So why did Nintendo choose Bayonetta as the final Smash DLC?

So why did Nintendo choose Bayonetta as the final Smash DLC?

To say "fuck you" to SJWs and because samurai was giving closet blowjobs to heydicky comeha

Because they didn't have to negotiate rights with anyone else. They said as much.

>Bayonetta's Smash poster is dynamic and has a lot going on
>Cloud's is generic as fuck.

It had everything lined up for it
>Ninty didn't need to do much for the rights
>pretty goddamn popular in the polls
>even better standing when you take out literal autism like shrek and goku

They really should release the Smash promo art as posters. I would buy the fuck out of the bayonetta one.


Beehive>Short Hair.


you do realize King K. Rool and Isaac are still in the pipe line, right?

Keep Dreaming.

They released 6 of them, you can get them for about $80 on ebay.

can she do her breakdance with heel-guns blazing move in Smash? Never seen her in action.

Because she's best waifu.

> bayo 2 never for ps4

O well

no, but she does it as one of her victory poses.

Because ___ wasn't receiving enough votes in the ballot.

People are still salty about that?

> o well = salty

I just genuinely enjoyed the first on ps3

That was the worst version.

PS release when?

still enjoyed it

It was quite literally the best choice for them

You think Bayonetta Bullys Pit?

>easy-to-ask franchise; all files ready to port as well
>bonus advertising points for recent series Nintendo pretty much owns now
>probably had a fair amount of votes, whether or not beaten by dozens to hundreds of talked-about choices
>was "crazier" than B-rate Ninty sidekicks, but less troublesome than 3rd-parties or competitor-franchises

It was the closest knockout choice for their intentions. Closest thing we'll get to Dante in Smash, so she's cool IMO.