Injustice 2

Dr. Fate and Captain Cold confirmed for Injustice 2.

I can't make out the symbol at the top center and the one at the top right. Maybe you guys can figure it out.

Other urls found in this thread:

Closer look at the shirt.

Harley Quinn
Cap Cold
Wonder Woman

What is the book and two helmets though? I assume one is dr fate

Bottom left is definitely Fate. Top middle may be Orion.

>Harley Quinn
>Dr Fate
>Cpt Cold
>Green Lantern

>Dr. Fate, Atrocitus, Gorilla Grodd and Captain Cold already confirmed

Starting off so well

Top Center might be Orion, because it looks a bit like his helmet, could also be Batman's Cowl, top right is either Wondy's Shield or since it looks like an eye, maybe Cyborg or Catwoman related.

It could also be OMAC.

The hairblower pistol might be Blue Beetle instead of Captain cold.

Doubt it's the Bat Cowl.
The announcement trailer shows the blueprint with pointed ears and a somewhat different shape.

where's the prankster?

Or Adam Strange.

>Joker still dead so far and not center stage like in Injustice 1

Good riddance. He was a really damn odd fit the first time around.

I wish.
Seriously, if blue beetle and booster were in this game, I'd actually get it.

but we all know that won't be the case.

it's confirmed to be Captain Cold's in the announcement trailer.

Blue and Gold came back in Rebirth and are supposedly on the DC Cinematic pipeline, so they might be getting a push.

For future reference add :orig to the end of a picture from twitter so that you can get a larger view of it

Orion would be awesome

What are Dr. Fate's abilities, exactly?

He's like Doc Strange but with YuGiOh powers.

>tfw Rebirth sold amazing well partially due to Watchmen so we might have a chance for themed DLC
>Rorschach in Injustice 2


Dr strange. But more flashy

>Rorschach in Injustice 2
Add Question in Injustice 2 and you have an excuse for the Rorschac costume.

I will only accept Question if they get Jeffrey Combs back to do the voice. Anyone else will be shit.

Black Manta when?

Only if they give him a sea horse.

>it's another street level vigilante that controls like Batgirl/Nightwing/Harley/every Batcharacter on the roster episode

I'm not a joyless Moorefaggot who'd be opposed to Watchmen characters in the game, unlike the rest of Sup Forums, but they better have interesting movesets/playstyles that separate them from the characters you just know they'd be clones of.

Hopefully Wonder Woman and Supergirl are actually hot. Boon and co seem to have gotten better at modeling in 10 so hopefully they don't cock it up.

the only ones i could see them adding to the roster are rorschach, comedian and manhattan. nobody gives a shit about silk spectre, ozymandias would be cool but he's not exactly super popular, and why put nite owl in when you could just get blue beetle?

Wasn't there a voice actress supposedly doing some studio recordings for an upcoming game (likely to be Injustice 2) with a role as Black Canary?

Just throw the Charlton heroes and you have The Watchmen, now Moore can't say shit because he couldn't use them for Watchmen and had to make donut steels.

That's got to be Big Barda and Brother Eye

I can't hate Boon even though he oversees a dumb alternate universe where every DC hero takes a turn being a violent dickhead.


I'm hype, but it sucks knowing your NR game will be dead in a few months and you'll have to go back to other fighters to find matches.

who's the hammer?

What are the chances of Hercules and Hermes getting in? about 70% I'd say?


Do you think they'll have an MK guest character after everyone got all pissy over Scorpion?

oh, makes sense I guess, never really associated her with her weapon

Which one of these ladies will you be maining?

>pissy over Scorpion?
That was pretty dumb.


Big Barda is big

None of them, female superheros are trash.

I don't see anything referring to captain cold in the announce trailer

Fucking Batman

how can you not like Big Barda?

I hope not. That's why I'd rather have a Watchmen character for DLC instead of that faggot; if they want an edgy, grimdark character, at least go with one DC actually owns.

Yeah, Sub-Zero.

WB owns NetherRealm

I hope Cold has something that involves the rest of the rogues

I don't think so. The shirt is folded up. I still think it's Batman

For the same reason I hate almost every other comic book character.

She's a traitor. Poor Mr Miracle.


Because other comic book characters are not Big Barda?

>encases stage in ice
>summons mirror master

not vague enough for you?

And DC owns Vertigo now, but I don't think anyone is seriously expecting or hoping Bigby Wolf shows up on the roster (kickass as that would be).

Scorpion was only added because he's Boon's pet character.

No Alfred, no buy.

might as well ask for Finn and Jake



epic meme

That is terrible.





That's not a Green Lantern. it's the Red Lantern, it's for Atrocitus

Whor, you mean.

isn't that Harley's hammer

Thor is a name, not a title you idiot

Tell that to Marvel.

its not in game

Egyptian magic and also some stuff with the Lords of Chaos and Order.

its both

I know.

Aquaman's Trident
Batman's Cowl
Wonder Woman's Shield (eagle in the middle gives it away)
Superman's House of El shield
Flash's Boots
Harley's Hammer
Doctor Fate's Helmet
Captain Cold's Gun
Atrocitus's Red Lantern

It's Ed boon so absolutley

Oh boy, time to do this again.

Post your hopes.


That this thread will be deleted and you faggots will go back to Sup Forums






Plastic Man

Are we ever getting Doctor Manhattan anywhere?

Being a fan of watchmen is suffering.

Uh, am I missing something?

I didn't think that Sup Forums even really liked Injustice 1 very much, and while the story mode was satisfyingly long, it just seemed like another goofy Mortal Kombat clone.

... did it get patched and become good or something? What gives?

Dogwelder, Bueno Excelente, Hitman, Super Doomsday and Open-Window Man.

everyone here loved the comic dump of injustice

we had threads about that part where alfred kicked the shit out of supes

the comic mightve had shitty artists but boy that scene was a fun experience

who gives a shit what Sup Forums thinks

>Im gonna be king of the pirates!

These are just faggots from Sup Forums

100% the press O special trait per hero thing has been replaced by the exoskeleton shit

Harley's in, so my hopes have been pleasantly met.

It was fun. No it wasn't particularly good, but the story was fun for one playthrough and there was some other interesting single player content
I don't expect 2 to be good with the whole customization thing but it'll be interesting to see who they add and who gets dropped

what games are good to you

>Plastic Man
>Saint Walker or Kyle even if Kyle is fucking dead.
>Either the Ted Kord or Jaime Blue Beetle.
>Black Manta
>Some Section 8 character like Six Pack or Dog Wielder.
>Brave and the Bold Aquaman Skin and Voicepack

Maybe one of these.

or atrocitus

Injustice is really better than modern MK so sounds good, would be cool if they just made a flat out horror movie fighter instead of all the dlcs

Etrigan never gets enough love, he's one of my favourites from DC.

fuck off

I just want Multiversity skins.
Sunshine Superman, Overman, Capitan Adam, Justice Lords, Futures End Clark with beard, T-shirt, jeans+work boots, and cape.