit is crap

Waiting the Vita port.

it was mechanically solid and the dash in particular was a very well-done mechanic. the bosses are mostly good, especially the ones in the desert

the zelda shit/exploration was badly handled. the game seemed overscoped as fuck and would have been better if it was planned as a more linear action game with a handful of worthwhile secrets, like megaman X. no one should be forced to collect tokens for palette swaps and "plot rewards"

the art is good. the storytelling can't be taken seriously. the music varies between great and pointless.

it's about a 7/10, i don't regret my time with because it didn't ask for much, but i wish it was a better game and i think with better planning it would have been an 8.5-9

30fps is a meme and i don't know why anyone gives a shit about that

Sure, if you're 13 and the concept is novel to you. Otherwise it's just a really convenient excuse not to put any effort into the storytelling.

Coop is in beta, but all the others are completely valid.

Are people in this thread autistic? I never even noticed the framerate.

major disappointment for the funds they recieved.

secrets are a focus of the game but the devs could only think of 3 ways to hide them
a ledge that looks like it might go somewhere, a hidden path in the trees, or literally invisible platforms which might as well not be invisible since the game tells you theyre there

their idea of exploration is large empty areas with ledges to boost onto if you want a secret

combat is alright but its more style than substance. the bosses are a disappointment.

missing a bunch of stretchgoal content that it desperately needs since the game is like 3 hours long of not so hot gameplay as it is

tldr the game thinks im stupid which i must be since i kickstarted it. Like I really cant get over how little there actually is. probably fucked themselves over porting it to consoles.

it really feels like sort of an amateur game maker game. knowing some gamemaker myself i am entirely confident I could have made this game in less time than they took.

Yeah, I know what you mean user. Some people are just so entitled that they need to complain about anything they can and call it "standards."

>major disappointment for the funds they received.

You could definitely argue they possibly mismanaged funds or fell short of expectations etc. etc. given how some of the stretch goal features (and some normal ones I think) still haven't been delivered on, but it's not really their fault they got so much funding compared to what they asked for.

That's something that kind of annoys me about discussion around Kickstarter games barring extreme examples where shady shit was going down.

"They had so much money!" doesn't really mean they can deliver the game any faster or more complete than they were already going to if they had only received the bare minimum. They could certainly hire more people to help out but generally speaking the amount of money involved isn't going to magically make the thing they're making better.

Overall I agree with what you're saying, though I think I liked the combat a little more. The exploration/secrets stuff is also a fucking chore, cause a good number of them are straight up just hidden inside fake walls so you spend every screen running around the perimeter to avoid missing one.

Glad I refunded this piece of shit, I was so hyped for it too. Fuck.

the combat is decent, I just felt that most of the fun I got from it was watching the animations and effects rather than the actions I was doing

Maybe I'm just retarded but I didn't learn any story, didn't know where I was going or doing most of the time and it felt so short. Like nigga this is what we waited for so long? Lots of "how the fuck do I get here and turn on a switch" x 100

I pirated it but couldn't be arsed to try.